Peter North

Undoubtedly, you can increase the size of your ejaculations through diet and exercise, but ultimately, those are marginal improvements at best. You're not going to go out and do kegels and suddenly start spurting a small lake, it just doesn't happen.
If they did, I seriously doubt:

A. This conversation would be taking place.
B. Anyone would consider Peter North as having an above average load, because we'd all be able to do it.

Yes, not ejaculating for a while will increase the volume of the load, but there is a limit, as in, when the testicles receive the signal that the ideal amount of sperm is ready. That varies from person to person, strictly due to genetics. The average male ejaculation ranges from 2 to 6 mL, meaning having Peter North like ejaculations is rare, because he's just genetically different. (I sound like Brucie from GTA IV).

Kegals has no role in increasing seminal volume. It is used to strengthen the reflex necessary to produce consistent back pressure during ejaculation. You can produce as much semen as possible but without consistently high back pressure it will just drop out of the end of your cock during ejaculation and it's not going to look like much. The stronger more conditioned your PC muscle is the higher and more sustained the back pressure will be during ejaculation. That is as simple a concept in my mind as the notion that strenghthening your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles allows you to bench press more weight.

Your seminal volume is a product of signals sent (through hormones) by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands to the testes and the amount of zinc stored in the prostate. It is a fact that the prostate secretes 500-1000 times the zinc that is in the bloodstream. Supplementing with combinations of zinc, magnesium and potassium as well as being sufficiently hydrated WILL increase your seminal output. You say minimal, I know different.

It's not an indictment against a demonstrated theory that many if not most people lack the discipline or knowledge necessary to change a physiological condition with themselves. I work out regularly and maintain a diet with supplementation conducive to that lifestyle. Naturally I'm going to look different from most people who don't or won't. Because they don't or won't that doesn't dispel the reality that a proper regimen of diet and exercise is determinative in a person's fat to muscle ratio.

You're right in the sense that a man is not going to simply swallow a pill and magically start spurting jizz like a fire more than a man would be able to take a pill to change his body type from fat to fit. It's a matter of consistently conditioning your body for the physiological change and unless you have the knowledge and discipline to consistently maintain a regimen with both you shouldn't expect desired results with either.
Kegals has no role in increasing seminal volume. It is used to strengthen the reflex necessary to produce consistent back pressure during ejaculation. You can produce as much semen as possible but without consistently high back pressure it will just drop out of the end of your cock during ejaculation and it's not going to look like much. The stronger more conditioned your PC muscle is the higher and more sustained the back pressure will be during ejaculation. That is as simple a concept in my mind as the notion that strenghthening your chest, shoulder and tricep muscles allows you to bench press more weight.

Your seminal volume is a product of signals sent (through hormones) by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands to the testes and the amount of zinc stored in the prostate. It is a fact that the prostate secretes 500-1000 times the zinc that is in the bloodstream. Supplementing with combinations of zinc, magnesium and potassium as well as being sufficiently hydrated WILL increase your seminal output. You say minimal, I know different.

It's not an indictment against a demonstrated theory that many if not most people lack the discipline or knowledge necessary to change a physiological condition with themselves. I work out regularly and maintain a diet with supplementation conducive to that lifestyle. Naturally I'm going to look different from most people who don't or won't. Because they don't or won't that doesn't dispel the reality that a proper regimen of diet and exercise is determinative in a person's fat to muscle ratio.

You're right in the sense that a man is not going to simply swallow a pill and magically start spurting jizz like a fire more than a man would be able to take a pill to change his body type from fat to fit. It's a matter of consistently conditioning your body for the physiological change and unless you have the knowledge and discipline to consistently maintain a regimen with both you shouldn't expect desired results with either.

For Kegels to even been considered here, I would think they would need to produce increases of seminal volume, which they won't.

Look, if you're talking about mimicking the way semen comes out a la Peter North, by all means, I agree that can be done, and quite easily, but every single thing I've read that has any academic or scientific credibility whatsoever has specifically stated that increases in volume are marginal at best through diet and exercise. The FDA even says it in regards to the 50 million different supplements that "increase male performance/increase sperm count/volume". That's not to say there isn't an increase, but you're not going to go from 2 mL to Peter North. There's just no evidence to suggest it's possible, hell even other porn guys can't do it. It's akin to penis length, and people still believe they can make their penis longer, but simply put, it's not possible.
For Kegels to even been considered here, I would think they would need to produce increases of seminal volume, which they won't.

Look, if you're talking about mimicking the way semen comes out a la Peter North, by all means, I agree that can be done, and quite easily, but every single thing I've read that has any academic or scientific credibility whatsoever has specifically stated that increases in volume are marginal at best through diet and exercise. The FDA even says it in regards to the 50 million different supplements that "increase male performance/increase sperm count/volume". That's not to say there isn't an increase, but you're not going to go from 2 mL to Peter North. There's just no evidence to suggest it's possible, hell even other porn guys can't do it. It's akin to penis length, and people still believe they can make their penis longer, but simply put, it's not possible.

There is no relationship with kegals and seminal volume. The issue is two part; increasing seminal volume then (separately) having the ability to forcefully ejaculate as much of it as possible. Kegals deals with ejaculating it not producing it.

Here's the problem, none of your input on this appears to be practical but the product of what you've read. I've never purchased a specific product designed to increase my "performance" or seminal volume. What I have done is by happenstance use supplements such as zinc, etc. and done other things that produced unexpected and noticeable differences with respect to my ejaculations. Of course I tried re-creating and researching and that's how I stumbled upon what I'm relaying here.

Here's the problem with the studies you cite on this subject, you can't just give someone a pill product and expect that they will know or even adhere to the regimen necessary to produce the physiological change. I could give someone a protein drink product that is absolutely effective in helping one build muscle mass. But is that all they need to do? Drink a shake daily?

Also, increasing semen and sperm are two different things
There is no relationship with kegals and seminal volume. The issue is two part; increasing seminal volume then (separately) having the ability to forcefully ejaculate as much of it as possible. Kegals deals with ejaculating it not producing it.

Here's the problem, none of your input on this appears to be practical but the product of what you've read. I've never purchased a specific product designed to increase my "performance" or seminal volume. What I have done is by happenstance use supplements such as zinc, etc. and done other things that produced unexpected and noticeable differences with respect to my ejaculations. Of course I tried re-creating and researching and that's how I stumbled upon what I'm relaying here.

Here's the problem with the studies you cite on this subject, you can't just give someone a pill product and expect that they will know or even adhere to the regimen necessary to produce the physiological change. I could give someone a protein drink product that is absolutely effective in helping one build muscle mass. But is that all they need to do? Drink a shake daily?

Also, increasing semen and sperm are two different things

Sure, what I'm going off of is what I've heard. But I happen to be married to a doctor, and believe me, questions like this have been addressed. If you'd like, I can ask her to provide whatever research she's got, if that'll make you feel better. I think you're assuming that because you've improved your sexual function that anyone can, and that's really not the way people work. And you're right, people should know how to use products correctly, but like I've said before, those things don't work. Matter of fact, the head of Berkeley labs just went to jail because he claimed his product worked, and it didn't. And his only argument was that Enzyte was for "male enhancement". Unless you're buying some PR junk, that to me means it has to:

1. Make your penis bigger or
2. Increase semen production

And neither claim was fulfilled. I mean the news is full of this junk, about people being arrested selling these things because they don't work. If taking supplements individually does the job for you, then you might want to look into selling whatever you take, because the "magic potion" hasn't been found. Ultimately if you believe it's possible more power to you, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests otherwise.
Sure, what I'm going off of is what I've heard. But I happen to be married to a doctor, and believe me, questions like this have been addressed. If you'd like, I can ask her to provide whatever research she's got, if that'll make you feel better. I think you're assuming that because you've improved your sexual function that anyone can, and that's really not the way people work. And you're right, people should know how to use products correctly, but like I've said before, those things don't work. Matter of fact, the head of Berkeley labs just went to jail because he claimed his product worked, and it didn't. And his only argument was that Enzyte was for "male enhancement". Unless you're buying some PR junk, that to me means it has to:

1. Make your penis bigger or
2. Increase semen production

And neither claim was fulfilled. I mean the news is full of this junk, about people being arrested selling these things because they don't work. If taking supplements individually does the job for you, then you might want to look into selling whatever you take, because the "magic potion" hasn't been found. Ultimately if you believe it's possible more power to you, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests otherwise.

Well, simply being a doctor (medical I'm assuming) doesn't add much on the subject unless she's a urologist or has done some other specialize study on male reproduction.

I don't know if whether or not increasing the size or your dick is possible...I frankly don't care as it's not something I would pursue. I don't know what's in Enzyte but from what I've seen, they market their product around making your dick grow bigger. I have no idea if that works or not....I seriously doubt it. But that's not even the subject here. We're talking increasing bodily secretions (in this case semen) which is undeniably possible given the right conditions.

