Outkast - Hey ya!

hey, sorry if this is the wrong thread! but theres a girl in the Outkast video for Hey Ya, she looks kinda familuar but i dont know how! she's the one with big tits and a gold kinda top, she's with andre (ice cold) 3000 when he's singin "shake it, sh-sh-shake it like a....." does anyone know who she is!?
thanks if u do!
I've seen that video, I know the girl your talking about, yeah she is fine, but I don't know her name. I believe she is also wearing a gold hat to.
Hey yo Optimus, catn help with your question but can I ask who the girls are in your avatar and your signature please? Cheers!

Last time we had guys looking into this was 2003 apparently, really hoping this is common knowledge by now. Does anybody have any idea on a name, nick or alias on the bomb-ass girl in the Hey Ya music video with the white hat, braided pigtails, tan clothes and silver hoop earrings? With the big mouth & fat-ass titties?

Hell even a link or two to some other work of hers would do!
Oops, and here's a video for anybody wondering (only just now figured how to post vids)

Does anybody have any idea on a name, nick or alias on the bomb-ass girl in the Hey Ya music video with the white hat, braided pigtails, tan clothes and silver hoop earrings? With the big mouth & fat-ass titties?

Last time we had guys looking into this was 2003 apparently, really hoping this is common knowledge by now. Does anybody have any idea on a name, nick or alias on the bomb-ass girl in the Hey Ya music video with the white hat, braided pigtails, tan clothes and silver hoop earrings? With the big mouth & fat-ass titties?

Hell even a link or two to some other work of hers would do!

Sorry guys but I'm sprung on this chick! *bumpz*