Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yeah, I still got my boy W. as #1 Mucho Fuckpup. Hell, he's got to be #1 at something. But as the article stated, the passage of time makes a big difference.

Especially when there is any significant number of younger voters in polls like this, I think the name "Joseph Namath" should be included as a control... just to see how many would choose him as the best/worst.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This is like one of those polls that said Romney was going to win in a landslide.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Personally, I think he's one of the worst. I think he could have focused on other priorities. He certainly is as conniving as dubbya, and his minions, but not as evil. It's gonna be very hard for any 2 humans to reach that level...but I think our current administration is giving him a run for his money, and is doing a pretty crappy job.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Personally, I think he's one of the worst. I think he could have focused on other priorities. He certainly is as conniving as dubbya, and his minions, but not as evil. It's gonna be very hard for any 2 humans to reach that level...but I think our current administration is giving him a run for his money, and is doing a pretty crappy job.

To be fair, he's been thwarted by the "just say no" republican congress at every turn so I'll give him a pass on that. What disappoints me most about him is his inability to command leadership and his departure from the agenda that originally got him elected (getting out of Iraq for instance).

I'd rate Nixon, Carter and GWB all as being worse than Obama. Frankly, I don't believe Romney would be able to do any better and neither will whomever we elect in 2016. Governmental gridlock is what it's all about now. Fuck what's best for the country....do what's best for the party. Blame the other side for the problem and regain power so that their true masters can be served, not the American people. Compromise is a thing of the past. Our present system of government is rotten to the core. It needs to be scrapped and we need to start over. Too bad it'll never happen. Our founding fathers would not be pleased.
To be fair, he's been thwarted by the "just say no" republican congress at every turn so I'll give him a pass on that. What disappoints me most about him is his inability to command leadership and his departure from the agenda that originally got him elected (getting out of Iraq for instance).

I'd rate Nixon, Carter and GWB all as being worse than Obama. Frankly, I don't believe Romney would be able to do any better and neither will whomever we elect in 2016. Governmental gridlock is what it's all about now. Fuck what's best for the country....do what's best for the party. Blame the other side for the problem and regain power so that their true masters can be served, not the American people. Compromise is a thing of the past. Our present system of government is rotten to the core. It needs to be scrapped and we need to start over. Too bad it'll never happen. Our founding fathers would not be pleased.
You acknowledged and voted for him twice, so at least face that your ghetto crowd wizard was just a dumbass with no braincells and no real economical constructive program nor geostrategic program
Obama, biggest incompetent douchebag elected twice by naive and stupid people

To be honest most US Presidents are just a puppet on a string, I will admit I have been shocked how fucking stupid some of them have been down the years. Always a source of entertainment though so carry on.
Many of us knew Obama wouldn't turn out well. But how disappointed are the supporters who dug in and shilled so hard for him having contests to see who could have the most Obama stickers on their cars and signs on their lawns? Many of those tears of joy have turned into tears of despair and division.

No heroes in government...


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You acknowledged and voted for him twice, so at least face that your ghetto crowd wizard was just a dumbass with no braincells and no real economical constructive program nor geostrategic program

I voted for him twice (and once for W. Bush :facepalm:) too. And the reason I did that, and would do it again, is because the GOP keeps sliding people onto their ticket who make me want to vomit. Can you imagine a scenario where someone like me would ever vote for a ticket that had Sarah P@lin on it? Why would I vote for someone who is probably twice as dumb as I am??? I mean, short of me being in a Schumacheresque skiing accident and becoming brain damaged, that would just NEVER happen. And though I fully agree with Jagger, that many of Obama's failures have had to do with the Republicans being nothing more than the party of "NO!!" for the past eight years, I also believe that Obama could have rallied solid, populist, middle class support (from those of us who are not sheep to a particular party or ideology, that is) and given us some direction as to what we could do to help light a fire under those in Congress who oppose anything & everything, just for the sake of opposing it.

In my view, any Representative or Senator, who will not vote to pass a highway bill or a legitimate infrastructure bill, but who slobbers like a heroin addict looking at a bag of dope when the chance rolls around to send money to Israel for "aid" or some shithole in the Middle East for some self-created civil war (that means nothing to any of us here), should be charged with and convicted of treason (using the old Roman definition... along with the old Roman punishment ;)).

I liked McCain when he ran a primary campaign against G.W. Bush in 2000. I still believe that he was the best choice (better than Bush or Gore) back then. But the McCain of 2008 was a clueless, sad old fool, who allowed a backwoods moron onto the ticket simply because she had a vagina and a folksy way of relating to other backwoods morons. And Romney? Oh yeah, the guy who makes multiples of my annual salary in a month, yet pays a lower tax rate than I do? People in my profession can easily knock down a quarter of a million a year if they stay hooked to private equity firms. But having sold (and barely recovering) my soul once, if I won't work for a private equity firm, raping and pillaging hard working people, I would eat camel shit before I'd vote for one of those demons. But would Romney have been better for the economy than Obama? Hard to say. Probably wouldn't have been any worse - I admit that. But still, the way I see it, Ben Bernanke should get about 95% of the credit for where we are now economically (we're knocking the cover off the ball compared to you European folks, aren't we? :)). Maybe 3% to Obama. 1.5% to Donald Duck and I guess I can give the GOP the remaining half a percent. The GOP of the early 21st Century: no ideas, other than cutting taxes for people who don't need a tax cut and cutting services for people who need services and drifting away from reality and into that Faux News constructed reality distortion field. Increase my retirement age, while you decrease taxes for multi-national corporations with $100 billion market caps?! How 'bout this? Eat shit and die, Paul Ryan! Where have you gone, Jack Kemp? Hanging out with Joe DiMaggio, I hope. Well, we miss ya both. :(

Given what was hanging on the door, many of us voted for Obama because we saw him as the least dirty of the dirty shirts. And that's about it.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You acknowledged and voted for him twice, so at least face that your ghetto crowd wizard was just a dumbass with no braincells and no real economical constructive program nor geostrategic program

Meaning no disrespect but....fuck you, Georges. As the grandfather of two beautiful mixed-race grandchildren, your incessant "ghetto-crowd" racist references sicken me. Your bigoted attitude about this is revolting to be honest.

