Pornstar Longevity

I would be more curious about what they do after and how they integrate into what society deems normal.......Fuck you'd think some savy one would get a book written on it or some shit.....But none of that god crap.....fook yawn.

The struggle against adversity.....Looking hot while doing it
Low time.....Eventual swivle.....swivle on my middle finger world
Look at me now I am doing OK

Fuck I smell best seller already.

Good points.
Shortly after posting this thread, I heard about a movie Exxxit: Life After Porn that is pretty much about this exact thing. Anyone seen it?

Aside from Wonderland, ostensibly about John Holmes, which is a great flick, it seems I rarely hear about any former porn stars unless they commit suicide or go crazy or do some crazy crime. Then again that's generally true about most retirees.