Just wanted to reiterate how much I agree that torture has been proven NOT to work and can even be damaging to Intelligence because they get soooo many false leads and flat out misinformation during torture. Had someone like McCain been ok with the use of torture the Right would be daring us to question a patriot who lived through torture at at POW camp. They basically dismiss or ignore him since he has tried to explain to them futilely that torture does NOT work.
Great post.
Another thing that has got me a bit uneasy besides the murder of an unarmed man in front of his children/wives is the propaganda coming from the administration( Though I shed no tear for Osama),
I thought most of the propaganda had ended after Bush left office ,but it continues.
1)Initially they claimed Bin Laden and other men were using 'women shields' before he was shot which turns out to be a bald face lie. To cover up the fact they accidently shot/killed an unarmed woman.
2) They claimed there was a hellish 40 minute firefight
when in actuality only one person was armed during the assault and four others killed. They stormed an unguarded Villa with only 4 adult unarmed men(2 couriers and 1 son of Osama) and the rest women and children(several Wives, 13 children and a couple servants)
I wouldn't be shocked if our Intelligence is taking credit for gathering information yet someone finally called and wanted to collect that $50 million dollar reward.
Reminded me of all of the Bush era propanganda about Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman and the British journalist accidently killed by the Seals on a similiar failed mission that they lied about.
After all of that and the bullshit propaganda about Iraq and 'wmd's and potential nuclear 'mushroom clouds' I am a bit tired of it all. Just tell me what happened without all the bs and leve the propaganda to Kim Jong-Il/N Korea.
We entered Pakistan, stormed an unguarded Villa, murdered 4 unarmed people including Osama in front of his wife and kids and then let us digest it on our own.