Paul Harvey: Good Day (1918-2009)

Will E Worm

Broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90.

Paul Harvey, the news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation's most familiar voices, died Saturday in Arizona, according to ABC Radio Networks. He was 90.
Harvey died surrounded by family at a hospital in Phoenix, where he had a winter home, said Louis Adams, a spokesman for ABC Radio Networks, where Harvey worked for more than 50 years. No cause of death was immediately available.


Good Day, Mr Harvey. :hatsoff:
Kinda wondered if this was coming. I get the chance to listen to his news program during the day, and it's been someone else doing it for quite some time.

And now you know the rest of the story...

RIP, Paul Harvey. You were a genuinely nice guy.



Postal Paranoiac
Just heard about it. It wasn't on Yahoo news front page. :dunno: RIP. Page Two.
I generally didn't mind Paul Harvey, and I know in some sense it's part of that business, but I didn't like the way he would become a shill to anybody that was trying to sell a product on the radio. (Or maybe that was somebody else I'm thinking of.) I bet old people everywhere are mourning though.


Kinda wondered if this was coming. I get the chance to listen to his news program during the day, and it's been someone else doing it for quite some time.

My exact thoughts. Did I hear him do one of his own spots just last week ?

Just like John Kerry's mother was reported to say to her son when he entered politics (or at least that's what he said)

" Integrity Integrity Integrity "

..Consequently, there's no better way to describe, Paul Harvey.
The man came from a special generation of Americans when deals were often made with a handshake. When a man gave you his word, he would perform, no ifs ands or buts.

What a poor and wretched example that we've become. I sometimes teasingly remind my older brothers and sisters that "The baby boomers fucked up America". With a bit of reluctance, they kinda agree.

Go with your God, Paul. You'll be missed :hatsoff:
He represented a different era. An era that may seem "old-fashioned" today, but it was much more sincere.

He was authentic, prepared and interesting. The world of radio has lost a valuable contributor.

Thank you Paul Harvey.