Pamela anderson exposed Dvd

I brougt it round a bootfair for £5 and its got both Pam & Tommy & Pam & Brett all uncut on Dvd The dvd last 90 mins can someone tell me if its illegial to have this in the uk
Heh....dunno, watch it and see if the local law enforcement busts down your door. Seriously, watch it and let us know how good it already bought it...may as well enjoy it, right?
ive allready watched this dvd tommy vid ok but the brett one there no sound only crappy music and its shot in a dark bedroom
got the bret one from wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf?
not the best I have seen, :tongue:


got the bret one from wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf? wtf?
not the best I have seen, :tongue:

I thought the Brett one was better than the Tommy one that one had too many closeup shots of the fucking and I didnt like it. :2 cents: