Judge allows mass shooter fanboy to buy guns.

After the Parkland shooting, a lot of conservatives and gun-right activists (including President Trump) choosed to blame it on the FBI's inaction after they received warnings about Nikolas Cruz. Keep that in mind while reading the following article...

UCF student who idolized mass shooters online can buy guns, judge decides

A UCF student who wrote online comments idolizing mass shooters may purchase weapons, a judge ruled Monday in lifting a temporary ban.

Orlando police in early March used Florida’s new gun legislation, passed in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in South Florida, to temporarily ban Christian Nicholas Velasquez from owning any weapons or ammunition. City attorneys sought to persuade Circuit Judge Bob LeBlanc to extend the temporary ban a year.

“I don’t disagree with the issuing of the initial temporary injunction. I think that’s exactly what the statute provides for,” LeBlanc said. But the judge declined to extend the ban.

Velasquez, 21, is the first person against whom the Orlando Police Department has sought to obtain a “risk protection order,” a newly created type of civil injunction that allows law enforcement to seize firearms from people deemed by a court to be mentally ill or who present a violent threat to themselves or others. The extension also could have affected Velasquez’s ability to get certain jobs and could expose him to other criminal liabilities, his lawyer Kendra Parris said.

Parris said Velasquez was being punished for legally protected speech. She argued Velasquez had not done anything to suggest he would act on the comments. He had not purchased a weapon, and he does not have a criminal record, she said, adding that he would have voluntarily relinquished his gun rights had he been given the option.

The city’s attorney, Alexander Karden, said the intent of the legislation is to allow courts to order mental health treatment before a person commits a crime. Karden pointed to psychological evaluations that he said place Velasquez on step three of five steps of progression toward committing violence.

“He’s following the trajectory. … This statute is not designed for someone who’s already gone over the top. It’s designed to stop them before they get there,” Karden said.

City attorneys, who can appeal the decision, declined to comment after the hearing.

University of Central Florida Police Officer Jeffrey Panter said he started investigating Velasquez after getting reports from the school community about a user on the online social media platform Reddit called “TheRealUCFChris” who called Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz and Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock heroes.

Panter interviewed Velasquez, who answered a series of hypothetical questions about committing a mass shooting. Panter asked if his target would be UCF. Velasquez answered he would probably do it at the middle or high school where he was bullied. He also said it would take a tragic life event such as a breakup or firing from a good job to provoke him.

His lawyer argued against portions of the statement and quoted Velasquez in the nearly two-hour recorded interview, saying, “I can’t imagine myself ever doing that. It would take a lot to push me over the edge.”

Velasquez was taken to a mental health facility after the interview under Florida’s Baker Act, which allows people to be involuntarily detained and given emergency mental heath evaluations if they are believed to be a threat to themselves or others. The doctor who evaluated him deemed he was not a threat.

Panter, joined by an FBI special agent and a Orlando police detective, went to Velasquez’s home, where his father voluntarily gave them his own revolver and let them search his son’s room

Velasquez, who is still enrolled in classes, was issued a trespass order from campus, and his conduct is being reviewed by the university, UCF Police Department spokeswoman Courtney Gilmartin said.

Parris said Velasquez got online and acted “like a jerk” on a forum that is “notoriously vulgar.” She again pointed to his interview with police, in which Velasquez said he regretted his comments, didn’t think before he typed and “wanted to look like a badass on Reddit.”

The elder Velasquez stood behind his son with his arms crossed and shook his head in response to parts of the city attorneys’ arguments. He testified on behalf of his son and said he was not concerned that his son would be violent. Velasquez’s family embraced him after the judge’s ruling.

The family will pursue civil action against Orlando police, Parris told the Orlando Sentinel.

“For a person with a history of bullying, I cannot tell you how horrifying this has been. He is afraid to leave his house,” Parris said.

