Poll: Support for Trump's impeachment surges


This really pisses me off....not that there are people who want Trump to be impeached (haters gonna be hatin' after all, right?) but the fact that most Americans don't even know what impeachment means. According to Article II, Section IV of the constitution, requirements for impeachment are defined by "The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." I would ask all of these people who are presently calling for his impeachment to tell us all exactly what acts of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors that possess sufficient evidence for charges to be brought against President Trump for impeachment. The answer is NONE.

You can't throw a president out of office just because you don't like him. That process is called an ELECTION and, as you might recall, Trump rather resoundingly passed that test last November. The leftist media is so fueled with anti-Trump hysteria that they are doing everything in order to whip up the masses into a state of lunacy about this. We all see those smirky smiles on the pundits faces when this subject, or anything anti-Trump, comes up. It's sickening. Those who take some sort of sadistic delight in the prospect of a president being impeached are guilty of the worst kind of partisan politics there are: one where ideology supersedes genuine concern for our nation. Congress is already in perpetual gridlock with all the controversy and innuendo that is being bantered about, much of it without any merit or basis in fact. Can we please wait until Bob Mueller has finished his investigation before we start calling for impeachment? Man, if this were the old west someone would surely be getting their noose ready with this lynch-mob mentality that is currently dominating the left. :mad:
Actually, everyone knows what impeachment means. If drumpf did ask Comey to ditch the Flynn investigation, that could be obstruction of justice, which comes under the "high crimes and misdemeanors" part. It's also been argued that high crimes and misdemeanors is intentionally vague enough to allow any reason that the house of reps judges appropriate.

But you have nothing to worry about, this house and senate will never impeach drumpf. The US system is completely subverted.
Trump should be impeached for the simple fact that hes a racist because he wanted to ban muslims from coming here. Plus he also spied on Russia. Then Clinton would be president since she won the most votes anyway. Plus we won't have to go to war if north crymea shoots missiles at us.

If drumpf did ask Comey to ditch the Flynn investigation, that could be obstruction of justice,

Wrong wrong wrong.

Trump can call in Sessions, McCabe and order them to shut down any investigation and it is not criminal.

He IS the executive branch and they serve at his pleasure.

That said, anyone can present any evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor to congress and they can draft articles of impeachment as a political process.

You know much about the law and our constitution as a bottle of White Out.

Mind your own fucked up country.

Fucking dipshit.


Hiliary 2020
I think its time for me to fly again.
Am I the only one who can see fake news here?
BC disagrees with it and usually with validity.......but its still fake news.

Yeah support for Trump impeachment is gaining.
That wouldnt be propaganda now would it?

Almost everything being posted here is clearly fake news.
Unimportant shit even if it weren't a bunch of lies lies lies yeah..
Makes me sad that so many people let this crap form their opinions and feelings.
Waste their time on it.
There is real news out there. Real stuff is happening in the world. Stuff that actually affects all of us.

Get away from this corporate media shit or just ignore it completely, youre better off.

This really pisses me off....not that there are people who want Trump to be impeached (haters gonna be hatin' after all, right?) but the fact that most Americans don't even know what impeachment means. According to Article II, Section IV of the constitution, requirements for impeachment are defined by "The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." I would ask all of these people who are presently calling for his impeachment to tell us all exactly what acts of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors that possess sufficient evidence for charges to be brought against President Trump for impeachment. The answer is NONE.

You can't throw a president out of office just because you don't like him. That process is called an ELECTION and, as you might recall, Trump rather resoundingly passed that test last November. The leftist media is so fueled with anti-Trump hysteria that they are doing everything in order to whip up the masses into a state of lunacy about this. We all see those smirky smiles on the pundits faces when this subject, or anything anti-Trump, comes up. It's sickening. Those who take some sort of sadistic delight in the prospect of a president being impeached are guilty of the worst kind of partisan politics there are: one where ideology supersedes genuine concern for our nation. Congress is already in perpetual gridlock with all the controversy and innuendo that is being bantered about, much of it without any merit or basis in fact. Can we please wait until Bob Mueller has finished his investigation before we start calling for impeachment? Man, if this were the old west someone would surely be getting their noose ready with this lynch-mob mentality that is currently dominating the left. :mad:

For 8 years Republicans have been calling for Obama to be impeached, including Trump. Republicans tried to get Clinton impeached for lying to congress about his private life. Are democrats going a little to fast about impeaching Trump ? I don't think so : Trump is guilty of obstruction of Justice on a case he was investigated for. That's the most solid base for impeamnt against the POTUS we had since Nixon.
Wrong wrong wrong.

