GOP already plotting to impeach Hillary

well right wing nut jobs in usa constantly try to force their views on others, and they wouldn't say they are "politically correct"

examples are trying to bring prayers into public schools (which is unconstitutional)

and trying to teach creationism and/or intelligent design in public schools - which is just plain wrong in every way
Prayer in public school is not unconstitutional. It is only unconstitutional if prayer is forced upon those that do not wish to participate. And they all have that option.

A prayer can be anything. Holding up a dollar bill and reading the words "In God We Trust" could be considered a prayer. Most Euro types only cite our Constitution with no grasp of what it really says or its interpretation. The ruling in Engle v Vitale decided that a school sponsored or organized prayer was unconstitutional. Not the act of prayer itself.

Will E Worm

This is the actual proof that GOP doesn't care about the american people.

No, this is proof they would help the American people.

The Clintons have been criminals since way before they came to Washington.

They should have been in jail since Whitewater, and before.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Dem defender of Clinton actually playing clips from Andrea Mitchel and quoting the washington post. How did this idiot get placed on a commitee investigating such a serious matter? She is literally asking Clinton to defend herself from republican tweets. What a joke.

I'm planning on going as a Hilldebeast supporter for Halloween but I'm not sure I can fit my head up my ass.
Prayer in public school is not unconstitutional. It is only unconstitutional if prayer is forced upon those that do not wish to participate. And they all have that option.

A prayer can be anything. Holding up a dollar bill and reading the words "In God We Trust" could be considered a prayer. Most Euro types only cite our Constitution with no grasp of what it really says or its interpretation. The ruling in Engle v Vitale decided that a school sponsored or organized prayer was unconstitutional. Not the act of prayer itself.

well, even if i was to accept what you say, teachers, and other students, have been known to pressurise kids into praying, and bully and alienate those who chose not to

if you believe in the constitution you say you know so much about, then you should also believe in the separation of church and state

keep religion out of public schools - it's not a hard thing to understand, or to implement


you didn't address my point about (nearly always in red states) people who know nothing about science wanting to "teach the controversy" and bring in teaching of intelligent design & creationism into public schools

do you agree that's wrong and should not be done?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This message is hidden because blakey is on your ignore list.

We fought a couple wars just so we wouldn't have any British intervention in our country. I'm willing to bet we could go 3-0.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Calling for a person’s testimony in front of congress is pointless if the person testifying doesn’t have to really answer the questions truthfully without fear of repercussion.
So you believe Political Correctness is inherently evil? Because that is what that insidious, shitty, awful, dogma tries to do to people.

Did anyone catch South Park this week? Or any week this season? They're teeing off on the PC mentality and it's making me giddy.

“Life is not one big liberal arts college campus!”

Being 'PC" is a cancer to us all.
Being 'PC" is a cancer to us all.

i would bet if you had cancer you would quickly change your opinion to see that "pc", whatever the fuck that's meant to mean anyway, is not bad like cancer


ace cocktoucher, so are you ignoring my posts or what?

your attempts to sound like a big scary tough guy on here are embarrassing and wasted on me. rest assured that me and any other brit freeones members aren't quaking in our boots at the thought of you whooping us

well, even if i was to accept what you say, teachers, and other students, have been known to pressurise kids into praying, and bully and alienate those who chose not to

if you believe in the constitution you say you know so much about, then you should also believe in the separation of church and state

keep religion out of public schools - it's not a hard thing to understand, or to implement


you didn't address my point about (nearly always in red states) people who know nothing about science wanting to "teach the controversy" and bring in teaching of intelligent design & creationism into public schools

do you agree that's wrong and should not be done?
Stop watching Dukes of Hazzard for your cultural references. Some of the most renowned universities are in red States including medical and scientific research. As for curriculum, the local boards and the people that elect them make those decisions . I'd be more concerned about advances in dentistry in your part of the world if I were you and leave the real science to us .

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And there's nothing in the constitution about separating Church and state. The constitution allows for the freedom of religion and states specifically that there shall be no state sanctioned religion. The idea of separation of the two comes from the private writings of Thomas Jefferson.
And there's nothing in the constitution about separating Church and state. The constitution allows for the freedom of religion and states specifically that there shall be no state sanctioned religion. The idea of separation of the two comes from the private writings of Thomas Jefferson.

The establishment clause addresses it. It has certainly been interpreted as such.