Peace in the middle east

How would you create peace?

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well, i've given it some thought. i see two options:

1- it must be made clear to israel that the palestinian government must be accepted as an equal foreign government, borders must be established (and enforced by a multi-national force, if necessary), and then the two entities can work together as equals to solve their problems. it will take time, but progress always does.

2- israelies and palestinians are the most hate-filled, narrow-minded, racist assholes on the face of this earth. let's give them all guns (more than they already have, i mean), and let's manipulate them into an all-out war. after the dust has settled, and they are all dead, we divide up the land between the surrounding countries.

either option would bring peace to the middle east. which one do you prefer? my choice depends on my mood, i have to admit.
While I am violent by nature.. Mass murder on that scale even would not get us anywhere. We have to exhaust all possible avenues of diplomacy. If all those don't work then we walk and let them tear each other apart.


well, i've given it some thought. i see two options:

1- it must be made clear to israel that the palestinian government must be accepted as an equal foreign government, borders must be established (and enforced by a multi-national force, if necessary), and then the two entities can work together as equals to solve their problems. it will take time, but progress always does.

2- israelies and palestinians are the most hate-filled, narrow-minded, racist assholes on the face of this earth. let's give them all guns (more than they already have, i mean), and let's manipulate them into an all-out war. after the dust has settled, and they are all dead, we divide up the land between the surrounding countries.

either option would bring peace to the middle east. which one do you prefer? my choice depends on my mood, i have to admit.

You left out the second most hate-filled, narrow-minded, racist a-hole on the face of this earth...I don't wanna call names, but their initials are "Namreg".
Besides your old news continuous anti-Israeli rant (probably real popular in Germany) have you read any newer articles on the situation, say, in the last year? Or do you just pick an attitude and stick with it?
Anyone who really cares enough to actually have some accurate info on the actual situation, here's a general article with some average accuracy...the Palestinians have contributed nothing in 50+ years to the world but death, poverty, and bullshit.
Israel has contributed high-tech, food and defense expertise to the US and many 3rd world countries. Many many Israelis are American and European, sharing our values and political systems and are staunch allies ...there is NO fucking COMPARISON between the two is an ENEMY of the US, and the other is a FRIEND of the West.
Anyone ragging on Israel and espousing a pro-Palestinian attitude is a fool, playing a "if all things were equal in a perfect world" Leftie game.
It's that simple...


Hiliary 2020
I dont know if peace will ever be in that region of the world.
Getting them to stop hating the western world is possible I think.
Cut all ties with Isreal, get militarys out of regions that didnt ask us to enter in the first place and maybe we wont have problems with them.

The muslims know the history of why isreal is a jewish state and how it came to be, and they still hate those responsible.
THat would be Mainly England and The USA.
History lesson.
In 1916 during WWI germany was winning the war.
Germany made a deal with France and England for a cease fire.
They agreed.
But Zionists in europe and USA realistically fearing a huge loss of power and money in those regions made a deal with england that they would get the USA into the war if England would give them palestine as ther home country.
England agreed, Woodrow Wilson sent the US military to europe and won the war.
England gave them Palestine with the Treaty of Balfour.

THats when the Problems began. THe Muslims still hate us for this.
No 90 years later its only getting worse.

The point of view of the Muslims is " We put them there, we protect them, and we give them Billions per year".
If they consider the Jews their enemy then surely they consider the USA and England their enemy as well.
The way I see it, call me what you want, but millions of non jewish died in WWI, and WWII because of jewish problems with other nations, be it the jews fault or not thats up to the individual to decide.

So it wont happen but to break away from the terror threat we need to break away from Isreal and from Muslim countrys that dont want us there.
BUt that should also mean Western Europe and the USA does not allow any of their people into their country either.
That would be great, then we wont have any of this:

Tthe violence within the region wont ever end because its a constant power struggle to control regions. They'll keep killing each other forever.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Have the Americans cut all support, and Israel with be destroyed by Iran.

That's one way to do it, at least.


Have the Americans cut all support, and Israel with be destroyed by Iran.

That's one way to do it, at least.

Did you have that great thought pop into your head before or after the third shot of Jägermeister?

If Iran actually was to begin a missile firing at Israel with a possible nuke warhead, not only would Iran be in flames almost immediately but the mushroom clouds would grow over Iran like real 'shrooms in a pasture after a rain.
Korea is broke...Iran has billions of oil Dollars (Reals) and could afford to buy at least 2 nukes from them...why haven't they done that yet? Duh...

Sometimes I wonder if anyone thinks about stuff before posting such trash on such a serious subject?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Did you have that great thought pop into your head before or after the third shot of Jägermeister?