Overall, you should never buy a pill someone is marketing (or any supplement) without understanding the physiology behind why you should be taking it. As I said before, I work out and supplement to support that lifestyle which includes among other things zinc, magnesium and potassium to support natural testosterone production during work outs. I subsequently found out that along with other things I was doing it had the effect of increasing the amount of semen I ejaculated not minimally but quite noticeably. In looking into it I found some interesting facts to which I was able to build upon and come up with a consistent approach that has noticeably increased the size and pressure of my ejaculations.

I've never bought a product marketed to increase anything to do with my penis. I simply stumbled upon much larger ejaculations than I've previously had or seen other than by a few porn dudes North being one. Then through my own looking into to the possible causes I ran across some things that made perfect physiological sense. That wasn't the end of it, for my belief or theory to be practicable I needed to re-create it. Which I was able to....I am convinced if the majority of men appropriately condition themselves they will be able to as well.

Now I don't want to spend any more time appearing to try and convince you, because I'm merely responding to what you write. But you have to understand how I have to view my exchange with you on this...Certainly while a person doesn't need to try everything in order to develop a reasonable opinion on a subject (provided they've done some practical research on their own) but it's pretty difficult to discuss this with someone dealing strictly through the prism of theory..and not even your own theory but someone else's.

For the purposes of this topic, I'm explaining here what I've experienced and your explaining what you've been told or read.
Well, simply being a doctor (medical I'm assuming) doesn't add much on the subject unless she's a urologist or has done some other specialize study on male reproduction.

I don't know if whether or not increasing the size or your dick is possible...I frankly don't care as it's not something I would pursue. I don't know what's in Enzyte but from what I've seen, they market their product around making your dick grow bigger. I have no idea if that works or not....I seriously doubt it. But that's not even the subject here. We're talking increasing bodily secretions (in this case semen) which is undeniably possible given the right conditions.

Overall, you should never buy a pill someone is marketing (or any supplement) without understanding the physiology behind why you should be taking it. As I said before, I work out and supplement to support that lifestyle which includes among other things zinc, magnesium and potassium to support natural testosterone production during work outs. I subsequently found out that along with other things I was doing it had the effect of increasing the amount of semen I ejaculated not minimally but quite noticeably. In looking into it I found some interesting facts to which I was able to build upon and come up with a consistent approach that has noticeably increased the size and pressure of my ejaculations.

I've never bought a product marketed to increase anything to do with my penis. I simply stumbled upon much larger ejaculations than I've previously had or seen other than by a few porn dudes North being one. Then through my own looking into to the possible causes I ran across some things that made perfect physiological sense. That wasn't the end of it, for my belief or theory to be practicable I needed to re-create it. Which I was able to....I am convinced if the majority of men appropriately condition themselves they will be able to as well.

Now I don't want to spend any more time appearing to try and convince you, because I'm merely responding to what you write. But you have to understand how I have to view my exchange with you on this...Certainly while a person doesn't need to try everything in order to develop a reasonable opinion on a subject (provided they've done some practical research on their own) but it's pretty difficult to discuss this with someone dealing strictly through the prism of theory..and not even your own theory but someone else's.

For the purposes of this topic, I'm explaining here what I've experienced and your explaining what you've been told or read.

I'm not sure why been informed about the science of the matter detracts from what I'm saying, but alright.

Look, I understand that you've seen all this improvement in your personal life. I don't doubt it, I really don't, it's more than plausible. The problem is, there's no evidence you've provided that anyone with any understanding of science could conclude was because of exercise and supplements, that's just what you're convinced it is. It's not beyond the realm of possibility to be a fluctuation in your prostate activity, simply triggered by hormones.

You're essentially trying to expand your changes to everyone, and quite frankly, humans don't work that way. Science has shown us that in fact, our genetic makeup is the prime factor in our sexual physiology. And when experiments incorporating hundreds and thousands of men can conclude that, I think any logical person would be inclined to believe it.

I don't understand how my view is somehow less valid because it deals with "theory". You're valuing experience over science. You're completely disregarding the fact that your experience may have been a "flash in the pan" or in scientific terms, an outlier. What I've read are a series of articles published by university researchers in academic and scholarly journals. I have no idea how to prove to you the validity of academic journals, but I can honestly say I've never heard anyone dismiss them as inaccurate simply because of one incident.
It's not beyond the realm of possibility to be a fluctuation in your prostate activity, simply triggered by hormones.

