The problem isn't porn its the porn industry.
The answer isn't going backwards and condemning porn like the right wingers.
When done right porn is absolutely beautiful and uplifting.
The problem is that the industry is run like every other industry, by a bunch of soul-less corporate types who leech off the talent.
The real answer is to initiate a new porn business. Where the talent would be in control and where the emphasis wouldn't be on making the cheap buck but exploring all aspects of sex including from a female viewpoint.
As far as age is concerned. Look at the MILF and mature market. While the industry kept making films with 18 year olds it turns out that the appeal of older woman was growing. So give talent as it ages options. Including portraying a wide variety of ages so that talent is never forced to retire. Personally I was interested in Amber Lynn when she was 20, am still interested in her and probably will be when she's 65 becasue ultimately, sex is about energy , relationships and passion not just the body.
People who love to have sex should be encouraged to perform in this industry. People who are "having issues" should not be condemned but should be encouraged to face their issues before their employed in porn.
The answer isn't going backwards and condemning porn like the right wingers.
When done right porn is absolutely beautiful and uplifting.
The problem is that the industry is run like every other industry, by a bunch of soul-less corporate types who leech off the talent.
The real answer is to initiate a new porn business. Where the talent would be in control and where the emphasis wouldn't be on making the cheap buck but exploring all aspects of sex including from a female viewpoint.
As far as age is concerned. Look at the MILF and mature market. While the industry kept making films with 18 year olds it turns out that the appeal of older woman was growing. So give talent as it ages options. Including portraying a wide variety of ages so that talent is never forced to retire. Personally I was interested in Amber Lynn when she was 20, am still interested in her and probably will be when she's 65 becasue ultimately, sex is about energy , relationships and passion not just the body.
People who love to have sex should be encouraged to perform in this industry. People who are "having issues" should not be condemned but should be encouraged to face their issues before their employed in porn.