If Iran actually was to begin a missile firing at Israel with a possible nuke warhead, not only would Iran be in flames almost immediately but the mushroom clouds would grow over Iran like real 'shrooms in a pasture after a rain.
Korea is broke...Iran has billions of oil Dollars (Reals) and could afford to buy at least 2 nukes from them...why haven't they done that yet? Duh...

Sometimes I wonder if anyone thinks about stuff before posting such trash on such a serious subject?

I like your little fantasy world where countries can just throw nukes around and there would be no problem. Whether or not the US was involved or not, if Israel nuked Iran, the aftermath in the Middle East would spell the end for Israel as we know it. But I like your way of thinking.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Have the Americans cut all support, and Israel with be destroyed by Iran.

That's one way to do it, at least.

Nah, they got us there too. A nuclear attack on Israel is considered the same as a nuclear attack on the United States of America. We are obliged to respond.

Donald Trump (with a naked Ivanka by his side) couldn't cut a deal any sweeter than that!

I just accept the brutal fact that the tail wags the dog... and that tail is going to be wagging that (stupid) dog long after I'm dead & buried. :helpme:


If we sit by idly demographics will solve the problem in favor of the Arabs.

Generally you seem fairly perceptive...yet in spite of several massive attacks by the surrounding countries and constant attacks for years by implacable enemies, the only territory the Death Monkeys have gained has been that land given over by the Israelis in futile attempts to stop the constant pressure by the western countries to calm shit down...not good for business, dont'cha know?
The shit for brains Arabs are their own biggest enemy, and Israel has no possibility of losing out to the Arab world on a purely 1 on 1 basis.
When you use your cell next time, realize that no Arab country contributed to the development of cell tech, internet tech, or missile systems/GPS tech at all...Israel was and is a major player in the development and continued upgrading of the highest level modern technology.
When Saddam invaded and begin slaughtering Kuwaitis, was it the Israelis who flooded into Kuwait to take over or was it the Palestinians? Hmmmm...?
When the Towers were burning and thousands were dying who was celebrating in the streets? Was it the Israelis or the Palestinians?
Ignoring that historical fantasy meesterperfect posted about the powerful Zionists (yeah, they sure stopped those killing camps) who manipulated the great Western powers into war against their will, Islam has ALWAYS been a religion that doesn't tolerate any other religion as an equal...only on the level of dogs living in the same place.
Conversion from Islam is a death penalty offense...need a few more hints?

When I saw the 2nd Tower get hit I knew we were getting hit by the Islamic Jihadis...and I hoped finally the Western populations would wake up and realize how implacable an enemy the growing Fundamental Islamic movement was. That lasted for a few years, but once again the West is trying to sweet talk the wolf out of eating it.
Yeah, that's always worked so well...:rofl:
We should not worry about international opinions about us and do what it takes to finish up the wars and move on into another temporary form of peace time until another group comes up and tries to overthrow capitalism in the name of their upbringings.

If a suicide bomber bombs a marketplace and kills innocent. We will bomb. If they car bomb, we will arrest every one in one city and check them all out, any that are holding anything that can be traced back to terrorism, will be arrested and a POW under the United States military. If any are trying to escape during the capturing, execute on sight.

If they fire missiles, we carpet bomb a city.
Of course, what the terrorists/governments do not know, is that we escorted a majority of the citizens out throughout the night. We make it look like we bombed a city full of citizens. Psychological warfare.

We allow our military to do what they do best. Win wars. Every war holds casualties on both sides, that's fact. There is no such thing as a peaceful war.

Also, another idea, is to coerce a city into handing over as many jihadists they can. Anyone affiliated with any terrorist group that wants to take down America, Israel or any of the allies we make it impossible for them to sleep. WE shine bright lights in their windows, fly jets at low altitudes and break the sound barrier with them, send choppers through the cities. Make sleep a thing they remember the week before. Then cut the power in cities. If they still do not help us in handing over who we want. We cut off food and water and ration it out.

Turn them against each other.

Many different ways to go about taking care of this problem.


I like your little fantasy world where countries can just throw nukes around and there would be no problem. Whether or not the US was involved or not, if Israel nuked Iran, the aftermath in the Middle East would spell the end for Israel as we know it. But I like your way of thinking.

Any world where Iran destroys Israel is much more of a fantasy than Israel using the worst weapons or 2 nukes and the whole world would shut it down asap...and Israel isn't going anywhere the whole Mid East isn't. We need the oil for a while, but not enough to allow the islamic players to call the shots.
Every world leader has illusions of being the ONE, the Great Leader who leads the NWO.
The US won't give way to 15th Century philosophy, not in your lifetime.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Any world where Iran destroys Israel is much more of a fantasy than Israel using the worst weapons or 2 nukes and the whole world would shut it down asap...and Israel isn't going anywhere the whole Mid East isn't. We need the oil for a while, but not enough to allow the islamic players to call the shots.
Every world leader has illusions of being the ONE, the Great Leader who leads the NWO.
The US won't give way to 15th Century philosophy, not in your lifetime.

