Our biggest race issue is white folks fear of the rise of the brown people. The number of militias has increased dramatically since Obama was elected. In the 1990s there was a rise also because the whites feared Bill Clinton because he was called "The First Black President" and loved by people of color. This was a great recruiting tool for the "Patriot Movements" and militias. The highest number was around 850 back in 1996. Then Dumb Fuck hill billy G W Bush used his family's pull to steal the 2000 election and that number dropped dramatically to right around the 200 mark and stayed there until guess when? 2008 when you-know-who President Blackenstien was elected. Since then the number of "Patriot Groups" and militias has increased to over 1500. and that's just the ones that we know of.
There are now more brown people born in the US than whites each year and this scares the shit out of white folks, ESPECIALLY republicans because we all know brown ain't down with the white on the right. As more old white conservatives die off a huge influx of brown democrats become of legal age to vote. Sadly they don't show up to vote but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that nothing they vote for concerns them, until recently. Free college and health care and better wages FINALLY becoming issues discussed by actual progressives will hopefully invigorate the young progressives and encourage them to actually contribute to society with their votes and make a real change.
Not all republicans are racist. But if you're a racist, it's pretty fucking likely that you're a republican.
This chart only goes to 2011 since then the number has grown to more than 1500!

There are now more brown people born in the US than whites each year and this scares the shit out of white folks, ESPECIALLY republicans because we all know brown ain't down with the white on the right. As more old white conservatives die off a huge influx of brown democrats become of legal age to vote. Sadly they don't show up to vote but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that nothing they vote for concerns them, until recently. Free college and health care and better wages FINALLY becoming issues discussed by actual progressives will hopefully invigorate the young progressives and encourage them to actually contribute to society with their votes and make a real change.
Not all republicans are racist. But if you're a racist, it's pretty fucking likely that you're a republican.
This chart only goes to 2011 since then the number has grown to more than 1500!