Trump can call in Sessions, McCabe and order them to shut down any investigation and it is not criminal.

He IS the executive branch and they serve at his pleasure.

That said, anyone can present any evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor to congress and they can draft articles of impeachment as a political process.

You should tell that to all the highly renowned legal scholars in the US that have been featured on the international news that I have heard, because they don't seem to know as much about the law as you do! You sad, joke of a pretend lawyer.
Republicans tried to get Clinton impeached for lying to congress about his private life.

yes, when you lie under oath that's called perjury lol (Tucker Carlson's laugh).

between you and others on here, I feel like a kindergarten teacher. Okay, first grade.
You should tell that to all the highly renowned legal scholars in the US that have been featured on the international news that I have heard, because they don't seem to know as much about the law as you do! You sad, joke of a pretend lawyer.

What is it that you do for a living again?

You probably weigh 400 pounds and don't do a hell of a lot, just walk into somebody's house and start fucking eatin'. What in the fuck are they gonna do about it?

A pretend lawyer constantly schools you on economics, job creation and the constitution .

I don't even believe you're really an Aussie. Even they aren't that stupid.

Here's a smart liberal...

He says you are full of shit.


You may have heard of him, he's kind of a big deal around Cambridge Massachusetts.

Another place I was accepted to..in my dreams of course.

I just couldn't dream up the money to attend.
For 8 years Republicans have been calling for Obama to be impeached, including Trump. Republicans tried to get Clinton impeached for lying to congress about his private life. Are democrats going a little to fast about impeaching Trump ? I don't think so : Trump is guilty of obstruction of Justice on a case he was investigated for. That's the most solid base for impeamnt against the POTUS we had since Nixon.

Clinton WAS impeached. Impeachment does not mean removal from office.
Clinton WAS impeached. Impeachment does not mean removal from office.

someone needs to tell her:

Hillary Clinton apparently didn't know that Nixon wasn't impeached, though her own husband was. She should be familiar with the process. And all those morons in the crowd whooping and hollering. There's your popular vote.

Be careful tugging on superman's cape. She hasn't been charged and she hasn't been pardoned.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trump should be impeached for the simple fact that hes a racist because he wanted to ban muslims from coming here. Plus he also spied on Russia. Then Clinton would be president since she won the most votes anyway. Plus we won't have to go to war if north crymea shoots missiles at us.


We need sarcastifont or something to let us know when you're fucking with the dimwit brigade.
Oh I agree. Clinton's impeachment was a completely ridiculous waste of time.

Clinton committed perjury. Unacceptable, especially for the chief law enforcement officer in the land.

I guess you consider upholding the rule of law a completely ridiculous waste of time.
About his sex life. Yes, a completely ridiculous waste of time.

All he had to do was to answer the questions truthfully during his deposition.
He chose not to.

A fatal Clinton flaw. In both he and his wife.

It wasn't about sex. It was about perjury during a civil suit ( Paula Jones).
Clinton committed perjury. Unacceptable, especially for the chief law enforcement officer in the land.

I guess you consider upholding the rule of law a completely ridiculous waste of time.

You seen the chicks he was fooling around with??
You'd lie too.
$100 million??? So not worth it.
You probably weigh 400 pounds and don't do a hell of a lot, just walk into somebody's house and start fucking eatin'. What in the fuck are they gonna do about it?

Holy shit, what happened there? Did you have a stroke? I know you at least had to sit back and wipe the dribble off your chin after typing such garbage. Was that supposed to be an insult?

A pretend lawyer constantly schools you on economics, job creation and the constitution .

I'll let you have the constitution, since you clearly spend your days googling everything that is said here, and I never claimed to be a constitutional scholar. But don't assume that means you're right, when I argue constitutional matters, it's because I got my information from someone who is considered a constitutional expert, and who does know more about it than you do.
On that note, everyone else in the world is sick of hearing about your weak, shitty constitution. Just about every democratic country in the world has one, but you're the only ones who fucked it up so badly that you're still arguing about what it means centuries later.

As for economics and job creation, what you know about those things could be carved into a tic tac with a chainsaw. My 5 year old daughter has a better grasp of economics than you do.
Nobody who both knows AND cares about economics would ever vote republican, let alone for that moron drumpf.

Are you colossally stupid? Or are you literally creating a straw man argument right here in full view of everyone? I never mentioned Comey's firing. Here's what I said again, because you don't comprehend very well:

If drumpf did ask Comey to ditch the Flynn investigation, that could be obstruction of justice

Back to the drawing board old man. Maybe you could come up with a scathing attack about me going into random places and sitting on the couches, because what are they gonna do about it, right????