Pope says "who am i to judge"

He is stepping up on the issue but to name the 2 previous popes would serve no constructive purpose. The past is done, fix the problem in the here and now. Also by saying he is disappointed on how its been handled is doing just that but in a way that he won't alienate his following.


Official Checked Star Member
what a shame that him calling out people who assisted in covering up child rape would lose their following :( what's that say about the following?

I don't think he would outright blame them, and he has actually mentioned it which the other 2 never did in any real way. I give him props for that.
It may not hurt his following but, he has to take it into consideration. Glad to see that you will give him props for what he is doing though.


Torn & Frayed.
let me translate what the pope ment:

what the fuck can i do about these, so let them all fuck off and get the fuck outta my face :D


Official Checked Star Member
I said in my first post here that he has said some good things. he has addressed the scandal within the church. But when he DOES something about it is when I will say he's doing good things. When he turns priests over for prosecution. when he refuses to allow a priest to be moved to another parish to avoid prosecution I will respect him. When he cleans house of all of those priests who are currently still working in the church who have raped children then I will say he's doing good things.

Until he DOES something, I will hold my judgment. But so far, much better. the previous old fuck should be hanged publicly.
Wait. What?!

What I think just happened, is that really what happened???
It certainly appears so.

Well... theoretically dirk could have deleted his avatar/sig and set his user title to "Account closed" ... but I doubt it. He doesn't seem prone to those sorts of Sam Fisher levels of theatrics. (but then dirk is an odd duck with an odd sense of humor... :dunno:)


the special one
Dirk's account is still open as he appears in the members list. Had it been closed, it would not be visible there


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Before all of you twatwaffles start riding this new Pope's jock too much he said that any gay priest should be forgiven. In the Catholic faith forgiveness comes through repentance. He is saying that gay priest should repent and abstain. Vatican City won't be renamed Pound Town anytime soon.


Official Checked Star Member
Dirk is just being a big drama queen. he'll go a few hours without posting and then he'll come ripping back realizing this is it for him. This is his milieu and facts be facts bitches.


Official Checked Star Member
I've never heard a President of the US calling his predecessors out for shit they did and i remember a lot of US presidents having done a lot of shit which led to killings of innocents, rapes, unfair imprisonments...i mean...as Jesus said: "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone". The job of a Pope is a very delicate and complex one and it goes beyond common sense, imo. Also, a Pope is not supposed to give personal judgement on specific people, but rather to condemn generic behavior. For the Catholic religion, only God will judge people on a personal level. You might disagree with it, but that's how the club works and nobody is forced to join the club.