So, we have a guy who's a fanboy of previous mass shooters, and said it would take something extreme like a break up or being fired (which happens to hundreds of thousands of US citizens everyday). Police tried to ban him from owning guns but the judge decided he was allowed to buy guns and ammos. And now the familly wants to sue the police.
But we are told that the Parkland shooting happened because of the FBI's inaction against Cruz, even after they received warnings about him...
Denying him his second amendment right because he exercised his first amendment right. Creative. We need a little more context as to exactly what his comments were. Of course, it’s Florida so he could have threatened every school in the state and no one would have done anything about it.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Denying him his second amendment right because he exercised his first amendment right. Creative. We need a little more context as to exactly what his comments were. Of course, it’s Florida so he could have threatened every school in the state and no one would have done anything about it.

It's only okay to exercise your first Amendment rights, if you're DENOUNCING everyone's second Amendments rights. I think johan should have the living shit slapped out of him....maybe they should confiscate my hands, and refuse to issue me new ones.
Denying him his second amendment right because he exercised his first amendment right.
Because he said he ADMIRES people who happened to have done mass shootings. Because he said he could do that in the next future.
The guy clearly is a very serious threat.
Now if you think he's untitled to 2nd amendment right like any law-abiding US citizens, I sincerely hope that, if he ends up doing a mass shooting, many of your loved ones will die in the process.


Hiliary 2020
you just eat up everything they tell you don't you?
Cant you think for yourself? Can you see what they are doing?
So easily manipulated.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Because he said he ADMIRES people who happened to have done mass shootings. Because he said he could do that in the next future.
The guy clearly is a very serious threat.
Now if you think he's untitled to 2nd amendment right like any law-abiding US citizens, I sincerely hope that, if he ends up doing a mass shooting, many of your loved ones will die in the process.

Well lookie there, your being just as big as a fucking douche bag as will. Wishing people die brutally because they won't agree with your cheese eating surrender monkey ways. You truly are a vile waste of sub human life.
Well lookie there, your being just as big as a fucking douche bag as will. Wishing people die brutally because they won't agree with your cheese eating surrender monkey ways. You truly are a vile waste of sub human life.

Not because you don't agree with me, but because you think mass-shotter wannabees should be allowed to buy guns. And for, that, I maintain it, you deserve to share the fate of the closed ones of those he might end up killing.
If your are OK with piutting people's life at stake, you should have a taste of your own medicine.

Now let me ask you 1 question : The guy said he'll most probably target the school he went to. If your kid (or your brother, your sister or anyone from your very close ones) was in that school, would you still think the guy should be entitled to al his 2nd Amendment Rights ?
If the answer is "No" or "yes but I would have my kid going to another school", it means despite your big talks, you're just a coward who's OK to put other people's life at risk but not his or his closed ones'.
If the answer is "Yes", your either irresponsible or just stupid.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Not because you don't agree with me, but because you think mass-shotter wannabees should be allowed to buy guns. And for, that, I maintain it, you deserve to share the fate of the closed ones of those he might end up killing.
If your are OK with piutting people's life at stake, you should have a taste of your own medicine.

Now let me ask you 1 question : The guy said he'll most probably target the school he went to. If your kid (or your brother, your sister or anyone from your very close ones) was in that school, would you still think the guy should be entitled to al his 2nd Amendment Rights ?
If the answer is "No" or "yes but I would have my kid going to another school", it means despite your big talks, you're just a coward who's OK to put other people's life at risk but not his or his closed ones'.
If the answer is "Yes", your either irresponsible or just stupid.

But I won't, because I carry EVERYDAY, EVERYWHERE...and I practice, and I'm pretty fucking good. In fact, I wouldn't want me, shooting at me.

For the record fucktard, I never said I think this asshole should be allowed to have guns...I said you where no better then will for wishing people die in brutal fashion. I stand by that, you from now on will be refereed to as "Froggy will". Nwo go choke on a big bowl of dicks.