Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liberty


Re: Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liber

Of course since the Postal Service is a pseudo-independent company, and it has nothing to do with the Executive Branch, what does this have to do with President Obama exactly? That not withstanding...BFD! Ho hum! Ha ha ha!


Last I heard, the very much teleprompted-weakling-man boy in chief himself hadn't even met his Post Master General cabinet appointment. . . if the two have actually met one another, the meeting was very recent.
Look, I know that the PMG isn't really that important of an appointment necessarily, but dayom mr. potus, meet with each and all of your cabinet appointees before the first year of your term is up at least!
hellO!, jerkO! :rolleyes: :1orglaugh