cant stand the heat,,,,,getta outta the kitchen
gauntlet is down.....................................................................
:thumbsup:all fun mr.G
Put me on for team MiniD. I'm always down for some rep.
:rofl2: :rofl2:
Water off a duck’s back and I appreciate the humour.
Keep it cumin’. The only thing I’m not enjoying is being so outnumbered.
I feel like the emperor without his clothes. :booty:
Team miniD has a very healthy lead at the moment and you are being rather generous as zero board members have “confirmed” they have joined team google so far but it’s early days. Only members who have posted in this thread to confirm they are on board can be counted. :2 cents: :thumbsup:
I'll join, sign me up for Team Google
One thing I don't like about Mayweather is his relative inactivity. Since January 1, 2006, he has had 5 fights.
By comparison, PacMan has had 10.
I wish Mayweather would talk less and fight more. I will be rooting for PacMan.
I'll join, sign me up for Team Google
Thank you TheAdmiral. I respect everyone's opinions on Pacquiao but the man with the Adebisi Avatar knows what he's talking about! :thumbsup:
It would go the distance but I'm sure Money would defeat the PacMan.
I'm Google through and through :glugglug:
Mayweather I think he is just so quick and fast :thumbsup: