Oregon Fans Threatened to Kill Kevin Love.

Will E Worm

When UCLA played at Oregon last month, star freshman center and Oregon native Kevin Love was taunted by the fans, and he responded with a big game. That is old news.

But a new account by Grant Wahl of Sports Illustrated of the abuse Love and his family took before and during the game is chilling. According to Wahl, Love canceled his cell phone because Oregon fans who got his number left death threats on his voice mail. And during the game, Oregon fans hurled insults at Love's family, including calling his mom, grandmother and 13-year-old sister "whores."


I'm not really into college sports, but this is absurd and death threats are against the law, as they should be.

This is an old article about a guy getting jail time for death threats.
Jail time for death threats

Sport fans need to stop getting far too involved with their favorite teams and players. It's absurd and they can end up in jail.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I'm a little disappointed at my fellow Oregonians for this. It's a little backwards (and I like to think of this as a forward-moving state).
This has unfortunately become a common place in sports now. It is quite sad that anybody would take sports this serious. I guess people have to live their lives vicariously through something when theirs is not going like they want.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I remember when Hank Aaron was about to break Babe Ruth's home run record....he had to have around-the-clock security because of the constant death threats by these same type of morons. If discovered, these motherfuckers should go to jail, plain and simple.

Stupid fucks.


Smh @ all the fans who probably dont make it out of the Black Hole. (Oakland Raider Stadium)
some people are incredibly insane, I think some time in jail will fix their problems.
It is disturbing and pathetic that these fans would resort to such tactics. I hope they get caught and have to face the music.