i dont care if this girl had a tooth growing out of her fucking forehead, i still think shes uber hot... she did eventually get braces though.

Christ, you're a fucking pathetic loser. You seriously think I give a fuck about rep or the fact that I have negative rep or positive rep. Someone gave me negative rep??? O NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sky is falling!!!!! The sky is falling!!!!!!! Whatever will I do?????? The whole concept of 'rep' is faggotty and beyond gay and that fact that you throw such a spazzy spazz over it proves beyond all doubt what a faggot you truly are.
I find it interesting that the OSCM's are attacking me for my constructive criticism about the appearance of a few porn chicks, yet they say nothing about the endless stream of posters here who call them sluts, bitches and whores on nearly an hourly basis. I guess that means calling a chick a slut, or a bitch or a whore not only isn't an insult, nay in fact it's a compliment of the highest order, right Tia? Right Harley? You just LOVE it when posters here call you a slut, right?
This thing of having to redo anything that isn't symmetrical, big, toned, muscular, tanned etc is becoming ridiculous.
Some of you guys are not anymore able to appreciate beauty, personality, diverseness and i think you should shop
at http://www.realdoll.com/ and accept that you have become unreal
nobody here has called me a slut. Find me one member that has called me a slut, bitch, or whore, please.
darmund i am very disappointed in you.. dont you know it takes a special kind of human being to do something like this....
im being serious btw
if im not mistaken, thats Jamie Elle?
I think the one with the cock in her mouth is Riley Reid, but I'm not sure.
Nobody here has called me a slut. Find me one member that has called me a slut, bitch, or whore, please.
No one has called me a slut, whore or bitch on here that I recall. If they did I would tell them to fuck off. I don't care that you started a thread about teeth, it's just rude that you picked three women to be your examples. Plus you accused one of them of spending her cash on coke. Had you just posted and asked what's up with porn stars and their teeth no one would have cared. That is not cool to do.
Why don't you just drop dead instead of insulting each and every member of this board you fucking master troll?I'm looking at you Sara Jay.
And you Brandy Taylor.
And you Christy Marks. Y'all have been in the business for long enough so that you've made some semi-decent bank, unless you've blown it on cocaine (which wouldn't be that much of a shock), so why not get braces and fix your fucked up teeth. Plus, it's a known porn fetish so you could make even more bank off of it.
i've never called an ocsm a bitch or whore or slut...i want to see pictures of the girls darmund fucks
it's just rude that you picked three women to be your examples. Plus you accused one of them of spending her cash on coke.
Don't pay attention to that piece of shit. He is nothing but the biggest, vilest troll in the history of the 'Web. Why he hasn't been hell banned yet is beyond me.
Aww, wook it's the vile homophobic bigot who bleats and shrieks and farts and barfs out vile homophobic bigoted filth about how dudes who like to get fucked in their buttholes by Drew Brews should be shot and dragged through the streets and who has also lied about my giving out negative rep.
Fuck off and die you vile bigoted homophobic blubbery crybaby. I see that you also are encouraging children to become alcoholics. Nice. Uber classy.
Aww, wook it's the vile homophobic bigot who bleats and shrieks and farts and barfs out vile homophobic bigoted filth about how dudes who like to get fucked in their buttholes by Drew Brews should be shot and dragged through the streets and who has also lied about my giving out negative rep.
Fuck off and die you vile bigoted homophobic blubbery crybaby. I see that you also are encouraging children to become alcoholics. Nice. Uber classy.