Please use the Private Message function when applicable. (more inside)


Please use the PM function when you have a question for a single member. No one wants to read a private conversation in a thread. There have been far too many "who's that in your sig/avatar" questions asked inside threads recently. If you want to know something about someone's sig, avatar, email whatever, please Private Message.

Most, in the 90%s, members have PM turned on and you can easily send one by clicking on their avatar or name and selecting "send a private message to...".

One last thing: Private messages are to be kept private. They are not to be published on the board. If you receive a harassing or unjust PM, you may, of course, forward it to a mod.


Great advice BNF. By the way, who's that in your Avatar?

thought this thread was updated, guess not.... love who has posted in it though.

always gotta use the PM for personal grievences
maxell said:
yeah nice tip BNF, I just hope ppl listern to you

But they never do...
BNF said:
Send me a link (by PM :D) to where they aren't and I'll straighten it out.... :crash:

No, no, no...BNF

It was a 'joke' refering to (ahem) certain 'incidents' on the board recently.

No worries matey...everthings calm now :sleep: