There you go, being a douche again. Whether it's calling someone's worthy cause "poor taste" or attempting to belittle someone for only having X number of posts, you are only succeeding in displaying what a tool you are. Congratulations. Mom and Dad must be do proud. :hatsoff:
You though? Your damn right I belittled your post and your post count. I dont know you, you dont know me, you dont know anyone on this board yet and I dont have to respect what you say or even acknowledge it. I dont even know if youll be on this board in a month. So unlike many other members of the board whose opinion I do respect, when I do come to respect you as a fellow member, Ill acknowledge any challenge you make.
Okay, it's time for both of you to put the big guns away. Nobody wins these arguments. I say this with the utmost respect for both of you: you're both being douches. We're on a
porn message board and you're arguing like school children. Even if you do hypothetically win the argument, is that really an accomplishment?
I do, however, agree with DOA. The cause is a great idea on doubt about it. Anything that raises money for breast cancer is honorable. I do the execution is lacking, although it certainly could have promise. I'd never buy
anyone's used panties (yes, that includes you too Lucy Pinder), but I'm sure it appeals to some people. I do agree that bras would make more sense. But if it does raise money for the cause, than I think it's perfectly acceptable to support it. And while I wouldn't encourage you to make a purchase, I would suggest abstaining from commenting. After all, if you don't have anything nice to say, then... well you know the rest. :2 cents:
Whoremaker, your heart is in the right place. I commend you for speaking up for something that you believe in. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just not a good idea to start arguing with the regulars if you're relatively new to
any place. For example, you wouldn't show up at a biker bar and start antagonizing the guy who practically lives on one of the bar stools. It's just not going to get you anywhere. And while DOA may not be the most pleasant guy around here all the time, he is well regarded by most of the other members here, myself included.
So rather than continue to see who has a bigger dick, I would suggest both of you take a step back and relax. This isn't really worth arguing over is it? Let it go, kiss and make up. I would hate to have to beat both of you up over this. :tongue: