One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Obama, the Wall St owned socialist?


You have to play the other team's game until you put yourself in the position to change it. It take's contributions and yes Wall Street money to become president.


Official Checked Star Member
I find it funny that you say the things I bring up about Gush are sound bytes? Ask those families if they are merely sound bytes to them. You might have a tough time walking away from the Tillman brothers if you do. I brought up things that are factually proven. Do you think the Jessica Lynch story is a theory? She said herself it was used by the Pentagon and fed to the media as a total lie. Funny enough, Pat Tillman was involved in that raid and he wrote about what a sham it was that they had to wait 2 extra days for the film crew before they rescued her.

Those are factual things. Tillman's death was factual. there are leaked documents to prove it and a congressional hearing on film. not theories. Facts. Bush lied about WMDs as we all know. he later admitted he was wrong but seriously, who really believes they didn't know that all along?

The war has been a tremendous windfall for many companies like Haliburton. Not a theory, a FACT.

I am not smart enough to create theories like that lol that shit is real and people like Hannity ignored those issues entirely.

Now you wanna talk about conspiracy about the right and their absolute fixation on Benghazi. They will not let it go, when it was something far below the President's realm of responsibility but they are demanding he answer for it. yet, look at all those things from the previous administration like Abu Grayeb that they didnt say shit about and defended the president. because he had nothing to do with it! of course Bush had no hand in that shit, but if it were Obama he would be hung from a tree!

When they were selling the war in iraq and it turned out most of it was all bullshit, where were these Benghazi warriors then? come on dude.

As far as the death penalty its a 2 edged blade. people that are caught red handed and confess like John Cooey who raped and killed Jessica Lunsford here in Florida shouldnt get cable TV to watch or fresh air. Those guys should die for those crimes.

I agree many people have been falsely accused and those cases where someone testifies shouldnt have a death warrant on the table unless it is extreme.

why should tax dollars pay for someone to live in prison with cable tv and health care when they committed atrocious crimes? fuck that. put them on an island and let them rot in the sun fucking each other to death.
I find it funny that you say the things I bring up about Gush are sound bytes? Ask those families if they are merely sound bytes to them. You might have a tough time walking away from the Tillman brothers if you do. I brought up things that are factually proven. Do you think the Jessica Lynch story is a theory? She said herself it was used by the Pentagon and fed to the media as a total lie. Funny enough, Pat Tillman was involved in that raid and he wrote about what a sham it was that they had to wait 2 extra days for the film crew before they rescued her.

Those are factual things. Tillman's death was factual. there are leaked documents to prove it and a congressional hearing on film. not theories. Facts. Bush lied about WMDs as we all know. he later admitted he was wrong but seriously, who really believes they didn't know that all along?

The war has been a tremendous windfall for many companies like Haliburton. Not a theory, a FACT.

I am not smart enough to create theories like that lol that shit is real and people like Hannity ignored those issues entirely.

Now you wanna talk about conspiracy about the right and their absolute fixation on Benghazi. They will not let it go, when it was something far below the President's realm of responsibility but they are demanding he answer for it. yet, look at all those things from the previous administration like Abu Grayeb that they didnt say shit about and defended the president. because he had nothing to do with it! of course Bush had no hand in that shit, but if it were Obama he would be hung from a tree!

When they were selling the war in iraq and it turned out most of it was all bullshit, where were these Benghazi warriors then? come on dude.

As far as the death penalty its a 2 edged blade. people that are caught red handed and confess like John Cooey who raped and killed Jessica Lunsford here in Florida shouldnt get cable TV to watch or fresh air. Those guys should die for those crimes.

I agree many people have been falsely accused and those cases where someone testifies shouldnt have a death warrant on the table unless it is extreme.

why should tax dollars pay for someone to live in prison with cable tv and health care when they committed atrocious crimes? fuck that. put them on an island and let them rot in the sun fucking each other to death.

I didn't say it wasn't true that those things happened. I said that you cannot make a case that this was all some masterminded plan by GWB. War to fund Haliburton, Cheney is evil, blood for oil. Even Colin Powell believed that WMD existed based on the info at the time. Tony Blair had more information than anyone and it was information that he furnished to the Bush administration that made them believe that Iraq was a imminent threat to their neighbors and especially Israel.

I mean this with all due respect when I say I would rather debate someone that has views diametrically opposed to mine that are at least set in their convictions. You have so many conflicting views that it puts you all over the map.


Official Checked Star Member
See, this is where the political issues lose me. You guys need to be set on one side or another instead of conflicting because there are issues you dont agree with on BOTH sides. I am conflicted and so should we all be conflicted unless we just are all in no matter the reality, which sadly is too many people already.

