Our Biggest Race Issue: The Fears of White People

Our biggest race issue is white folks fear of the rise of the brown people. The number of militias has increased dramatically since Obama was elected. In the 1990s there was a rise also because the whites feared Bill Clinton because he was called "The First Black President" and loved by people of color. This was a great recruiting tool for the "Patriot Movements" and militias. The highest number was around 850 back in 1996. Then Dumb Fuck hill billy G W Bush used his family's pull to steal the 2000 election and that number dropped dramatically to right around the 200 mark and stayed there until guess when? 2008 when you-know-who President Blackenstien was elected. Since then the number of "Patriot Groups" and militias has increased to over 1500. and that's just the ones that we know of.

There are now more brown people born in the US than whites each year and this scares the shit out of white folks, ESPECIALLY republicans because we all know brown ain't down with the white on the right. As more old white conservatives die off a huge influx of brown democrats become of legal age to vote. Sadly they don't show up to vote but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that nothing they vote for concerns them, until recently. Free college and health care and better wages FINALLY becoming issues discussed by actual progressives will hopefully invigorate the young progressives and encourage them to actually contribute to society with their votes and make a real change.

Not all republicans are racist. But if you're a racist, it's pretty fucking likely that you're a republican.

This chart only goes to 2011 since then the number has grown to more than 1500!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

And nothing is free...collage cost money, if they get a freebie, tax dollars will pay for it, much like health care, welfare, food stamps, all of this is paid for by the people that work, and pay their taxes. My wife paid A LOT of money for her masters degree, if someone gets free collage, where is her reimbursement? She didn't come from a wealthy family, she worked her ass off, and went into debit, and even though she is way farther to the left, then the right, being that her degree is in social work, she couldn't see a logical reason to vote for obama. And not because she's a racist, she's far from that, but mainly because she sees the abuse of the system, and she sees how much worse he has made things. She would have voted for hillary, but even as a registered democrat, obama's policies just put her off. As far as I'm concerned, he's whiter then a lot of white people I know, me reason for not voting for him has nothing to do with race...I looked at his voting record as a Senator, regarding gun rights in Illinois...he failed. As far as the militias go, they've been around far longer then clinton, and it's likely you are right about their increasing numbers, but I would bank on the fact that the clinton era's reason, is the cluster fuck of ineptitude hat was Waco, and for obama, it's his blatant desire to remove guns from every American citizen, and use the Constitution to wipe his ass. Now I doubt he's going to get any real gun control issues through, and I know he hasn't been nearly as successful as he would have liked, but the simply fact that he wanted to, clearly shows his disrespect for the rights of Americans to bear arms, and his involvement in "fast and furious" clearly shows the lengths he'll go to.
"Patriot" militias are sky-rocketting, thanks Obama !
Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

And nothing is free...collage cost money, if they get a freebie, tax dollars will pay for it, much like health care, welfare, food stamps, all of this is paid for by the people that work, and pay their taxes. My wife paid A LOT of money for her masters degree, if someone gets free collage, where is her reimbursement? She didn't come from a wealthy family, she worked her ass off, and went into debit, and even though she is way farther to the left, then the right, being that her degree is in social work, she couldn't see a logical reason to vote for obama. And not because she's a racist, she's far from that, but mainly because she sees the abuse of the system, and she sees how much worse he has made things. She would have voted for hillary, but even as a registered democrat, obama's policies just put her off. As far as I'm concerned, he's whiter then a lot of white people I know, me reason for not voting for him has nothing to do with race...I looked at his voting record as a Senator, regarding gun rights in Illinois...he failed. As far as the militias go, they've been around far longer then clinton, and it's likely you are right about their increasing numbers, but I would bank on the fact that the clinton era's reason, is the cluster fuck of ineptitude hat was Waco, and for obama, it's his blatant desire to remove guns from every American citizen, and use the Constitution to wipe his ass. Now I doubt he's going to get any real gun control issues through, and I know he hasn't been nearly as successful as he would have liked, but the simply fact that he wanted to, clearly shows his disrespect for the rights of Americans to bear arms, and his involvement in "fast and furious" clearly shows the lengths he'll go to.

Cool story Bro! Nothing like a long winded rant showing your true disdain.

Haha! Issues for nothing. Go on Netflix and watch the "Crips and Bloods :Made In America". Don't need to watch it all but watch the first 1/2 hour on racism in LA. like blacks couldn't join the Boy Scouts in the 1950's. Then the first fired stuff leading to the conditions today.


Just another bigot on the net posting KKK propaganda. :)

PS: just respond MustBeStupid and I will leave it at that instead of a pissing contest on the KKKK America.


Closed Account
Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

I'm surprise you call yourself a Christian. You must be a WASP. So tell me, like most wasp families, when was the last time you actually got a hug from your father? Asshole....

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm surprise you call yourself a Christian. You must be a WASP. So tell me, like most wasp families, when was the last time you actually got a hug from your father? Asshole....

Well, you retarded litle cuntbag, my father left when I was 4...he was a drunken piece of filth, that didn't take responsibility for his actions. And I never said I was a good Christian.

MustBeGood said:
Cool story Bro! Nothing like a long winded rant showing your true disdain.

Haha! Issues for nothing. Go on Netflix and watch the "Crips and Bloods :Made In America". Don't need to watch it all but watch the first 1/2 hour on racism in LA. like blacks couldn't join the Boy Scouts in the 1950's. Then the first fired stuff leading to the conditions today.

I NEVER said blacks weren't discriminated against, and I never said they haven't had an uphill battle, nor do I believe they still don't. But, they have more opportunities now, then ever have in the past, and while some are doing the right thing, to many still take the wrong path. Why should I pay for that? Why should ANY person, of ANY race pay for that? The black guys I work with have nothing good to say about their tax dollars being given to people that could, and should work. They use the "N: word more then any 5 white people I know, when referring to that segment of their people. And yes, I do have disdain. I have it for people that abuse the system, and whine about how they can't get a fair shake, and how they're owed something. That word...that word has NOTHING to do with a color, and EVERYTHING to do with a personality, and an attitude, period. You can go on a rant about how I'm a racist, and how I'm full of shit, but that doesn't make me wrong.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Wow! You've got the whole fucking world figured out, don't you.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Wow! You've got the whole fucking world figured out, don't you.

I guess you're post is directed at me....so what part of my post offends you?

Will E Worm

:facepalm: You sound like the anti-white, anti-American, Zionist Timothy Jacob Wise.


RAMZPAUL Tells Tim Wise The 5 Things

Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

And nothing is free...collage cost money, if they get a freebie, tax dollars will pay for it, much like health care, welfare, food stamps, all of this is paid for by the people that work, and pay their taxes. My wife paid A LOT of money for her masters degree, if someone gets free collage, where is her reimbursement? She didn't come from a wealthy family, she worked her ass off, and went into debit, and even though she is way farther to the left, then the right, being that her degree is in social work, she couldn't see a logical reason to vote for obama. And not because she's a racist, she's far from that, but mainly because she sees the abuse of the system, and she sees how much worse he has made things. She would have voted for hillary, but even as a registered democrat, obama's policies just put her off. As far as I'm concerned, he's whiter then a lot of white people I know, me reason for not voting for him has nothing to do with race...I looked at his voting record as a Senator, regarding gun rights in Illinois...he failed. As far as the militias go, they've been around far longer then clinton, and it's likely you are right about their increasing numbers, but I would bank on the fact that the clinton era's reason, is the cluster fuck of ineptitude hat was Waco, and for obama, it's his blatant desire to remove guns from every American citizen, and use the Constitution to wipe his ass. Now I doubt he's going to get any real gun control issues through, and I know he hasn't been nearly as successful as he would have liked, but the simply fact that he wanted to, clearly shows his disrespect for the rights of Americans to bear arms, and his involvement in "fast and furious" clearly shows the lengths he'll go to.

Exactly. :clap:

I'm surprise you call yourself a Christian. You must be a WASP. So tell me, like most wasp families, when was the last time you actually got a hug from your father? Asshole....

:facepalm: Could you use a worse slur next time?

Shame on you. :nono:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Always fascinating to witness an actual alive person go into a state of mind like that. I just hope you manage to keep pointing that hate and anger into these online outlets. I don't want to think about you going full KKK and physically harm the people you seem to despise so much.

A sad. lost soul.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I guess you're post is directed at me....so what part of my post offends you?

No, not directed at you. PIMQ served a lot of shit on the plate for this thread. Maybe someone left something on her windshield. Perhaps she read something from some candidate she supports with these same exact views. I don't know. Even with a 97% consensus it's hot flashes I'd still say that would be inconclusive. In any instance, she is painting with a pretty broad brush and has reasoned all of the blame for the world's problems. I could pick that shit apart or make my black beans with ham and bacon...or I could do both.


Closed Account
Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

And nothing is free...collage cost money, if they get a freebie, tax dollars will pay for it, much like health care, welfare, food stamps, all of this is paid for by the people that work, and pay their taxes. My wife paid A LOT of money for her masters degree, if someone gets free collage, where is her reimbursement? She didn't come from a wealthy family, she worked her ass off, and went into debit, and even though she is way farther to the left, then the right, being that her degree is in social work, she couldn't see a logical reason to vote for obama. And not because she's a racist, she's far from that, but mainly because she sees the abuse of the system, and she sees how much worse he has made things. She would have voted for hillary, but even as a registered democrat, obama's policies just put her off. As far as I'm concerned, he's whiter then a lot of white people I know, me reason for not voting for him has nothing to do with race...I looked at his voting record as a Senator, regarding gun rights in Illinois...he failed. As far as the militias go, they've been around far longer then clinton, and it's likely you are right about their increasing numbers, but I would bank on the fact that the clinton era's reason, is the cluster fuck of ineptitude hat was Waco, and for obama, it's his blatant desire to remove guns from every American citizen, and use the Constitution to wipe his ass. Now I doubt he's going to get any real gun control issues through, and I know he hasn't been nearly as successful as he would have liked, but the simply fact that he wanted to, clearly shows his disrespect for the rights of Americans to bear arms, and his involvement in "fast and furious" clearly shows the lengths he'll go to.

I suspect you have led a sheltered life if that is your view of the welfare system. I grew up in the midwest/south, 50% - 60% of the entire town was on some form of welfare, food stamps etc. The town was 99% white.
I suspect you have led a sheltered life if that is your view of the welfare system. I grew up in the midwest/south, 50% - 60% of the entire town was on some form of welfare, food stamps etc. The town was 99% white.


Reason for the useless PC.
But they should talk to their kids because the "THUGS" get rich off of their children.

Don't believe me hang out on Sacramento L stop in Chick A Go off the Eisenhower Exp. and notice the junkies coming into a heron spot with the cars exiting and the race making them rich.

Dope boy dope boy! Line is around the block!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
No, not directed at you. PIMQ served a lot of shit on the plate for this thread. Maybe someone left something on her windshield. Perhaps she read something from some candidate she supports with these same exact views. I don't know. Even with a 97% consensus it's hot flashes I'd still say that would be inconclusive. In any instance, she is painting with a pretty broad brush and has reasoned all of the blame for the world's problems. I could pick that shit apart or make my black beans with ham and bacon...or I could do both.

Then I apologize for the quick jump to conclusion, and I apologize for assuming, as opposed to knowing fact. My mistake.
BlkHawk said:
I suspect you have led a sheltered life if that is your view of the welfare system. I grew up in the midwest/south, 50% - 60% of the entire town was on some form of welfare, food stamps etc. The town was 99% white.

I make no excuse, or denial of white trash...or trash of, or in any race. Every race, and religion has a segment of the community, that brings it down, or give it a bad name....BUT...I'm not the one that brought color into this thread, and I only answered based on what was posted. I also want to point out, there is a difference, A HUGE difference between people that are on welfare, or disability after working a major portion of their lives, and someone that collects benefits after a barely making an effort to contribute to the system they abuse. How many of that 98% lost farms, or had jobs moved out of state? I have no problem with helping those that need it, I have a problem with helping those that have made zero effort to contribute, and feel owed anything, because they're to arrogant, or blind to see that their actions impact others.


Closed Account
Are you sure it's not more like, the white people are more pissed off at the fact that more of our tax dollars are going to pay for their medical benefits, and food stamps, because they choose to live a "thug life", and deal drugs, as opposed to finish school, and go to collage, and try to make something of themselves, and be a better influence on young blacks growing up. Maybe if the black youth looked up to people like Niel Degrasse Tyson, instead of pieces of trash, like Kenya West, the black race would be better off. No one denies them anything, they choose the path they travel. Even if they're living in the projects, they still have a school to go to. They will get something out of it, if they put something into it. The Project apartment themselves, when newly built, do not come with graffiti, and broken windows....the white man isn't driving out to that neighbor hood just to throw a rock theough a window. Maybe they're having more children because they're to irresponsible to go buy birth control, where as the white race is smart enough to realize, it can only afford so many children, therefore there has to be a point where you plan your family, and you don't just carelessly fuck without thinking about the repercussions, of your actions. Maybe the white race isn't so much scared, as they are just plain sick and tired of watching their tax dollars fly away, to help people that are to lazy, careless, and self entitled, to help themselves.

[...] but I would bank on the fact that the clinton era's reason, is the cluster fuck of ineptitude hat was Waco, and for obama, it's his blatant desire to remove guns from every American citizen, and use the Constitution to wipe his ass. Now I doubt he's going to get any real gun control issues through, and I know he hasn't been nearly as successful as he would have liked, but the simply fact that he wanted to, clearly shows his disrespect for the rights of Americans to bear arms, and his involvement in "fast and furious" clearly shows the lengths he'll go to.

