Plastic bag tax.

Santa Monica has a 10 cent bag tax. I dealt with it by not shopping in Santa Monica anymore. I guess they won getting rid of me and my evil cash. Wonder what that victory lap looks like.
If NYC is anything like Seattle, you get your money back if you bring the bag back. Much like Oregon's bottle law. It's not a tax as much as it's a deposit on the bag. Here's the bottom line, though. We can make informed, forward thinking decisions now, or we can say, "Screw it, let the next generation deal with our mess." The population of the earth is not diminishing, nor is the amount of garbage created by especially western countries. Only so much room for landfills. Stop yer bellyaching already.
If NYC is anything like Seattle, you get your money back if you bring the bag back. Much like Oregon's bottle law. It's not a tax as much as it's a deposit on the bag. Here's the bottom line, though. We can make informed, forward thinking decisions now, or we can say, "Screw it, let the next generation deal with our mess." The population of the earth is not diminishing, nor is the amount of garbage created by especially western countries. Only so much room for landfills. Stop yer bellyaching already.

New York dumps a great deal of its trash in the Atlantic Ocean!!??!!! How is this even legal??


Closed Account
It's been this way in Maryland for a few years now. It's not just food, it's anything you buy. If you buy clothes, towels, pillows, you still have to pay for bags.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It's been this way in Maryland for a few years now. It's not just food, it's anything you buy. If you buy clothes, towels, pillows, you still have to pay for bags.

Well, that's the thing. what they pay to make those nice satiny large fit a box...that contains something the size of a coat...FOR WHAT YOU PAY FOR THE COAT...THEY should pay for it, not me. They have really nice smaller bags for the towels too. Nice bags and pretty to give as a gift but don't push your tax onto me.

As before, I don't want to hurt my food delivery people. I want thest folks to use thousands of bags. 1 billion or half a billion or 250 million bags should be a starting point. Make them make a better bag.


Closed Account
Well, that's the thing. what they pay to make those nice satiny large fit a box...that contains something the size of a coat...FOR WHAT YOU PAY FOR THE COAT...THEY should pay for it, not me.
Exactly. I ran into a group on business from Texas. You should have seen the expression on their faces when I told them about shopping here. This is another reason why I shop online. It's a little amusing seeing people that live here carrying items in their arms because they did not bring bags nor pay for them.
I'm gonna show my age a little.One of the grocery chain here did charge for one type of paper bag. It was a huge paper bag with handles (the regular ones were free). It was reusable and you could put 2 regular paper bags inside. Hence no need for doubling. When the push to go plastic started, they quit offering it.


I think we should just view plastic shopping bags (I said shopping bags) as an evolutionary mistake of the industrial age. They are the platypus of the modern age. And just because they were invented, just because it was obvious that they were going to be invented, doesn't mean we shouldn't uninvent them. And call it progress when we do.

Ooooh, killer analogy time: A couple hundred years ago whaling was a perfectly necessary industry. Now it is a barbaric and pointless exercise because we've learned how to live without killing whales. The same exact thing applies to plastic bags. We have found better ways, we can continue to find better ways, and we don't need to keep fucking things up to have something we no longer need. Toldya it was a killer analogy.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Personally, I use them. Waste baskets, and recyclables, and especially for the cats litter box. What we don't need, my wife takes back to the store. Of course, she cuts up 6-pack holders for the safety of animals....but she's a tree huger.

I see the point, that because of plastic grocery bags, there is an over abundance of non-biodegradable material in our land fills, but the fact is, there will ALWAYS be some form of plastic garbage bag. Without them, it would be a disgusting mess every where. I can't see throwing unwrapped garbage in a can, and putting it out, that's just smelly, and unsanitary.


Personally, I use them. Waste baskets, and recyclables, and especially for the cats litter box. What we don't need, my wife takes back to the store. Of course, she cuts up 6-pack holders for the safety of animals....but she's a tree huger.

I see the point, that because of plastic grocery bags, there is an over abundance of non-biodegradable material in our land fills, but the fact is, there will ALWAYS be some form of plastic garbage bag. Without them, it would be a disgusting mess every where. I can't see throwing unwrapped garbage in a can, and putting it out, that's just smelly, and unsanitary.

Much of what you say applies to me as well. But you'll notice I emphasized shopping bags. No one is saying no plastic bags at all (yet), and no one is saying no plastic at all (yet).

And it's all the shopping bags (and other waste plastic) that doesn't find its way to the landfill that most of us are addressing.


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Mayoral elections coming up in NYC. I wonder if any of the candidates want to hang their hats on this one.


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Bronze Member
My hometown of Kiel, Germany has decided to become the first german city to outrule plastic bags

German article - no english coverage of this yet

Starting out with talks about the companies making a pledge to start this - possible further steps

I find it strange that so many people still insist on using plastic bags, once more making this a similar freedom issue as gun ownership. There are great heavy-duty lightweight bags that fold extremly small if not in use. And that fake freedom of use is another abusive drop on Mother Nature, be smart and wake up
They outlawed regular plastic bags in Los Angeles. You can now pay 16 cents and get a super thick plastic bag that is way worse for the environment than the old ones. They call it a reusable bag but all bags are reusable if you use them again. This was never about the environment. I toss them just like the old bags before they clutter the house and I imagine many others do as well. 20th Century Fox slapped Gotham/Sleepy Hollow ads on bags that were given out for free.

Those old bags were used again for picking up dog poop. Scooping things into from the cat box too. No worries. I just grab a whole roll from the produce section. They end up in the trash also.


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Did you read down the article that plastic cutlery was next? I can see converting plates and bowls and cups to paper but how am I supposed to eat from it? Also:

"In 2012 Haiti outlawed all plastic bags and packaging in a bid to protect its coastal mangrove swamps. Bangladesh also banned plastic bags, which were blamed for blocking sewage systems and exacerbating extreme flooding events."

2 of the most impoverished lands on Earth and their solution is plastic bag control.
Did you read down the article that plastic cutlery was next? I can see converting plates and bowls and cups to paper but how am I supposed to eat from it? Also:
Yes I did and I agree with you : It's stupid to ban them.
Yes I did and I agree with you : It's stupid to ban them.

I have no idea about where you live but here many times our politicians do things to try to look busy pretending to defend the will of the people. You can only lie so much without the villagers bringing their pitchforks and torches after you. That part might be international human nature.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Yes I did and I agree with you : It's stupid to ban them.

Welcome to the dark side. Bring your friends, I have candy.

There is a town in California that has a law where if you can smell cigarette smoke from someone's house they can be fined. I'm not talking about 2 apartments next to each other, 2 privately owned residential parcels separated by property lines. Nothing in the law about BBQ or leaf burning, just tobacco smell.
There is a town in California that has a law where if you can smell cigarette smoke from someone's house they can be fined. I'm not talking about 2 apartments next to each other, 2 privately owned residential parcels separated by property lines. Nothing in the law about BBQ or leaf burning, just tobacco smell.
Damn !

And you americans dare calling us europeans liberals ?! ;)