At least I'm being open minded to other points of view. I never said that Bush cooked up these things, but his administration hid them or used them to sell his wars.

As well, if this were done on Obama's watch can you imagine how far people would go to have him impeached? Please don't say you don't think it would be any different.

You took a jab at me because my thinking evolved based on some personal experiences. What better things are there to change the way you think about things? Too many people sit in judgment of people and situations they know nothing about, other than what they SEE. I would rather someone with the experiences be the ones making the laws and voting rather than the Mitt Romney's of the world who have never been poor or had to worry where dinner was coming from or how the lights or heat were going to get paid.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Some of the Socialist/Capitalist Left/Right Wing arguments on this thread are quite amusing to a Brit, living in, what most USAians would call a socialist state. Notice I say USAians rather than Americans, as Americans would encompass the whole of the North and South American continent, which it doesn't.
At the time of the whole Iraq WMD fiasco, we had a Labour government, lead by Tony Blair - what most USAians would see as almost a communist, let alone socialist. In British Politics, Labour is the party the represents the left.
We, like USA, were lied to by our leader - USAians by GW and us Brits by the "Socialist" Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
The party on the right, and current Government (a coalition with the Middle - Liberal Democrats) is the Conservative party which will fight tooth and nail (regardless of what the other parties may say) for the National Health Service - free healthcare for all.
We blame the previous left wing Socialist Government (Labour) for the world financial crisis and collapse of the banks, you blame the conservative right wing Republican government for exactly the same thing.
How can this be, given that their outlooks on Government are almost total opposites?

From a purely humanitarian point of view, I think that all citizens of a country should have basic healthcare provided by the state. We even have a special tax (National Insurance) which is supposed to pay for this (as well as unemployment benefit and state pension). We still have private health insurance available to us if we want to pay extra for speedier (sometimes better) care. The system is by no means perfect, but I prefer that to a "no pay, no care" society like that found in USA.

As far as WMD's and Iraq goes - we should have sorted this out in 1991 when Iraq invaded Kuwait, not wait and then give bogus excuses for going in at a far higher cost, both in human lives and financially.
Neither of our leaders at the time have been indicted for the lies told about WMDs, but at the same time, having missed the opportunity in 1991 to "liberate" Iraq, I can see the argument for doing so when they did. The problem is that we were lied to by the politicians (gosh, now there's a surprise!).


Official Checked Star Member
I know that health care for all would be expensive and the right says that it isn't fair that they should be required to pay for other people's health care.

But did I miss the petition asking if I wanted to pay for the 2 wars we are that are using MY tax dollars to fund? Or did anyone ask the American people if it's ok that we build schools and new highways and new roads and hospitals AND pay for their national health care program with our tax dollars? I don't think so.

So why not cut back on defense spending considering we're spending more than the next 13 countries combined? A healthy society is a productive society. We aren't asking to pay for indefinite welfare. this is to keep people from being too sick to work, or dying from things that could be treated.

I guess some of us forget or never knew what it was like to struggle and to not be able to afford to pay for a doctor.
After staying away from this thread for a day I went back and read my posts again and reviewed the OCSM Protection Act to make sure I didn't cross any lines. I don't think I did but I probably pissed you off.

I am a political junkie and for a moment there you became one of the guys. I forgot that you are a top shelf babe and a great cook. I hope you will continue to participate here. You give as good as you get. Petra was spot on.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Lots of topics hurled out since the start so I'll just pick the one that we are settling into now. Unless we get tort reform we are never going to shave down the cost of health care. The family doctors are a thing of the past because they pay ridiculous premiums for liability insurance. You may want to blame the HMOs, big pharma, and the insurance companies for the high cost of health care but it all comes down to lawyers and judges here. The lawsuit machine has been let to run wild. Don't bother calling a local doctor for your sprained ankle. To cover his ass his first line of defense is to send you to the emergency room. At one time you could see him and for 100 bucks you were patched up in 20 minutes of his time. For an extra 50 he would come to your house. No way would any doctor do that now. He can't afford to because of how much he is paying for risk insurance. Everything has to be seen by a specialist now for everyone to cover asses. All added costs to health care for everyone at all levels. But no one wants to address tort. Politicians, lawyers, and judges all come from the same pool and no way are they ever going to cut into this cash machine they generate for each other.


