I think that if we all stopped paying attention, and if the news folks would do the same, she would simply disappear. Don't be angry at the news agencies for continuing to cover her. If no one cared they wouldn't. Be angry at the American public's appetite for inane, insignificant drivel rather than news.
You're onto something there. Sarah is basking in the limelight because she's in a country that adores celebrities. As Mrs. Jolly said, Sarah is likely one of the most ignorant and ill-prepared "politicians" to ever make it to the national stage. But whether it's because
some find her attractive or because her family life is reminiscent of an episode of Trailer Park Boys, people can't stop looking at this attention whore.
Most know how much I love auto racing. Sarah has a partner in crime over on the American open wheel circuit: Danica Patrick. Danica is crazy popular. But in Danica's (near) 28 years on this planet, she has won exactly one professional level auto race. I know a boatload of pro auto racers (mostly SCCA Pro). And I know very few who have won only one pro level race. I know NONE at the upper levels of racing who only have one victory of any sort in their entire career. So how is it that someone who has one (rather lucky) victory fall in their lap is one of the most famous racers in the U.S.? Show some skin and hire a damn good PR team, that's how! And while I see Danica as being more competent as an auto racer than Sarah is as a national level politician, Danica is basically famous for being famous... like Sarah Palin, Paris Hilton, Jon & Kate and so many others in our society. We've got Balloon Boy, Octomom and the White House Gate Crashers. Everybody wants their 15 minutes...
Even if I could agree with Sarah's politics (if I knew where she really stood on anything... and if
she knew where she really stood on anything

), that wouldn't change the fact that her life is not one of academic or intellectual accomplishments. You don't have to have a high powered, advanced degree to be a learned or worthy person. But if you consider a question about the last book that you read to be a "
trick question"... just accept that that dog don't hunt!