^^^^ Actually, you haven't disproven my point at all. In fact, you only strengthened it. Remember the turmoil that came about in Iran over Ahmadinejad "re-election"? Not everyone wants to bring about an apocalypse, even if they are Islamic. You haven't done anything to disprove the fact that there is over a billion Islamic people in the world, and so far we seem to be doing pretty fine. In that case, reality has disproven you. When you actually come up with a counterargument to that one point, then you can attempt to say you have disproven it. I have seen you argue nothing against that point other then that "you have spent time living in Islamic countries". That's nice for you; I hope you got a sun tan. When you can tell me how that makes every single follower of Islam in favour of the destruction of the West, get back to me. You claim that I am narrowminded, but last time I checked, I am the one who is saying followers of Islam are more than what you say they are.
I'm glad you think my idea about Iran having larger numbers than Israel is stupid. Now, please tell me the reason Israel hasn't attacked Iran yet - even though you have shown that they are cleary capable of wiping Iran off of the map. I'm sure it will be as full of holes as your entire argument thus far. But, that's what happens when you base your entire argument on what you see on the news.
There have been countless attacks against muslim people of all kinds since 9/11. I use Nazis and racists as an example - there have been attacks on muslim people for years by Americans. Your point that they do not blow stuff up does not disprove the fact there are still people who want to destroy cultures.
And on a side note, I find your idea that I think the Taliban are noble very insulting. I have served in Afghanistan, and I saw friends injured and disabled by them. I don't think comments like that are needed.