I don't know enough about the US domestic affairs and internal politics, so I'm staying out of it. But doesn't your rant show that their is a huge imbalance between white and other races (in this case black) in the US? I mean if you can generalize it so much I get the impression that it's not about "laziness and choosing the thug live" at all, but about blacks not always getting (the same) chances as others. And therefore actually acknowledging racism?
Interesting point about gun control though. Knowing Americans and their patriotism...
I love how this texas shit-kicking hick makes sure to point out that he doesn't want to have to pay for "their" welfare and food stamps when MORE whites are on social assistance than blacks. We enslaved them for how many years, made being able to read and write illegal and then even after slavery ended they were considered less human than whites until just 50 years ago??? Professional black athletes weren't allowed to stay in the same hotels as the white players even in 1970. So its just few centuries of serious that bread disenfranchisement and lack of education and poverty and they should just rise up out of it right?

And Bob no one left anything on my windshield. I happen to have a son who is half black and is starting to experience racial prejudices for the first time in his life for real. If you wish to pick apart my argument I need to remind you that it wasn't an opinion I posted, those are REAL numbers and facts. What's to pick apart? That white guys such as yourself don't think that black people deal with racism anymore because LeBron James makes $100 million dollars or Will Smith is famous? Look at NYC with their stop & frisk policy. A HUGE majority of those stopped and frisked for literally no other reason than looking suspicious are brown skinned people. Why? You don't think that the white kids with money are doing drugs? Did you know that a black kid busted with a gram of cocaine is 90% more likely to be prosecuted for it than a white kid? That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

So Bob the only thing I can see that you'd "pick apart" is me saying that brown skinned people are more likely to vote democrat or that there isn't much reason for them to vote? Well when the huge majority of politicians are very wealthy white men making the laws and setting policy, what do you think young minority youth see as a reason to vote. Sure its easy to say "Well if they voted they could make a difference" but let's be honest Bob, that would NOT be a difference you or those who think like you would want. For example, in the south the districts are so carved up (gerrymandered) to the benefit of the republicans that 100% of the blacks could vote and it wouldn't make a difference in any way other than their city council. Election days need to be required paid holidays or held on weekends so that working people can vote. That would make more people see the value in it also.

Its easy to deny racism when you're not black. Look at Chris Rock's awesome exposure as he films all the times he's pulled over for nothing more than being black in a white neighborhood. Not until they realize he's a black millionaire do they seem to lighten up. If you haven't seen it check it out. It's something every race denier should see. Even though there'll be skeptics that he baited them into pulling him over to make his point like Sean Hannity said on his show the other night, it's pretty clear that racism in this country is alive and thriving.

And white people's fear that they will be outnumbered in about 15 years is only going to make it worse as more and more of them become aware of this fact.

and redvideum you have done me a great service with your post. You insulted yourself for me in ways I couldn't dream of. You are truly a southern confederate flag-waving piece of shit with 1 black friend you are so quick to acknowledge. Again I think this comes back to how much your whore of a wife LOVES her black cock and how you are a black cock cuckold.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I don't know enough about the US domestic affairs and internal politics, so I'm staying out of it. But doesn't your rant show that their is a huge imbalance between white and other races (in this case black) in the US? I mean if you can generalize it so much I get the impression that it's not about "laziness and choosing the thug live" at all, but about blacks not always getting (the same) chances as others. And therefore actually acknowledging racism?
Interesting point about gun control though. Knowing Americans and their patriotism...

I guess I can see what you're saying, but minorities, not just blacks, do get special treatment under some circumstances. For instance, the post office gives extra points on civil service exams for minorities, where as a white will only get them from military service...or at least it used to be that way, I haven't made any effort on that front for many years. Of course I do agree that anyone that serves in the military should get the extra points. A lot of time, when a federal highway project is being done, a percentage of the contracts have to be minority...which also pertains to women, white or otherwise...even if their bid is higher then the non minority bid. I just don't see a lot of fairness in certain things, and I don't think a company should have to fill quotas. If a person isn't qualified, they shouldn't get the job.

And piggy, once again you show what a classy broad you really are. My family came here LONG after slavery ended, I owe no one, and we weren't rich white land owners. I know a lot of whites are on assistance, and to be honest, I don't see a need to pay for them either...but I wonder how many of those whites had to go on welfare, because they lost their jobs, and unemployment ran out...at least they worked for a while. I fear nothing piggy...I'm 50, if I can't kick it's ass, I'll shoot it. Now, as far a my wife goes, d you really think that calling her names hurts me? Really? All it does is prove what kind of a person you truly are piggy. I believe I'll close now, because I see no need to call you names, your little rant should be proof to everyone, what kind of a sick, mentally ill drain on the world you really are...I hope your son has better influences in his life then you.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Oh, by the way, you really are a pathetic race baiting twunt, you drop a plate full of bullshit on everyone's door step, then when your ass isn't kissed, and you're not praised for being such a smart and insightful piggy, you attack anyone that disagrees with you. Every thread you start, every post you make, shows your true colors, and just how mentally unstable you really are. Keep it up piggy, pretty soon you'll have nice young men, in clean white suites chasing you around with butterfly nets.