He's no saint, and "scourge" makes him sound cool, like a villain from some lore, which is also false. I think "uneducated piece of shit that few can stand" sums him up.
Having read your posts, I think an education is greatly exaggerated.
As for "few can stand", since when is popularity a standard of intelligence on FOs? And can you post the poll you took with names?
I can't stand ignorant dumbass pussies (wonder who I'm thinking of right now, Broken Wheel?)but (not meaning you) some people I absolutely
don't like impress me with their posts and take on things; some folks I like make some of the dumbest posts (next to yours) on FOs, but I don't care.
Got anything deep or insightful to say to your fellow crybaby raimmi? Should we take a pit stop?