My comment was directed at those who refuse to acknowledge the element fetishes play in everyone's sexuality. Everyone has a fetish that another person would consider depraved, whether they admit to it or not..
that statement is technically correct, but I think it doesn't follow through in it's logic. that is dismissing the concept that there exists harmful consequences to ANY action, based simply on the fact that there are some actions that do not. I guess you can call it the reverse boy who cries wolf.
there are people who think that having sex before marriage is depraved. there are people that think throwing puppies into a wood-chipper for kicks is depraved. and there are people that think showing an image of Mohamed is depraved.
All of these are legitimate viewpoints, because morality itself is subjective, but it isn't all that there is. Those things are not all the same, because some of them are simply opinions about personal taste, and some of them are things that are actually destructive and harmful to others. the only thing worse than pretending that they are all the same, would be to pretend that none of them are depraved at all.
You say that people should be responsible for what they do. But how do you define responsibility?
Is it accepting the consequences of actions, most especially your own? That goes back to what I am saying.
Or is it acknowledging and realizing the circumstances and situations that contributed to an action? People are the total sum of their experiences. everything that you do effects your experience, and everything that you experience effects what you do.
There are people that "make their own choices" independent from either one of these criterias. They are the most irresponsible people of all. they are psychopaths. They don't accept or conceptualize any consequence to their actions, there actions are divorced from results, and they are not based on any experience or perceivable reasoning, if you ask them why they do what they do they would tell you " I don't know." Those are the people that are depraved.
I hope that you can see the point of all this, that it is important to understand the reasons behind things, that it is just as important as understanding the results.
you say that "if people really cared about the mental health of porn stars... then they wouldn't watch porn." So right there you are acknowledging that porn is connected in some way to bad mental health, contradicting what you said earlier.
I'll be frank, and I'm sorry if it's harsh.. but the most basic and true response to trauma and abuse by people is denial, and that is what most convinces me that many of the things you are defending or dismissing are abusive.
I don't mean to single you out here with this long response, it's just that this is a continued conversation from ones we've been having in other threads.