You say the situation I said is a fantasy, and yet you reply with something about the NWO? You need to your own reality check, because we are no where near anything like that. Israel will never use nuclear weapons unless Iran openly states they have them or if they are attacked by another country with them. That's not my opinion; that is the stance taken by nearly every nuclear power in the world; countries that have it in their power to wipe off both Israel and Iran off the map if need be.

And you need to get something straight. There is a difference between Islam and Radical Islam. There are plenty of Islamic people in the Americas and Europe that live side by side with people of different religions peacefully. Its opinions like that that make the world think Americans are ignorant.


You say the situation I said is a fantasy, and yet you reply with something about the NWO? You need to your own reality check, because we are no where near anything like that. Israel will never use nuclear weapons unless Iran openly states they have them or if they are attacked by another country with them. That's not my opinion; that is the stance taken by nearly every nuclear power in the world; countries that have it in their power to wipe off both Israel and Iran off the map if need be.

And you need to get something straight. There is a difference between Islam and Radical Islam. There are plenty of Islamic people in the Americas and Europe that live side by side with people of different religions peacefully. Its opinions like that that make the world think Americans are ignorant.

I spent many years living in Islamic countries, and you absolutely sound fairly ignorant of the go somewhere else with "the Islamic Jihadis and the basic model aren't the same" you came up with a new insight. Duh...
I clearly stated why Iran hasn't obtained a nuke easily from Korea...'cause when/if Israel thought they were launching a missile with possibly a nuke, it would be on, and the Ayatollahs know that, even if you don't get the subtleties... they do.
Also, who gives a fuck if you think "people" think Americans are they can stop paying attention to us, buying our movies and watching our TV shows. Yeah, that's gonna happen...
Those who silently support those who are seeking to destroy centuries of human progress in the name of Islam are complicit in the action...most Muslims who remain on the sidelines allow those crazies to carve out a new political niche ever bigger for all of Islam, and no one in any position of power will turn down any advantage ever!
And as for NWO...get a little scope in your thinking... I said any leader who sees himself as the new leader of the New World Order etc...what would you call a realignment of principal powers and those who call the shots into another group of world leaders who have the controlling power... the Same Old World Powers but with Different Leaders?:rofl:
That would be...wait for it...a New World Order.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^ I don't care if you claim you lived in Ahmadinejad's bathroom. Islamic countries are where the Radicals are based; of course you are going to see more anti-West setiment there, especially since we have been using their countries for oil and countless other things for hundreds of years. You still didn't disprove my point. There are over 2.5 Islamic people in the United States and over 16 million in the European Union. How many of them are in the streets right now burning flags and spouting anti-American chants? In the plenty of time I have spent in Europe, guess how many of those 16 million people I saw blowing themselves up in the name of Allah?

Iran has not obtained a nuclear weapon from North Korea becase that deal would destroy the peace talks Korea is seeking with the United States. Korea uses their nuclear weapons as a deterrant; they are not just making them to ship them off to the highest bidder, especially when they eyes of countries like the US, UK and South Korea are on them. Besides, do you really think Iran would use one nuke if they went to war with Israel? Better question, do you think Iran would start a war with Israel by launching a single nuclear weapon? Contrary to what you think, countries don't just throw off nuclear weapons without a single thought anymore. Ever wonder why Israel hasn't already attacked Iran if they are so capable of destroying them? Maybe it is because Iran has a much larger active military and reserves that are larger than the entire Israeli military. Maybe it is because it is practically international protocol to not use nuclear weapons unless you are attacked with them first, which neither country is going to do. Iran is not going to launch a nuclear weapon at Israel, so get that possibility out of your head (and even if they did, the damage done to Israel would be more than enough to destroy the country).

There are people who are democrats, Christians, communists, and yes, Islamic that are seeking to destroy civilizations. We have people like that in the West, too. We call them Neo-Nazis and racists. People have been destroying civilizations for hundreds of years; in fact it was the WEST that destroyed both the Islamic Empire and the Ottoman Empire. I'm not going to defend Radical Islam, but I'm not going to sit here and listen to you insult countless of Islamic people who are hard workers, good people, and hopefully not as narrow-minded as you when it comes to other cultures.

