Penis Injury Question

My wife and I had some vigorous sex last night. Including some pretty good oral action, but she was getting a little too much teeth action in for my tastes. We went for about an hour, and then again this morning, both times were on the rougher more intense side for us. Just going with the moment. This afternoon, she was trying to get me to do some chores around the house, I struck a bargain which included sex now and later. She agreed. We started to get busy, and she went to suck on my dick, and I noticed that a blood vessel on the top side left side of penis just behind the head was swollen, not gigantic, but definitely much larger than normal . I stopped the activities and went to the internet and it looks like I just need some rest. No pain, at all.

Has anyone else experienced this? Advice?

Do any of the women have advice I can give my wife on sucking my cock without teeth?


Anything involving the dick gets an immediate trip to the doctor. (If the ambulance had a different siren call for penis injuries we'd see people getting the fuck out da way quicker, I bet). I wouldn't take any chances.
Cut it off and grow another one.:spump:
I don't think it is that serious. We are just talking about a swollen blood vessel here, on the top side of the penis. Not dealing with any of the inner blood vessels that provide the erection.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Call a doctor, just in case.
It may reduce the amout of blowjobs you get but you can try this..."STOP FUCKING BITING MY FUCKING COCK!!!"

Arden Adamz

Official Checked Star Member
Just as you mentioned, you two were being a bit more vigorous than usual-- take it easy for a bit and you'll be just fine, the human body is incredibly resilient... I have a bit of oral fixation myself and blow jobs are absolutely one of my favorite forms of sex! My advice for a seriously tantalizing no-teeth BJ? Give her some incentive! I love some of the flavored lubes that are out on the market right now, Strawberry is one flavor that tends to be delicious in most brands and a lot of women agree. Try picking some up and spontaneously offering some during your next tryst-- the yummy flavors will entice her tongue to do most of the work and make her mouth salivate. MMmmmm! Good luck... I think I'm going to go suck some cock now hehe!


Member, you member...
You need to take everyone's advice because Kool Moe Dee says so:



^^ Right. Have you never seen a guy with a curved dick? (I have)

Guess what that is? Scar tissue.

Guess what it's from! Redlining.

Take it in stride. Let it heal.

Your soldier will be ready for battle in no time.
Took a shower yesterday, and the swelling went away, 12 hours later everything is still good. I will be taking some time off just in case.

I asked people on a porn forum because I could ask the idiots on the medical forums trying to decide if having anal sex takes away your virginity.