Are you an organ donor? Have you ever even considered it? Would you? What are your thoughts on living or post mortem organ donations? Do your religious beliefs prohibit you from doing this, or does it just freak you out thinking about it?
I like the idea (now) and have considered it several times in the past on several levels. I once was an organ donor, then decided against it the last time I was asked (got my driver's license renewed [in the USA this is when they ask crashes, accidents, etc.]), but now, upon reading some of the myths about it, I have reconsidered and am going to donate my organs to help potentially extend or save a life upon my death in an accident.
Seriously, :wtf: use is there in me having healthy or even semi-healthy organs rotting in the ground (assuming I'm buried versus cremated...that's another upon my death when someone else could use them to prolong their life or save their life?
I know it's a morbid topic, but that's partly why people needlessly die each day - many people don't want to contemplate or discuss this issue because it is somewhat uncomfortable to do so.
:2 cents:
Official USA Site:
I like the idea (now) and have considered it several times in the past on several levels. I once was an organ donor, then decided against it the last time I was asked (got my driver's license renewed [in the USA this is when they ask crashes, accidents, etc.]), but now, upon reading some of the myths about it, I have reconsidered and am going to donate my organs to help potentially extend or save a life upon my death in an accident.
Seriously, :wtf: use is there in me having healthy or even semi-healthy organs rotting in the ground (assuming I'm buried versus cremated...that's another upon my death when someone else could use them to prolong their life or save their life?
I know it's a morbid topic, but that's partly why people needlessly die each day - many people don't want to contemplate or discuss this issue because it is somewhat uncomfortable to do so.
:2 cents:
Official USA Site: