You acknowledged and voted for him twice, so at least face that your ghetto crowd wizard was just a dumbass with no braincells and no real economical constructive program nor geostrategic program
I voted for him twice
(and once for W. Bush
) too. And the reason I did that,
and would do it again, is because the GOP keeps sliding people onto their ticket who make me want to vomit. Can you imagine a scenario where someone like me would
ever vote for a ticket that had Sarah P@lin on it? Why would I vote for someone who is probably twice as dumb as I am??? I mean, short of me being in a Schumacher
esque skiing accident and becoming brain damaged, that would just NEVER happen. And though I fully agree with Jagger, that many of Obama's failures have had to do with the Republicans being nothing more than the party of "NO!!" for the past eight years, I also believe that Obama could have rallied solid, populist, middle class support (from those of us who are not sheep to a particular party or ideology, that is) and given us some direction as to what
we could do to help light a fire under those in Congress who oppose anything & everything, just for the sake of opposing it.
In my view, any Representative or Senator, who will not vote to pass a highway bill or a legitimate infrastructure bill, but who slobbers like a heroin addict looking at a bag of dope when the chance rolls around to send money to Israel for "aid" or some shithole in the Middle East for some self-created civil war (that means nothing to any of us here), should be charged with and convicted of treason (using the old Roman definition...
along with the old Roman punishment

I liked McCain when he ran a primary campaign against G.W. Bush in 2000. I still believe that he was the best choice (better than Bush or Gore) back then. But the McCain of 2008 was a clueless, sad old fool, who allowed a backwoods moron onto the ticket simply because she had a vagina and a folksy way of relating to other backwoods morons. And Romney? Oh yeah, the guy who makes multiples of my annual salary in a month, yet pays a lower tax rate than I do? People in my profession can easily knock down a quarter of a million a year if they stay hooked to private equity firms. But having sold (and barely recovering) my soul once, if I won't work for a private equity firm, raping and pillaging hard working people, I would eat camel shit before I'd vote for one of those demons. But would Romney have been better for the economy than Obama? Hard to say. Probably wouldn't have been any worse - I admit that. But still, the way I see it, Ben Bernanke should get about 95% of the credit for where we are now economically
(we're knocking the cover off the ball compared to you European folks, aren't we?
). Maybe 3% to Obama. 1.5% to Donald Duck and I guess I can give the GOP the remaining half a percent. The GOP of the early 21st Century: no ideas, other than cutting taxes for people who don't need a tax cut and cutting services for people who need services and drifting away from reality and into that Faux News constructed reality distortion field. Increase my retirement age, while you decrease taxes for multi-national corporations with $100 billion market caps?! How 'bout this? Eat shit and die, Paul Ryan! Where have you gone, Jack Kemp? Hanging out with Joe DiMaggio, I hope. Well, we miss ya both.
Given what was hanging on the door, many of us voted for Obama because we saw him as the least dirty of the dirty shirts. And that's about it.