Well I sure as hell have, along with skank, cunt, wast of oxygen, bitch, parasite, scumfuck, sleazehole, and a host of any other insults I just can't think of at the moment.
Paris is called a slut not because she fucks everyone, it's the way she goes about it. Paris has no talent except for showing up at clubs and making a fool of herself. That sells in this plastic world. So she's linked to a new guy every few days, most likely because it only takes a few days for STDs to show up and the guy dumps her. She hangs around Brandon Davis and giggles on camera as he greases his way down the strip cocking off about "firecrotch". She just definitely not a good person, vapid as can be, and fucks around because she has nothing better to do.
On the other hand, Scarlett Johannsen openly admitted in a recent interview that monogamy is not her thing. But people everywhere don't go around calling her a slut because she has class and, unlike Parasite Hilton, she doesn't rely on paparazzi cameras to sustain her "career". And believe me, people call Colin Farrell and Tommy Lee sluts all the time but two things separate them from Parasite: 1) They have "talent" and actually do something to earn money. 2) They are not dispicable, vapid, leeches on society that incite hatred within the hearts of anyone with a moral compass and therefore are not referred to as "disease ridden cum dumpster bitch face whore slut skanks" nearly as often as Parasite Hilton.
Tune in next week for my next rant on pop culture where the over/under on how many grams of coke Lindsay Lohan snorts in one week is currently at 16.