Obama, the Wall St owned socialist?
You have to play the other team's game until you put yourself in the position to change it. It take's contributions and yes Wall Street money to become president.
Obama, the Wall St owned socialist?
I find it funny that you say the things I bring up about Gush are sound bytes? Ask those families if they are merely sound bytes to them. You might have a tough time walking away from the Tillman brothers if you do. I brought up things that are factually proven. Do you think the Jessica Lynch story is a theory? She said herself it was used by the Pentagon and fed to the media as a total lie. Funny enough, Pat Tillman was involved in that raid and he wrote about what a sham it was that they had to wait 2 extra days for the film crew before they rescued her.
Those are factual things. Tillman's death was factual. there are leaked documents to prove it and a congressional hearing on film. not theories. Facts. Bush lied about WMDs as we all know. he later admitted he was wrong but seriously, who really believes they didn't know that all along?
The war has been a tremendous windfall for many companies like Haliburton. Not a theory, a FACT.
I am not smart enough to create theories like that lol that shit is real and people like Hannity ignored those issues entirely.
Now you wanna talk about conspiracy about the right and their absolute fixation on Benghazi. They will not let it go, when it was something far below the President's realm of responsibility but they are demanding he answer for it. yet, look at all those things from the previous administration like Abu Grayeb that they didnt say shit about and defended the president. because he had nothing to do with it! of course Bush had no hand in that shit, but if it were Obama he would be hung from a tree!
When they were selling the war in iraq and it turned out most of it was all bullshit, where were these Benghazi warriors then? come on dude.
As far as the death penalty its a 2 edged blade. people that are caught red handed and confess like John Cooey who raped and killed Jessica Lunsford here in Florida shouldnt get cable TV to watch or fresh air. Those guys should die for those crimes.
I agree many people have been falsely accused and those cases where someone testifies shouldnt have a death warrant on the table unless it is extreme.
why should tax dollars pay for someone to live in prison with cable tv and health care when they committed atrocious crimes? fuck that. put them on an island and let them rot in the sun fucking each other to death.
I better bow out of this thread now. This cannot end well for me. It's been fun.
insanity abounds lol
Oh, and inmates aren't allowed cell phones. That one is a punishable offense.
yes it is not the best choice, but allowing people to go without medication and to die because of money is a bigger cluster fuck. so at least something is being accomplished and hopefully they will reform it and lean it out a bit. I would like to see the insurance companies cut out entirely but that'll never happen. too much money on the table for that to happen unfortunately.
I want to hear someone tell me how medicare for the elderly is not socialism, but medicare for everyone is?