Peace in the middle east

How would you create peace?

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the Palestinians have contributed nothing in 50+ years to the world but death, poverty, and bullshit.
Israel has contributed high-tech, food and defense expertise to the US and many 3rd world countries.
Philby....sigh. Are you really comparing these 2 nations? Are you really comparing an occupier nation with an occupied? How many billions in aid and military muscle have we give Israel vs the Palestinians?

Puerto Rico hasn't contributed much to the World since we took them over...:rolleyes::dunno:



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^^^^ Actually, you haven't disproven my point at all. In fact, you only strengthened it. Remember the turmoil that came about in Iran over Ahmadinejad "re-election"? Not everyone wants to bring about an apocalypse, even if they are Islamic. You haven't done anything to disprove the fact that there is over a billion Islamic people in the world, and so far we seem to be doing pretty fine. In that case, reality has disproven you. When you actually come up with a counterargument to that one point, then you can attempt to say you have disproven it. I have seen you argue nothing against that point other then that "you have spent time living in Islamic countries". That's nice for you; I hope you got a sun tan. When you can tell me how that makes every single follower of Islam in favour of the destruction of the West, get back to me. You claim that I am narrowminded, but last time I checked, I am the one who is saying followers of Islam are more than what you say they are.

I'm glad you think my idea about Iran having larger numbers than Israel is stupid. Now, please tell me the reason Israel hasn't attacked Iran yet - even though you have shown that they are cleary capable of wiping Iran off of the map. I'm sure it will be as full of holes as your entire argument thus far. But, that's what happens when you base your entire argument on what you see on the news.

There have been countless attacks against muslim people of all kinds since 9/11. I use Nazis and racists as an example - there have been attacks on muslim people for years by Americans. Your point that they do not blow stuff up does not disprove the fact there are still people who want to destroy cultures.

And on a side note, I find your idea that I think the Taliban are noble very insulting. I have served in Afghanistan, and I saw friends injured and disabled by them. I don't think comments like that are needed.


Philby....sigh. Are you really comparing these 2 nations? Are you really comparing an occupier nation with an occupied? How many billions in aid and military muscle have we give Israel vs the Palestinians?

Puerto Rico hasn't contributed much to the World since we took them over...:rolleyes::dunno:


arguing with a retard brings you down to his level. just put him on the ignore list and the board will be much more enjoyable for you. i still remember when he pointed out my lack of rep points (because they are somehow important to him), and when i then said that my points per post ratio was higher than his he started posting in the "the member above gets repped because..." thread like a maniac, all the while pretending that he really didn't care about rep. yet he brought it up.

so really, just put him on ignore and enjoy the board. :glugglug:
Getting piece and understanding between Israel and the Palestinians might have helped greatly foster peace in the Middle 30, 40, or 50 years ago. While something like that would be very nice and still should be done, it's to the point where the whole area is well beyond that now. Getting peace between the two of them would also do relatively little to help our image there now. Again for that to have an effect we would have needed to bring about peace there decades ago.

Will E Worm

Peace in the Middle East? Did someone wake up from a dream?

This will never happen. If it does it will last three years then BOOM! :D



Philby....sigh. Are you really comparing these 2 nations? Are you really comparing an occupier nation with an occupied? How many billions in aid and military muscle have we give Israel vs the Palestinians?

Puerto Rico hasn't contributed much to the World since we took them over...:rolleyes::dunno:


What a clown...the Palestinians never were and still aren't a nation.
Aid to the "Palestinians" totals billions but it's mostly ended up in Swiss bank accounts and elsewhere.
The Israelis did what needed to be done, money doesn't build farms and doesn't fight wars...people do.
You can be so extremely childish when trying to pursue an what else is new?:rofl:


arguing with a retard brings you down to his level. just put him on the ignore list and the board will be much more enjoyable for you. i still remember when he pointed out my lack of rep points (because they are somehow important to him), and when i then said that my points per post ratio was higher than his he started posting in the "the member above gets repped because..." thread like a maniac, all the while pretending that he really didn't care about rep. yet he brought it up.

so really, just put him on ignore and enjoy the board. :glugglug:

I am ready to go head to head with you anytime...calling someone a "retard" showcases both your own lack of class and inability to hold your own on an intellectual level in a discussion...Hellraisin doesn't count. You could outlogic him easily enough, but that's more of an insult. Please don't explode...
(Your obvious favorite whine is "He's so mean to me!"...):rofl:



Is somewhere outhere.
I voted with the hope of diplomacy.But the whole issue with Israel and it's
neighbours will never be resolved,unless a miracle is performed by either
God or Allah.

So all I can say is thank god i'm a Scottish Boy :D
There is only one way to create peace in the world and that is to abolish all religion.

