this seals O's presidential bid / well done O!


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
This is Dedicated too Osama Bin Laden.. May You Rot in HELL you Smelly Piece of SHIT!! :cussing:

Congratualations too our Troops on a job well done..
Re: Osama Bin Laded is dead

The same thought crossed my mind. I was talking to my dad about this, and he brought up a good point: why would they wait until just before midnight, Eastern Time, to make the announcement, when they could've broken it on Monday morning? Especially after they had the body for a week. My spider sense is tingly. :tinhat:

On the off chance that you are even a little serious:
They were probably waiting for DNA test results.
(They may have also been waiting because they found some very actionable intel on OBN.)
Then it's very possible that someone leaked the info and they got a call from someone in the newsmedia trying to confirm the information, so they figured the story is getting out, let's go with a press conference now.
After relentlessly branding the President a limp-wristed, anti-american, unpatriotic, terrorist sympathizing, secret muslim ....I'll be interested to see how the right wing propaganda machine tries to spin this event :uohs: :D

Sean Hannity's probably wetting his pants over this, which when you think about it is a real sad statement about just how divisive he and his fellow doom-and-gloom-for-profit whores have been the last three years.
So 2 questions remain:

Why have they buried the body at sea? Why burn down the compound where he was hiding?

Its very clear they are destroying evidence, because Osama would have been hiding at a much more covert place than where he was discovered, and they didn't want to let the media in and expose the fact that this is the last place where he would have sought refuge.

I'm just playing the devils advocate here.

cindy CD/TV

Politics aside guys, I hope that fucking, sniveling, prancing little piece of shit was cowering in a corner in a puddle of his own piss and shit when our SEALs busted in on him and capped him. :ak47: I hope Osama begged for his worthless life before they put a bullet through the front of his head. You can absolutely bet -- no matter what the reports say -- that he wanted to be captured by us. To be put on trial. To pontificate from the witness stand and make a fucking martyr/hero of himself. :mad: Fuck all that now! The SEALs shot him like the dog he is. :violent: At this very moment he's looking around the fires of Hell completely puzzled by the fact that his 70 virgins are instead 70 Nancy Graces armed with barbed-wire tipped broomhandles all primed for his shitty little bunghole. Have a nice eternity, Osama. Asshole. :thefinger :horse: :ban2: :cussing:
(God, did that ever feel GOOD to get off my chest :) :o )
Politics aside guys, I hope that fucking, sniveling, prancing little piece of shit was cowering in a corner in a puddle of his own piss and shit when our SEALs busted in on him and capped him. :ak47: I hope Osama begged for his worthless life before they put a bullet through the front of his head. You can absolutely bet -- no matter what the reports say -- that he wanted to be captured by us. To be put on trial. To pontificate from the witness stand and make a fucking martyr/hero of himself. :mad: Fuck all that now! The SEALs shot him like the dog he is. :violent: At this very moment he's looking around the fires of Hell completely puzzled by the fact that his 70 virgins are instead 70 Nancy Graces armed with barbed-wire tipped broomhandles all primed for his shitty little bunghole. Have a nice eternity, Osama. Asshole. :thefinger :horse: :ban2: :cussing:
(God, did that ever feel GOOD to get off my chest :) :o )

well.. thats not very nice. :D


cindy CD/TV

Yeow, looks like I really went off the deep-end there. :eek: Sorry about that y'all! :angels::D I'm really a peaceful soul, truly :)
Makes total sense. This way nobody knows where the body is located, so there's no place of pilgrimage for his followers.
At the cost of making the world wonder whether he is actually dead or not and whether obama plotted this for re-election? Im sure obama wants to play his cards right about now if he does want to secure a second term.
Interesting coincidence: Adolf Hitler also died on May 1st.

no hitler died on april 30th

So 2 questions remain:

Why have they buried the body at sea? Why burn down the compound where he was hiding?

Its very clear they are destroying evidence, because Osama would have been hiding at a much more covert place than where he was discovered, and they didn't want to let the media in and expose the fact that this is the last place where he would have sought refuge.

I'm just playing the devils advocate here.

i find the argument that its all fake to be insulting. i mean i dont like obama at all whatsoever, but when he stands up in front of the world and says we got OBL im inclined to believe him. hes not bush, obama has a working brain, i dont think hed pull this kind of a stunt

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I guess they finally pulled him out of his cell at Gitmo, and shot him. How convenient, it happened at election time.