Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liberty

Let's see how Obama tries to squirm himself out of this one

Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liberty

You'd think it would be pretty straightforward to choose a photo of one of the world's most famous landmarks.

But against all the odds, the United States Postal Service managed to print the wrong Statue of Liberty on three billion stamps, accidentally picking a replica outside a Las Vegas casino instead of the true Lady in New York Harbour.

The embarrassing mistake was only spotted with an eagle-eyed stamp collector - and Liberty 'superfan' - noticed something just wasn't quite right.


Embarrassing slip-up: USPS's Lady Liberty 'Forever' stamp accidentally featured the wrong Statue of Liberty

He contacted Linn's Stamp News, the bible for philatelists, which gleefully ran a photo of the two statues side by side.

Red-faced USPS officials are determined to stick with the original design for the Lady Liberty 'Forever' stamp, which was printed in December using a picture chosen from a photography service.

Spokesman Roy Betts told the New York Times: 'We still love the stamp design and would have selected this photograph anyway.'

He did admit the post office regretted the error, and is 're-examining our processes to prevent this situation from happening in the future.'


Spot the difference: The real Statue of Liberty, left, looks out over New York Harbour - the replica, right, looks down on gamblers in front of a Vegas casino

To visitors, differences seem obvious. The 14-year-old replica outside the New York-New York Casino in Vegas is only half the height of the original, and of course it's several thousand miles away in Nevada.

But on a stamp-sized photo, it took a true expert to notice the difference. The hair is different, there's a a rectangular patch on the replica's center spike and the Vegas version has more sharply defined eyes.

The mistake was made even worse by an informational leaflet released this month with a sheet of 18 Lady Liberty and flag stamps. It includes a short history of the Statue of Liberty - but makes no mention of the replica.

Officials have now said they will change the brochure to explain the photo features a replica rather than the real 125-year-old statue.


The real Lady: An eagle-eyed stamp collector noticed subtle differences between the two statues, including the replica's more sharply-defined eyes

It may have caused embarrassment for USPS, but the slip-up has created nothing but pride in Las Vegas.

Gordon Absher, spokesman for MGM Resorts International, said: 'Everyone thought the post office was honouring just one great American institution when in reality they were honouring two - the Statue of Liberty and Las Vegas.'

The news was not quite so well received in New York, where Edward Koch, who famously declared the city was the centre of the universe when he was mayor, told the Times: 'It simply means the post office is doing a stupid thing.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...using-wrong-Statue-Liberty.html#ixzz1Js2QA6K0
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Ok so post service choose a photo of a replica instead of a photo of the real statue. No big deal, particulary if you consider that only extreme sharp eye can notice the mistake.

These stamps can be bought since december, so it tooks ' monthes for someone to notice the mistake. This is the proof that it's no big deal...
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

The USPS and I have something in common. We are both into younger,petite women :yesyes:
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

The USPS and I have something in common. We are both into younger,petite women :yesyes:

Not to mention the one with a bigger chest.

I'm interested as to what France's opinion would be on this; assuming they would even bother giving a Baguette

Will E Worm

Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Can UPS, FedEX, or DSL handle the mail better?

Should we bring back the Pony Express?


Is somewhere outhere.
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

These will probably be worth loads 100+ years down the line :1orglaugh


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

And is there any one as to why they're going bankrupt?

I ordered a metal target for shooting from Colorado, nothing weird or dangerous. It went from Colorado to the city of Bell. Not the city I live in. It stayed there for a couple of days. Then traveled to San Diego. Stayed there for a couple of days. Then back to the city of Bell! I'm seeing all of this on the tracking. Then it final made it's way to the city I'm in and to me. 2 1/2 weeks. USPS is incompetent.
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

It makes me wonder if somebody made a "error" to increase the stamps collectible value. I would think not considering how many were printed, but who knows.

I think the easiest way to spot the difference is looking at the crown they both wear. The replica's dark and hollow spots look pained on instead of actually hollow like the real one. You can tell just by looking at the shadows. That more than anything else should have been a giveaway that something was wrong.
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

This from the same organization that can't turn a profit and produces mass murderers? :1orglaugh

Jon S.

Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Let's see how Obama tries to squirm himself out of this one
Of course since the Postal Service is a pseudo-independent company, and it has nothing to do with the Executive Branch, what does this have to do with President Obama exactly? That not withstanding...BFD! Ho hum! Ha ha ha!


Postal Paranoiac
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Three billion?? Why, they could just dip right into their enormous cash surplus and straighten that right out!
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Of course since the Postal Service is a pseudo-independent company, and it has nothing to do with the Executive Branch, what does this have to do with President Obama exactly? That not withstanding...BFD! Ho hum! Ha ha ha!

I think he meant it to be a joke as this is probably yet another thing that conservatives while try to blame Obama for.:2 cents:
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

I think he meant it to be a joke as this is probably yet another thing that conservatives while try to blame Obama for.:2 cents:

:thumbsup: Even Dirk didn't get it, time to have him put him down me thinks


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

she looks high in that first pic. happy 420 everyone.


Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

And is there any one as to why they're going bankrupt?

I ordered a metal target for shooting from Colorado, nothing weird or dangerous. It went from Colorado to the city of Bell. Not the city I live in. It stayed there for a couple of days. Then traveled to San Diego. Stayed there for a couple of days. Then back to the city of Bell! I'm seeing all of this on the tracking. Then it final made it's way to the city I'm in and to me. 2 1/2 weeks. USPS is incompetent.
Listen, Bell, Ca. has enough of their own internal problems :1orglaugh They don't need to be having their post office playing freight ping pong with your target and one of the San Diego branches . . what is this, a make work program or some such? :p

If it's the kind of target I'm thinking about it's not very light weight freight either! Bad BAD USPO! :nono:

Actually, I've never had a problem with untimely delivery issues when shipping or receiving mail or packages from the post office, never ever, however, I do everything in my power to not have to stand in line waiting for service at the very short handed post office branches in my area. I hate that when there's a long line forming and one of the two postal clerks has to go to lunch or go on break leaving only one poor clerk to serve the needs of 15 people. I'm not the type to get mad at the clerk as I know that it's not her fault, but geesh I think to myself, pull somebody from the back to fill in during breaks and lunches already! :rolleyes:

Oh, on the statue issue . . what johan said.