Remember, your country once called for the death of the Soviets.
Sadly, I do not think this will ever get resolved through diplomacy. Both sides are too set in their ways. You can have 99 people wanting peace but there's always going to be that one asshole who spoils it for everybody.

I don't see this getting resolved in any other way than a war and pretty much having one group wipe out the other, which will then set off another shitstorm and we'll be back where we started just with different players. Too much bad blood in that area.


^ I don't care if you claim you lived in Ahmadinejad's bathroom. Islamic countries are where the Radicals are based; of course you are going to see more anti-West setiment there, especially since we have been using their countries for oil and countless other things for hundreds of years. You still didn't disprove my point. There are over 2.5 Islamic people in the United States and over 16 million in the European Union. How many of them are in the streets right now burning flags and spouting anti-American chants? In the plenty of time I have spent in Europe, guess how many of those 16 million people I saw blowing themselves up in the name of Allah?

Iran has not obtained a nuclear weapon from North Korea becase that deal would destroy the peace talks Korea is seeking with the United States. Korea uses their nuclear weapons as a deterrant; they are not just making them to ship them off to the highest bidder, especially when they eyes of countries like the US, UK and South Korea are on them. Besides, do you really think Iran would use one nuke if they went to war with Israel? Better question, do you think Iran would start a war with Israel by launching a single nuclear weapon? Contrary to what you think, countries don't just throw off nuclear weapons without a single thought anymore. Ever wonder why Israel hasn't already attacked Iran if they are so capable of destroying them? Maybe it is because Iran has a much larger active military and reserves that are larger than the entire Israeli military. Maybe it is because it is practically international protocol to not use nuclear weapons unless you are attacked with them first, which neither country is going to do. Iran is not going to launch a nuclear weapon at Israel, so get that possibility out of your head (and even if they did, the damage done to Israel would be more than enough to destroy the country).

There are people who are democrats, Christians, communists, and yes, Islamic that are seeking to destroy civilizations. We have people like that in the West, too. We call them Neo-Nazis and racists. People have been destroying civilizations for hundreds of years; in fact it was the WEST that destroyed both the Islamic Empire and the Ottoman Empire. I'm not going to defend Radical Islam, but I'm not going to sit here and listen to you insult countless of Islamic people who are hard workers, good people, and hopefully not as narrow-minded as you when it comes to other cultures.

Remember, your country once called for the death of the Soviets.

Boy...your logic is on the level of a high school teenie trying to run with the big dogs, but just not mature enough quite yet!
I don't claim anything...I said I lived in Islamic countries 'cause I have...simple. Lying is the province of those lacking courage or confidence, neither of which I have a particular problem with.
I did disprove your point, but more important the reality has disproved your point...the only danger in Iran isn't all that silly crap you brought up but the beliefs of Ahmadinejad and his messiah returning only in a world in complete chaos...he would love to start a nuke war, or use whatever he had to start the Apocolypse he lives for.
That's the danger...not logic or reason, but Imanutjob and his Messianic view.
Which goes to show how narrow your worldview (same as narrowminded) is, something you like to accuse me of being while practically screaming "I'm using my tunnelvision now!"...:rofl:
And all the ifs and probablys you throw around are fine in a Sunday school class where young minds are encouraged to think for themselves, as exercise, but reality shows a different direction is more likely...Iran waged a war for years and lost at least a million men and used billions in material to go nowhere with many soldiers and etc Iran has more than Israel is so silly with even the recent history...Syria, Egypt, and all the other countries who came to drive Israel into the sea outnumbered them hundreds to 1...and you still say the reason Israel hasn't gone to war with Iran is the numerical superity of Iran. Puleeze...
I could care less how many bombings you have seen...I saw none when I was in Israel but that doesn't mean they don't happen...and not by Christians going for Iranian or Egyptian airliners.
In Iraq and the US there are bombing and attacks, only here we have had effective prevention of too many. Israel built the fence and cut off traffic into israel and stopped the constant dead babies and Mommies riding the exploding buses. Afghanistan has a lot of terror attacks...but I'll bet you think the Taliban are noble Islamic folk who just wanna beat and kill their women for improper behavior and be left alone to do so by the meanie West! Although I guess there is some equivalence with the Neo Nazis, since they kill and maim so many in the West every year...oh, wait, they don't. What are you on about...Neo Nazis and Skinheads are an embarrassment and a nuisance, not a real danger to anyone.
Try and focus sometime, things are obvious when you open your eyes...:rofl:


Sadly, I do not think this will ever get resolved through diplomacy. Both sides are too set in their ways. You can have 99 people wanting peace but there's always going to be that one asshole who spoils it for everybody.
BINGO! and that one asshole is usually the one they call mr president/prime minister/ grand poomba or whatever.