Policeman who used Taser gun to subdue 10-year-old girl suspended

WITH pay, I hope!

Poor cop...... :(


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I guess it's situational. The officer does have a selection of options he could have done. Beat down with a baton? Skeeball into the wall or car door? Drowning? Off a bridge? Chokehold? Boot stomping? Belt whipping? Ridge hand to the throat? She probably just needed a time-out. Oh wait...


Lock her up and throw away the key , the policeman was only doing his job

I mean we know how dangerous 10 year old girls can be...........:confused:
Stupid ass cop didn't call for back up . . .
I've met a lot of ten year olds who needed a good tasing. Though, I will concede that most often it's their parent(s) who truly deserve the shocking. Perhaps he should have tased Mom a few times, then?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Ok, first of all, is there any need to use a taser on a 10 year old girl? I mean, seriously, is there? Ok, maybe if she had a gun or a knife, but nowhere in this story did I see such evidence. Sure, the mother gave the officer permission to use the taser, but that doesn't mean that it was warranted. But, putting all of that aside for a moment, can we talk about something here that, I'm quite sure, a lot of people didn't notice? Ok...

The officer was called to the girl's home in Ozark, Arkansas, by her mother because she was behaving in an unruly manner and refusing to take a shower.

This woman should be fined for calling the police for such a STUPID fucking reason; wasting a police officers time and taxpayers' money. Seriously, this fucking bitch called the police because her daughter, who is 10 years old by the way, was refusing to take a shower...??? Are you fucking serious?

I'm tired of people calling for help due to the most insignificantly, easily solvable "problems" and actually getting away with it!!! We need to start punishing these morons who abuse our system of public safety. Shit, I'm surprised this idiotic mother didn't call 9-1-1 when her newborn puppy took a poop on the kitchen rug. Fuck.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Reason #37,412 to just give up all hope.


LOL all that over a shower, well it is Arkansas. I am surprised that they cop just did not turn around when called about taking a shower. I mean really it's pretty simple from a parent stand point. Either take a shower or a hand across the face, let the child make the decision. Or better yet your the fucking parrent act like one. Why the hell do parents let their children disrespect them is beyond me.


Closed Account
I hope this doesn't set a precedent, although with today's economy maybe one could set up Child Intervention and Prevention Services.

Enterpri3e - here's a business opportunity for you.

Hang on, we need to make this an interesting acronym. Hmm, lets see:

C.I.P.S. :dunno:

Child Restitution Applied Procedures - C.R.A.P. :dunno:
come on it was a ten year old girl he should have been able to subdue the girl without the taser but the girls mom did give the ok to taze her
I don't see what the big deal is. I remember when I saw my first horseless carriage. I told my Pa about it and he said I been havin' dealings with the devil so he took me round back and tasered me for nigh on 4 days


This would be Jeanine Garafalo's 10 y.o. daughter if she had one :1orglaugh totally unruly - rabid, no respect for anything or anybody around her ... no, this girl is going to grow up to be a winner in life, you betcha. I can't believe this little cunt was so bold as to boot a leo in the balls ! Great upbringing, just great parenting :bowdown:

Devils advo - I wasn't there so ... Sometimes it's better for the cop to cover his ass and employ a little taze instead of using physical restraint, ya know ? Bruising the little cunt's arm with an imprint of the officers hand would go over real well for the cop. What if the cop were to grab the little psycho devil by the wrist and she went into an alligator spin and either sprained or broke her arm, then what ?

You couldn't pay me enough to be a cop with the challenges of today. Yes, in the past I've had bad experiences with some cops just as I've had bad experiences with a sibling or two; and you know what ? I've pumped bad gas at Shell before and I even shot a Ruger that blew up in my hand (no injuries).

Is it reasonable to detest all cops ? No !
Do I hate any of my siblings . . . Yea ! One :lol !
Do I pump Shell gas in my vehicks ? Only when I have to :p
Would I ever buy a Ruger ? Nope !

So, you see, the point that I was trying to make failed miserably :1orglaugh
Hope you enjoyed reading my nonsense :hatsoff: :thefinger

Back to serious - Many law enf officers who wish to train for and carry a taser for on duty service are actually required to take the tase themself....so ...BZZZzzzZZZT !!
Since when have police ever used brutal force? I think this whole article is a lie!



Good those fuckin tasers kill people. He couldnt restrain and keep a ten year old under control. WTF is back-up for? I'd be furious if that was my child. I'd tie that cop up just when he is getting home from his beat...I'd dip his balls in cold water and then I'd tase the shit out of them. Repeatedly!:thefinger