Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II


Staff member
These last months, the Far Right finally realised how stupid they were, blaming everything on Soros, making him some kind of big left-wing boogeyman. So they just replace him with Obama. He's now the boogeyman, the man hidden in the shadows, pulling the strings to destroy America...

You seem to have forgotten something important
‘Iranian proxy’ militia leader spotted at US Embassy attack was guest at Obama WH, now reportedly in US custody


Staff member
Obama Sanctioned Soleimani in 2011 for Attempted Terror Attack in Washington, DC

Obama Speechwriter: Original Versions of Bible and Constitution Are ‘Evil’

DiGenova rips Obama’s DOJ for dirty dealings, nails Brennan and Comey as ‘coup leaders’
Obama Speechwriter: Original Versions of Bible and Constitution Are ‘Evil’

It must be a major "desperately need to distract from Trump fucking up" news day :1orglaugh

Who gives a shit what some ex speech writer of his once said? Did Obama ever say it?

And in fact there are elements of the original Constitution that would be considered evil, including (as the article notes) its permission/protection of slavery.


Staff member
It must be a major "desperately need to distract from Trump fucking up" news day :1orglaugh

Who gives a shit what some ex speech writer of his once said? Did Obama ever say it?

And in fact there are elements of the original Constitution that would be considered evil, including (as the article notes) its permission/protection of slavery.

You will always put blinderson whatever wrong or bad Obama did. Tell me who again exchanged BoweBergdahl in exchange of 5 radical islamic terrorists? Who also gave 1 billions dollars in cash and agreed to make a fucked up nuclear deal? Your dear Leader Obama

Trump Celebrates Iran ‘Standing Down’, Accuses Obama Of Financing Missile Attack

Ted Cruz reminds Americans that Obama paid for the missiles Iran just fired on our troops
You will always put blinderson whatever wrong or bad Obama did. Tell me who again exchanged BoweBergdahl in exchange of 5 radical islamic terrorists? Who also gave 1 billions dollars in cash and agreed to make a fucked up nuclear deal? Your dear Leader Obama

Of all the people to talk about blinders :1orglaugh

Let's quickly review
1) Berghdahl hadn't been tried or convicted of anything when the exchange was made. I don't know how you do it in France, but we always try to get our captive service people back alive first, then allow the military justice system to handle any issues that might arise or exist related to them.
2) For the ten zillionth time: It was Iran's money to begin with, and they were about to be granted considerably more by an international court. Obama/Kerry saved america money on that exchange.
3) The nuke deal was working, was it not? Does Iran have any nukes? The answer (if you need any help with it) is "no".
Quinnipiac poll: 41% say Trump worst president since World War II

Who's the worst president of the United States since World War II? Donald Trump, according to a plurality of voters.

A new Quinnipiac University National Poll released Wednesday showed that 41% of voters named Trump as the worst of the 13 presidents who have held office since then. He was then followed by Barack Obama, who received 21% of votes.

Here's the breakdown:
Donald Trump, 41%
Barrack Obama, 21%
Richard Nixon, 10%
Jimmy Carter, 8%
George W. Bush, 6%
Bill Clinton, 4%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
Ronald Reagan, 2%
Gerald Ford, 1%

But while Obama came in second for worst president, he was also came in second for best president since that time, too. For his part, Trump came in fifth.

Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II:

Ronald Reagan, 28%
Barack Obama, 24%
John F. Kennedy, 10%
Bill Clinton, 10%
Donald Trump, 7%
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
Harry Truman, 3%
Jimmy Carter, 3%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
Richard Nixon, 1%
George H. W. Bush, 1%
George W. Bush, 1%

I know, this is old news but it hadn't been reported here so I thought it needed to bel, just to clarify a few things...
Republican Rep John Ratcliffe: Obama Was First to Invite Foreign Election Interference

Another amazingly ignorant piece of right wing trash.

1) Papadapolous pleaded "guilty" to lying to the FBI
2) Obama could have demolished Trump's campaign had he not sat on almost all of what he and the CIA already knew prior to the election. Instead he waited until afterwards to go broadly public with it. That's called fairness. And restraint. Two concepts Trump has no concept of.
Man Who Became Whistleblower In Obama-Era Homeland Security Is Found Dead On The Side Of The Road

Police Backtrack On Initial Obama-Era DHS Whistleblower ‘Suicide’ Reports—FBI Investigating His Death

Since you seem to think Obama had him killed (LOL)...did you ever pause to think that it would have made a lot more sense to have killed him before he released his book that was critical of Obama (and George Bush) four years ago.

I mean, this is very old and of very little interest story now, so could you please explain to us why Obama would wait four years after it's telling to kill him?


Staff member
Transcripts Show Obama Officials Admitting Time After Time They Had No Evidence Of Russia Collusion

Obama Claims ‘No Precedent’ In Flynn Dismissal — There Is, And His Own AG Eric Holder Used It

‘Rule Of Law Is At Risk’: Obama Weighs In On Flynn Case And Federal Coronavirus Response In Leaked Call

New Study Confirms We Were Right: Reading, Math Scores Have Collapsed Thanks to Obama, Common Core


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Obama may have been as bad as you think... but even during the year 2018, under Trump, this wasn't true anymore.

After 2019, far into 2020, your persistence is laughable.
...far into 2020, your persistence is laughable.

One could say precisely the same thing regarding former President Barry Obama, what, with his timeless commencement speeches (laden with contemporaneous jabs at at-work government representatives - stay classy, Barry), and nauseatingly ever-present turd-circuit media appearances. How can we miss you if you won't go away, 'bammy?

Why is that Democrats never had the guts to run such ads ? Why is that this kind of ads come from some Never-Trumper Republicans ?
Establishment democrats are just a bunch of coward who are destined to lose