Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to say?

Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Ok I'll admit to being a little biased here...Vicky is my favorite adult entertainer, and she could probably recite the dictionary and I'd listen, lol. ;)

But I think they're a great idea. It connects them with their fanbase, albeit indirectly; I for one love to know what's on a woman's mind. Experiences, ideas, random thoughts, it's all good.
Much as we like to know more about our favorite musicians and actors/actresses, we like knowing more about our favorite starlets.
There's much more to pornstars than just what you see when the cameras are rolling; Blogs and other such writings make them seem less like celebrities and more...I don't know..."real" (for lack of a better word).

In other words...if you write it, they will come. :hatsoff:
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I read the ones from some of the OCSM's on this site, makes them more personable, less like a marketing machine... Not that there is anything wrong with self promotion, especially if you are selling porn...
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Oh, I really care and I want to read what porn chicks have to say, but I have to finish first two books written by my dentist and four written by my plumber. :rofl:


Approved Content Owner
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I agree with Jewelcity. Your blog should reside off your main website. I'm too lazy to go to too many places. I do like the name as your website/blog domain. Sounds very cool:thumbsup:

I actually would care about your blog because you seem like a serious star. I don't have time for porn stars who merely want to brag about partying, getting drunk, etc. The only blog I've read, from time to time, is Christian's blog -- the bald male star. He's a terrible writer, but his day-to-day stuff is interesting. I guess reading about "the male Point-of-view" from an actual male performer is interesting to me.

I think your blog could be very cool though. Your day-to-day life, running errands, shopping, going to Starbucks, upcoming scenes...even your take on the day's news events...could be worth a read.

I am a terrible writer????? please enlighten me as to what you are talking about? I run the most popular blog in the porn industry and yet my writing is terrible? it must be the pics I guess.......lame lame lame


Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I don't really 'care' about what they have to say, but it is interesting to read.
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Depends on the blog I guess.

If it's well written, it's usually worth reading. It has to feel like a diary so that we're really getting a behind the scenes look at the person's life and not just a bullet point grocery list of what they did that day....without getting too long winded either.

Pick your topics....we'd rather hear about the conversation you had at a party that night than a whole paragraph on how the lighting equipment broke down on the set. It doens't need to be updated daily either....i'd rather a well written entry less often than a boring one every day.

Good luck.
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I don't like to get to personal with pornstars because I like to give them their space. However I do enjoy their blogs because it makes me see them from another perspective other than just enteirtainers.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I don't like to get to personal with pornstars because I like to give them their space. However I do enjoy their blogs because it makes me see them from another perspective other than just enteirtainers.

The more comments on my blog the better.... I would like to know what you guys like and what you don't ... lol



Closed Account
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

The more comments on my blog the better.... I would like to know what you guys like and what you don't ... lol


Can't say that I am interested in the mundane events of ANY person's life ,but if a pornstar would give good HONEST sex advice I would be absolutely RIVETED. I don't understand why more thoughtful pornstars don't give more sex advice. I would much rather get HONEST(not answers she thinks fans would want to hear) tips/advice from a seasoned pornstar like yourself than a Dr Ruth or some researcher.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Can't say that I am interested in the mundane events of ANY person's life ,but if a pornstar would give good HONEST sex advice I would be absolutely RIVETED. I don't understand why more thoughtful pornstars don't give more sex advice. I would much rather get HONEST(not answers she thinks fans would want to hear) tips/advice from a seasoned pornstar like yourself than a Dr Ruth or some researcher.

I will definitely do something... Nina Hartley is also amazing for that kind of stuff by the way... :hatsoff:


Is somewhere outhere.
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Have you been to the Venus festival before Vicki :dunno:


Closed Account
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

hi vicky vette

for me i would say if i find the topic their typing about intereseting i will read it.
so it really depend's on the subject matter if it's a boreing topic forget it.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

hi vicky vette

for me i would say if i find the topic their typing about intereseting i will read it.
so it really depend's on the subject matter if it's a boreing topic forget it.

well let me know what you think of my topics so far.... :dunno:
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I don't really care if you write a blog or not, like christian's blog, i've never met him, never will, so why would i care what he gets upto. just me opinion.


Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I like your blog. The posts are interesting enough to grab some bookmarkers, some are abit unpersonal though. Personally I don't like the top main picture, need to be more sharpen. Looks out of focus and with bad resolution atm. Don't like the striped background either, looks abit untidy. The Fleshbot says.... section is just too much text to grab anybodys attention. If it's there for SE purposes, than it's ok, if not it need works. Try and get a pic or 2 in every post, and keep the majority about you and not links to funny stuff that has nothing to do with you.

Of course you should have a blog. If not your gonna loose out on some easy promotion. A good setup official pornstar blog, will with some regular postings give you some good search engine traffic and regular fan traffic. Easy money :)
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to


A couple of suggestions:

1. There should be an easy-to-find hyperlink from your blog to your main site. I couldn’t find a link (though I could have cut and pasted the URL, but since you presumably want to promote your site, you should make it as easy as possible for people to click through).

2. There should be more free stuff on your site (or maybe there is and I couldn’t find it, in which case it should be easier to find). I’m never going to join a site unless I’ve had a quite substantial taste to decide whether I like it or not. (To tell the truth, I probably won’t join your site anyhow, just because I’m too much of a prude to join more than one porn site, and I already joined Isobel’s site. But who knows? When I first ran across Isobel, I was too much of a prude to join even one site. In any case, I think it’s probably also true for other people that they wouldn’t be willing to join until they’re sure they like what you have, and in order to be sure, they need to see a lot of free stuff first.)

A couple of blogs you might want to check out:

Regarding your original question, it depends, of course, on what you have to say. It's an interesting occupation, so, without knowing anything else about them, I think I would be more interested in a blog by a porn chick than, say, by a receptionist at a consulting firm. But you can never really tell. So I'll have to keep looking at your blog and see which items I find interesting. (One thing I like about Isobel -- which sometimes shows in her blog -- is that she has intellectual interests that aren't directly related to her career, and she sometimes talks about them and sometimes uses them for analogies and such. In principle, a good blog is just a blog by a good blogger, whatever your occupation happens to be.)


Approved Content Owner
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Vicky, don't ask me for any advice....I know absolutely nothing about running a successful blog


Closed Account
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

I'd definitely read a pornstar's blog. Regularly too, I think it just depends how dedicated guys are to certain girls. But I think all pornstar's should get one, I'd like to hear their insights, and not just about their videos, or how they got started in porn, more daily life blogging would be interesting. Just my opinion though, other guys are wank and goers. It happens. Porn can get you off, but it's also an art.
Re: Pornstar Blogs... a waste of time or do you really care what porn chicks have to

Personally I don't like the top main picture, need to be more sharpen.

I disagree with pfinder. I love the top picture. It doesn't look out of focus to me, and it's very glamorous. The thing on your arm throws me a little, though. Do you have a piercing on your arm?