You're essentially trying to expand your changes to everyone, and quite frankly, humans don't work that way. Science has shown us that in fact, our genetic makeup is the prime factor in our sexual physiology. And when experiments incorporating hundreds and thousands of men can conclude that, I think any logical person would be inclined to believe it.

I don't understand how my view is somehow less valid because it deals with "theory". You're valuing experience over science.

"...simply triggered by hormones". Noww you're getting it. To what would you attribute this hormonal change? A genetic change? I've already laid out in a previous post in this thread the effect some supplements have on stimulating hormonal production and release.

Some aspect of our sexual physiology are genetic and largely not capable of being changed significantly, if at all. However, sexual physiology in men includes such thing as quality of erection, sensitivity to stimulation, sperm production, semen production, ejaculatory pressure, etc. which have very little to do with genetics.

Also, expanding physiological changes to others based generally on diet, supplementation and activity regimen works exactly that way. The whole basis for the framework of our dietary, nutritional and medicinal structure is our understanding what affect vitamins, minerals, acids, drugs, etc. generally have on us humans.

Lastly, I don't know of any studies (not that they don't exist) exploring the prospects of increasing seminal volume. You seem to know of them. If possible, could you link some of them here (or point me to them) so I can read what they conclude for myself?
sexual physiology in men includes such thing as quality of erection, sensitivity to stimulation, sperm production, semen production, ejaculatory pressure, etc. which have very little to do with genetics.

With all due respect, that's a very ignorant look at human sexual physiology. All of those things are heavily (if not exclusively) genetic. Impotence is a perfect example of that. Many men during the process of aging, experience some form of impotence. Any medical journal will tell you that's primarily a genetic happening.
I still think: take care of yourself; what you eat and what you do. Be active and zinc and cal/mag tablets, and also Manuka honey is quite good. Plenty of sleep, moderate on alcohol etc.
I still think: take care of yourself; what you eat and what you do. Be active and zinc and cal/mag tablets, and also Manuka honey is quite good. Plenty of sleep, moderate on alcohol etc.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, so I'll put it this way. Is there any credible research to back that statement up? Because otherwise, it's a "well I've done it so it must be true" statement. I think your statement is extremely true about how to live in general, however. :thumbsup:
^LOL. I'll go with the second part. I do take all the above, but I dare not measure up against PN:1orglaugh:o

With all due respect, that's a very ignorant look at human sexual physiology. All of those things are heavily (if not exclusively) genetic. Impotence is a perfect example of that. Many men during the process of aging, experience some form of impotence. Any medical journal will tell you that's primarily a genetic happening.

Acute impotence can occur at any age for a variety of reasons. With respect to aging men and impotence... to the extent that men are preprogrammed to eventually decrease certain hormone levels and some are susceptible to inherited conditions it can be considered genetic.

Again, can you link or point me to specific sources that cite specific studies on the ability/inability of men to increase semen?
Darwinian evolution: but what would be the trigger for sperm increase. Hmmmmm:cool:
Darwinian evolution: but what would be the trigger for sperm increase. Hmmmmm:cool:

Semen contains sperm. Increased sperm count doesn't necessarily mean you produce more semen as you can produce semen that has no sperm.

To your specific question, the trigger for increased sperm and semen are hormones produced by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands.
Oh well: swimming against the tide here (no pun intended :D
Acute impotence can occur at any age for a variety of reasons. With respect to aging men and impotence... to the extent that men are preprogrammed to eventually decrease certain hormone levels and some are susceptible to inherited conditions it can be considered genetic.

Again, can you link or point me to specific sources that cite specific studies on the ability/inability of men to increase semen?

All of the articles I've referred to are from JAMA, which you can easily find on Google. I'm not sure if you'll find a lot because most of the articles are for purchase, unless you are a member (which my wife happens to be).

I'll tell you what. If you can produce a scholarly article that supports your stance, I'll leave the issue at that.
All of the articles I've referred to are from JAMA, which you can easily find on Google. I'm not sure if you'll find a lot because most of the articles are for purchase, unless you are a member (which my wife happens to be).

I'll tell you what. If you can produce a scholarly article that supports your stance, I'll leave the issue at that.

Is that how it's supposed to work? I offer my practical experience on a subject, you contest my claims by citing studies (as I am unaware of any study that strictly sought to conclude the effects of supplements on seminal volume) but I get to be the one who produces a study to support my claims??

I don't think so. If these numerous studies are so easy to find then it should be easy enough to link one or point me to one so I can read the conclusions myself.