As the vast majority of trouble is caused by religiuos extremist's.


There is only one way to create peace in the world and that is to abolish all religion.

As the vast majority of trouble is caused by religiuos extremist's.

yes, religion is stupid. extremists, however aren't really religious, they just use religion to hide behind, to further their agenda. if you take religion away from them then they'll just find something else to abuse for their purposes.
yes, religion is stupid. extremists, however aren't really religious, they just use religion to hide behind, to further their agenda. if you take religion away from them then they'll just find something else to abuse for their purposes.

I'm going to have to disagree with that bit. They strike me as extremely sincere in their religious belief. Their agenda is uniquely religious. Indeed, that is the main reason they scare me shitless and it is also presents a major difficulty in having them be penetrated by the intelligence services. It is hard to rat out god.


Kill them all and let God sort them out. It's his mess anyways, if he would just come down and tell us what is the correct religilion is this will all be over with.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
There is only one way to create peace in the world and that is to abolish all religion.

As the vast majority of trouble is caused by religiuos extremist's.

Well, let's be realistic. Who would have the power to abolish religion or to enforce that? And to be honest, if the only way to have peace is to tell people how to think, then I guess I don't want peace. Once we give up the principles upon which this nation was founded, then it's no longer the United States of America. If I have something to say, then I'm going to say it. If I want to own a rifle or pistol, then I'm going to do that. If I want to pray, then I'm going to do that. Anyone (or any government) who tells me that I'm no longer allowed to do those things... we really are going to have a problem. And the solution to the problem might not be a peaceful one.

I expect to be left alone. And while I might empathize with others who are in dire straits, it may or may not be my problem (my country's, I mean). The U.S. is not the policeman of the world. And the political forces that have made us seem like we are, I want to keep them out of power. They're not afraid to send American kids to die for someone else's cause. But before they'll fight a trade war, that truly would benefit America (war is ugly, but that is one we would win in the end), they'll lay down and take one up the ass.

Beware of false prophets. And beware of false patriots.
Well, let's be realistic. Who would have the power to abolish religion or to enforce that? And to be honest, if the only way to have peace is to tell people how to think, then I guess I don't want peace. Once we give up the principles upon which this nation was founded, then it's no longer the United States of America. If I have something to say, then I'm going to say it. If I want to own a rifle or pistol, then I'm going to do that. If I want to pray, then I'm going to do that. Anyone (or any government) who tells me that I'm no longer allowed to do those things... we really are going to have a problem. And the solution to the problem might not be a peaceful one.

I expect to be left alone. And while I might empathize with others who are in dire straits, it may or may not be my problem (my country's, I mean). The U.S. is not the policeman of the world. And the political forces that have made us seem like we are, I want to keep them out of power. They're not afraid to send American kids to die for someone else's cause. But before they'll fight a trade war, that truly would benefit America (war is ugly, but that is one we would win in the end), they'll lay down and take one up the ass.

Beware of false prophets. And beware of false patriots.

I should perhaps warn you that the new year celebrations are still fresh our livers and you Sir are pressing hard against the Freeones message board annual sensible post limit already. It would behove you post some nonsense forthwith. May I direct you towards the works of Glenn Beck, he is a veritable fountain of the stuff.
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One thing that always strikes me: Both sides (especially the folks who never have been to Israel or the Middle East) tend to portray the other party as a monolithic bloc.

Neither is there "one Israel" as there is "one Arabia". Israel is probably one of the most fractured societies in the world with conflicting interest groups constantly at loggerheads (secularists vs. Orthodox, sabras vs. immigrants, Chassidim vs. Azhkenazim, etc.)

The same applies to the Arabs. Israel was able to broker peace deals with sensible leaders like Sadat and King Hussein. It was possible to bribe Arafat into some sort of lip service. There is no chance of brokering a deal with Hamas.

For a diplomatic solution we will have to hope for a new generation of Palestine leaders who accept Israel's basic rights of existence. As long as the official Palestinian stance is to create not a country in coexistence with but rather one instead of Israel, there is no chance of reconciliation.

I don't put the entire blame on the Arab side. But Israel has offered anything the Palestinians could have asked for in order to create peaceful coexistence in Madrid 1991, Oslo 1993 and Camp David 2000. Israel's outstretched hand was rejected every time.

Israel has to demolish the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Hamas has to come to its senses. No sooner than that will we see a glimpse of hope for the small strip of land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan.

Shalom, everybody! :angels:
Kill the hamas, the fatah and the al aqsah martyr brigade leaders, they are the ones who are the reason of why peace has never been achieved in the middle east.
Option 4 (since lechepicha already created option 3): Create an external threat that can only be beaten if the two sides in the conflict work together (something like giving the country/countries to North Korea).