I really don't see what good they do. We already have the Humane Society, Animal Protective Leagues, animal shelter, etc.
What does PETA add to the equation? A platform that subscribes to the notion that eating meat is murder???
What is there to talk about with these people after that?? Sending the POTUS a "humane" fly trapper in completely consistent and not surprising coming from these people.
PETA is being stupid in this case. They do however do some good work. They just need to stick to real animal issues and not this silly stuff.
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.
Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.
As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.
Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.
I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.
Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.
As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.
Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.
I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.
It would be harmful to humanity if we did not eat meat. But there are *humane* ways to treat animals. Whatever standards for food that comprise "kosher" probably should be adopted by everybody...
Kosher meat can be intensively reared.
In the UK there are a variety of standards of various levels of strictness. I only eat free range meat and will eat organic if it's free range and the farmer is allowed to use antibiotics therapeutically (as opposed to merely promote growth).
In restaurants I tend to eat veggie (unless I know how they source their meat)
It's like saying Al-qaeda are OK because they have sensible views on global warming (or whatever).
But, the source of their vegetables doesn't concern you? :dunno:
Not from an animal welfare perspective
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.
Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.
As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.
Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.
I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.
PETA are extremists and should be exposed as such.