Pet Peeves

Humanity in general tends to piss me off. That being said, animals aren't any better, nor plants; anything alive basically annoys the fuck out of me in one way or another. I can only hope the planets complete annihilation comes within my own lifetime so I can look on at all of the misery and despair that would follow such an event with a sense of pride.

I'm sure the first time I masturbate to the screams of someone outside of my own home, whose eyes had melted for some reason and is now writhing in the street, clawing at the legs of other scared victims in some vein hope that the civilisation they so relied on doesn't exist anymore and nor will it ever exist again, will probably be the most glorious moment of my entire existence.

All I could hope for in that situation is that I cum before I succumb to the same fate as the poor fellow outside of those walls.
Fucking teenagers that won't shut the fuck up during a fucking movie no matter how many times the entire fucking audience tells them to shut the fuck up!!!

Had to get that off my chest after last weekend

I couldn't agree more with that, don't understand why anyone would pay to talk through a movie, I had someone on their blackberry through a movie the other week, all I could see is this annoying white light in the corner of my eye :\


Closed Account
People texting on the highway...FFS is that text more important than your life or the safety of others. And people who do not put their shopping carts in the correct place, just leaving them in their parking spot and or some spot on the landscape.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I have another one. When someone texts me and I can't get to my phone but five minutes later I get another text from that person with nothing but a bunch of questions marks. Very annoying.

Maybe you are way too addictive :dunno:

You could solve this by being really rude or you could try to get a smartphone that sends auto-response notices that tricks those buggers :1orglaugh


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
people who say "I was thinking to myself." Like you were fucking thinking to someone else? If you are "thinking aloud" you are talking!
When the self checkout computer at the supermarket says 'Please take your items' while you're bagging the items. Never gives you enough time.
For me, its got to be when someone starts talking to you, but they're already on their cell phone. Dammit ass hole, stick to one conversation. If you want to talk to me, get off the fucking phone!
People who don't plan ahead when driving, if you are going to turn onto a different street get in the correct lane with plenty of time. Don't try to make that last pass before your turn.

Driving under the speed limit.

Driving slow in the left lane.


Ignorant people who illegally raise dogs, cats, their half brother's step child, horses, burros, chickens, various and sundry livestock and who knows what else . . boa constrictors, rattlesnakes, alligators/crocks, chimps etc.
ASSHOLES! Each and every one of them! Damn turd worlders! \:mad:/

Pull your collective heads out of your asses! and take responsibility for these creatures! Give them a fresh change of water each day! Feed them no less than twice a day . . . and not eggshells and table scraps!
Groom the beasts if necessary, make sure that they have suitable shelter and dry non urine soaked bedding!
Get them spayed and or neutered where applicable and on the double . . .
Yes before the siblings begin to hump each other! :facepalm:
Make sure that they receive their vaccinations!

Get a friggin clue!!!!! :ak47:
Yeah right, like they're really going to take the initiative. :horse:

I actually feel better now! ;)
my pet peeve is when people say their pet peeves.....naw just kidding but one of them is when people don't use their turn signals. Another one is when construction workers are just sitting around doing nothing when they are getting paid to be working what gives do some work and you'll finish faster!

That what grinds my gears!


double standards
Political Correctness
Got lots, but most recently, and once again, I got 2 freakin telemarketing/sales calls yesterday. I say once again because I had my number registered to the "do not call list" last year, and it stopped for a good year or so. Now within the last few weeks, it's been coming back! Can't they just stop bothering me??? F***!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
[B][URL=" said:
Elektra Knight[/URL][/B], post: 5026164, member: 376878"]I can't stand all the political correctness b.s. myself. :)

And it's starting to spread to other countries. o_O