As Rey also pointed out, I voted for Obama twice because he was the lesser of two evils in both instances and, if faced with the same bad choices in a 3rd election (were he allowed to run again) I would once again cast my vote for him without reservation. I will never vote republican as long as they keep pandering to the extreme right-wing influences within the party. Also, he is not a "dumbass with no braincells". He was a professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago so he is certainly not a "dumbass" regardless of how much you disagree with him.

From an economic standpoint, he was handed a plate full of dogshit as well when the economic crash occurred 2 months before he was elected that was not foreseen by anyone, including the republicans. Fortunately, the economy is rebounding thanks largely to the intestinal fortitude of the American people more than anything that has to do with Obama or our worthless fucking congress.

Lastly, I deeply resent you referring to me and those like me as being "naive and stupid". I am neither and would gladly debate you on any geopolitical subject you care to discuss anytime, anywhere and will eat your fucking lunch in the process so be careful to whom you refer to as being "naive and stupid" as it may come back to bite you in the ass.

Sorry to be so obtuse but your use of general insults and epithets toward whole groups of people makes me sick and is deserving of a response in kind so you reap what you sow, my friend. Tone down the bigoted rhetoric and seek a genuine discourse with others and I think your responses will be much more polite than this post is.

On another note, have a happy and safe 4th of July and many thanks to our wonderful French allies, without whose help we would likely still be a British colony and, for that, we will be eternally grateful to your great nation and people. Thank you! :hatsoff:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
To be fair, he's been thwarted by the "just say no" republican congress at every turn so I'll give him a pass on that. What disappoints me most about him is his inability to command leadership and his departure from the agenda that originally got him elected (getting out of Iraq for instance).

I'd rate Nixon, Carter and GWB all as being worse than Obama. Frankly, I don't believe Romney would be able to do any better and neither will whomever we elect in 2016. Governmental gridlock is what it's all about now. Fuck what's best for the country....do what's best for the party. Blame the other side for the problem and regain power so that their true masters can be served, not the American people. Compromise is a thing of the past. Our present system of government is rotten to the core. It needs to be scrapped and we need to start over. Too bad it'll never happen. Our founding fathers would not be pleased.

I just tried to rep your post. When I found out that this stupid system wouldn't let me, I hovered my mouse over Petra's name and thought about neg repping her for me not being able to rep the people who make solid posts. But I figured that all that would happen is all my rep might go "POOF!" in a cloud of dust and smoke... and she might even zap all yours for being an accessory to the fool who dared challenge her. But anyway, I owe you some. Excellent post. :hatsoff:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Sent some rep to Jag on your behalf, Rey. Whore-heys is a total douchebag moron, it's still hard to believe he's still a moderator.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Thanks, man. Yeah, if Temptation had gotten the better of me and I'd zapped Petra, I'd be sitting on a desert island with Philbert about now, huh? :D


Closed Account
Meaning no disrespect but....fuck you, Georges. As the grandfather of two beautiful mixed-race grandchildren, your incessant "ghetto-crowd" racist references sicken me. Your bigoted attitude about this is revolting to be honest.

As Rey also pointed out, I voted for Obama twice because he was the lesser of two evils in both instances and, if faced with the same bad choices in a 3rd election (were he allowed to run again) I would once again cast my vote for him without reservation. I will never vote republican as long as they keep pandering to the extreme right-wing influences within the party. Also, he is not a "dumbass with no braincells". He was a professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago so he is certainly not a "dumbass" regardless of how much you disagree with him.

From an economic standpoint, he was handed a plate full of dogshit as well when the economic crash occurred 2 months before he was elected that was not foreseen by anyone, including the republicans. Fortunately, the economy is rebounding thanks largely to the intestinal fortitude of the American people more than anything that has to do with Obama or our worthless fucking congress.

Lastly, I deeply resent you referring to me and those like me as being "naive and stupid". I am neither and would gladly debate you on any geopolitical subject you care to discuss anytime, anywhere and will eat your fucking lunch in the process so be careful to whom you refer to as being "naive and stupid" as it may come back to bite you in the ass.

Sorry to be so obtuse but your use of general insults and epithets toward whole groups of people makes me sick and is deserving of a response in kind so you reap what you sow, my friend. Tone down the bigoted rhetoric and seek a genuine discourse with others and I think your responses will be much more polite than this post is.

On another note, have a happy and safe 4th of July and many thanks to our wonderful French allies, without whose help we would likely still be a British colony and, for that, we will be eternally grateful to your great nation and people. Thank you! :hatsoff:

Tried rep you but the FO police says I have to spread the points around:)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Also, he is not a "dumbass with no braincells". He was a professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago so he is certainly not a "dumbass" regardless of how much you disagree with him.

Well, he must have just been an awful "Senior Lecturer on leave," because I don't think he quite understands co-equal branches of govt., checks and balances nor the limitations of executive authority outlined in the constitution.