PETA embarrasses themselves once again

hate PETA
We have an organisation like that over here as well (GAIA) ...
They once put a hidden camera to show farmers at a market, hitting on cows with sticks to do something (perhaps moving towards the truck, i don't know exactly what anymore). Everybody was chocked and everybody had to say something about it, there wasn't one organisation or person that hadn't been on tv to say something about it.
The farmers where condamned with a fine (if i'm not wrong), GAIA walked around with a big grin on there face and said that they were happy that people finally understood the importance of not abusing the animals.
One month later, on another market some reporters did the same thing, and guess what ... same thing happened again.
Carefull, i'm not saying that you can hit an animal, i never did and i will never do (hopefully, never say never as we say) but the fuck is some people are sob where those organisations are needed for. They have a use, but not for stupid reasons like hitting bugs and flies, ...

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I really don't see what good they do. We already have the Humane Society, Animal Protective Leagues, animal shelter, etc.

What does PETA add to the equation? A platform that subscribes to the notion that eating meat is murder???

What is there to talk about with these people after that?? Sending the POTUS a "humane" fly trapper in completely consistent and not surprising coming from these people.

They go under cover and expose violations in meat packing plants. They also have exposed many drug companies for not following the rules on how they treat their lab animals. The also went under cover in China and exposed how they skin cats and dogs alive. Then they let the animals suffer piled on top of each other until they die. I am sorry but that is really fucked up.

I also never said I agreed with everything they did, so I am not sure why you want to argue with me. I said they do some good.
PETA is being stupid in this case. They do however do some good work. They just need to stick to real animal issues and not this silly stuff.

I love PETA especially when they are totally nude demonstrating outside department stores in San Fransciso and New York. I already "love" to go to their demonstration. Some of them are old chicks (means 40's)

But PETA girls do have a banner covered them up, you just have to go around and see !
Few years back, the PETA terrorists infiltrated a fur coat trade show at Cobo Hall in Downtown Detroit and the PETA terrorists used boxing knife to cut and destroy millions dollars of fur.
So where do they draw the line then? If you can't swat a fly, can you slap a mosquito thats sucking the blood out of you? Bacteria are living organisms, right? No washing you hands because you don't want to kill the bacteria and be a murderer.
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.

Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.

As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.

Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.

I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.
Out of control. Completely insane. There cannot be one rational minded, clear headed individual anywhere amongst their ranks. They are ludicrous......ridiculous.......outrageous....PETA= domestic terrorists......I am going to personally kill every single fly I see this summer......Jesus God, when will this bullshit cease!? :mad:
Maybe they should put Federal wildlife Marshall Willandholley on the case. :D

The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.

Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.

As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.

Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.

I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.

Then again when somebody continually says stupid nonsensical things it gets a lot harder to take anything they say seriously after that. For most people something similar probably happens when a whole organization does things like that. I also don't see too many people seriously advocating undue cruelty to animals for it's own sake.
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.

Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.

As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.

Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.

I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.

PETA are extremists and should be exposed as such. Yes, in some ways they claim to be pro-animal welfare but the fact that they euthanise thousands of animals a year, the majority of which could be re-homed makes me call this into question.

It's like saying Al-qaeda are OK because they have sensible views on global warming (or whatever).
It would be harmful to humanity if we did not eat meat. But there are *humane* ways to treat animals. Whatever standards for food that comprise "kosher" probably should be adopted by everybody...

Kosher meat can be intensively reared.

In the UK there are a variety of standards of various levels of strictness. I only eat free range meat and will eat organic if it's free range and the farmer is allowed to use antibiotics therapeutically (as opposed to merely promote growth).

In restaurants I tend to eat veggie (unless I know how they source their meat)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Kosher meat can be intensively reared.

In the UK there are a variety of standards of various levels of strictness. I only eat free range meat and will eat organic if it's free range and the farmer is allowed to use antibiotics therapeutically (as opposed to merely promote growth).

In restaurants I tend to eat veggie (unless I know how they source their meat)

But, the source of their vegetables doesn't concern you? :dunno:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
have some mushrooms with the federally accepted amount of fecal matter on them
It's like saying Al-qaeda are OK because they have sensible views on global warming (or whatever).

Why not? that's dumb. If Al Queda put forth a solid environmental policy :rolleyes: why would I refuse to admit that I agreed with it based simply on the character of the organization? A good idea or action is the result of it's consequence and although it is necessary to factor it's motivation into it's value, the two should not automatically exclude each other.
They just need to get their priorities straight and stop trying to make headlines with stupid acts like this. By the way PETA...bugs are not animals. You dont see people walking around in cockroach skin boots or mosquito fur coats. I dont see houseflys on the protected endangered list. You will never be able to kill off a bug species because theyre BUGS!
My dog catches and eats flies.

What say you, PETA?
The only thing dumber then PETA is the people that are opposed to it.

Because you think that this group is being arrogant and antagonistic you are going to advocate cruelty to animals and wish death upon them? How does that make any sense as a condemnation of the group? It just makes you look like an even bigger asshole.

As Jane said, there are some good things that PETA does, and as others have said, there are some bad things too.

Why are people so black and white in their views? It's either all bad or all good. They can't separate individual actions as a basis for judgment. And once again, that makes you just as ignorant and illogical as you accuse PETA of being.

I don't defend PETA, I don't defend any stupid people.

I just take issue with the way the put their practices above everything else. It's one thing to call for animal rights, and another to practice it, which PETA isn't. Right now, all they are is shock artists, if you will, that is they do things to condemn people publicly, without reasonably addressing the animal rights issues. I'm all for animal rights, in fact, I regularly support the Humane Society and ASPCA, but PETA, to me doesn't belong with those two groups. PETA consistently calls for a end to euthanasia of pets, a stance which I'm inclined to agree with. But when PETA put down animals at a rate of 97% last year, nearly 20 percent higher than the national average for pet shelters, something has to give. Like I said, the idea is noble, and something I'm all for, but the practice is not.

PETA are extremists and should be exposed as such.

That right there is probably the truest statement one could make about the organization as a whole.