I don't think anyone is giving Col. Sanders a hard time for being rich. (And its not even news. If I recall he "bought" a million dollar house after being robbed of the election).
A million dollars? C'mon people. A hard working plumber could make that in a year.
This story seems made up. Another divisive brick in the divisive wall theyve been building at Mach 1 speed since Trump announced his run for PREZ.
Don't believe anything they tell you. Even Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.
meester, I hope that you know that I hold you in a high regard (some of your batshit theories notwithstanding), because you generally see the bones beneath the meat.
Having said so, I think this is only a story because Bernie has made it one. He's been campaigning for president for nearly 5 years now, all the while, calling for the release of Trump's returns, and yet he's been refusing (up 'til yesterday) to release his own. Probably because his own personal wealth might undermine the authenticity of his message (in the eyes of his doe-eyed, dummy believers) - just not good for the image.
Personally, I don't give a fuck what he makes, provided he comes by it legally, and I don't give a fuck to see his tax returns - all of this goes for the President, as well.
But they make a game of it. If it has the IRS's blessing, who are you going to appeal to?