Official Checked Star Member
well Bob in all fairness, you can go to urgent care for $90

My friend had a surgery and when he told them he was paying cash he was told he gets a discount. we both asked what that meant and we were told if they bill insurance it's about 3 times more than paying cash. I havent decided how that works but when doctors gouge the insurance companies (which I have ZERO compassion for!) it hurts everyone else.

On another note, I was on a flight from London to NYC and the man in front of me was having issues to the point of collapsing and becoming unconscious. they laid him out in the aisle right next to my seat and a woman who was a nurse came over to help. there were 2 doctors who watched over but both refused to touch the man or do anything other than ask for his vitals and give suggestions. The nurse turned to both of them and told them they should be ashamed. I asked her what she meant and she told me that they were afraid that if he died they would be sued. She said that has become nearly epidemic today in US medicine. that unless it's a controlled environment many doctors will not touch a person for fear of being sued. To me that is insane.

I agree we need tort reform but only to a certain level. All injury cases are frivolous until something happens to you. Our courts have steered towards the benefit of the insurance companies to the point that a jury is not permitted to know if you had insurance or not when you had an accident so that way they cannot factor that into their reward decision.

Blue Countach, you didn't offend me. If you had you would know about it :) I posted here in hopes for some lively debate and if you couldn't already tell I enjoy and welcome other points of view. I don't stick to what I believe without question and nothing is set in stone. It's those experiences in our lives and the lives of others that can enlighten us to other points of view we may not have considered before.

Those who refuse to consider to reconsider are the unfortunate ones in our society and disrupt the progress of humanity. That sounds like a quote but I swear to you I just made that up lol

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
insanity abounds lol

Sounds to me, like you should have voted for Ron Paul, and then the Libertarian candidate when Paul was eliminated. You would have been on the losing side....but you would have had cast a vote for beliefs, and not, "anybody but him".

Oh, and inmates aren't allowed cell phones. That one is a punishable offense.


Official Checked Star Member
most have them. and they are allowed to surf porn as well. I KNOW that because I get several emails every day which states the email is from an inmate requesting to correspond with me and they have their email which says that they love my site but arent able to signup but love the free part of the site and watch my videos on the tube sites. Nice that they allow people in prison to view illegal copyrighted videos lol

I would have voted for Ron Paul but I voted for Obama. I couldn't even envision a president romney


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I didn't forget about my local MediMerge. True these patch up centers do what our family doctors once did. What twists me is that our family doctors are being forced out of this kind of business. As your airplane experience exampled, the good nature of helping others has been outweighed by the risk of being sued. That is the suckiest thing about today's health care. Well meaning people want to get into the health care profession but when the blinds lift up, the have to fall into a system where choices have to be made. The local doctor puts 10 years in and $kkk to help people risking losing his license on his next touch. We now have everyone as a specialist and referrals after referrals and more referrals. Simple testing has to be farmed out to facilities to cover asses. All of this is a conglomeration of red tape to cover asses. This is what drives up the cost of health care.

What you mentioned in the pay cash option being 1/3 less. The hoops that have to be jumped through fron HMOs and reduced payments from them do give a choice for the patient and health care provider. The HMO may want more tests thus costing the patient more in the long run for unnecessary testing. That's the bloating of the health care costs.
Obama Care is one HUGE fucking cluster fuck.


Official Checked Star Member
yes it is not the best choice, but allowing people to go without medication and to die because of money is a bigger cluster fuck. so at least something is being accomplished and hopefully they will reform it and lean it out a bit. I would like to see the insurance companies cut out entirely but that'll never happen. too much money on the table for that to happen unfortunately.

I want to hear someone tell me how medicare for the elderly is not socialism, but medicare for everyone is?
yes it is not the best choice, but allowing people to go without medication and to die because of money is a bigger cluster fuck. so at least something is being accomplished and hopefully they will reform it and lean it out a bit. I would like to see the insurance companies cut out entirely but that'll never happen. too much money on the table for that to happen unfortunately.

I want to hear someone tell me how medicare for the elderly is not socialism, but medicare for everyone is?

Medicare for the elderly is socialism more commonly referred to as an entitlement. But they have paid into that system whereas insurance for those that do not work is a handout. You want insurance companies to no longer exist? lol You want to replace companies that offer a product because they are driven by profit? Instead you want the government to run all aspects of the health care industry? In a nutshell you would like to see private profit driven companies replaced by a government system of power driven politicians that want to keep their cushy jobs and make the masses more reliant on government.

Insurance companies make about 12 cents on every dollar. You live in Florida, is it because there is no personal income tax there? You bash Mitt Romney for being rich but he gave all of his inheritance away. The money he earned was in the private sector. Compare his charitable givings as a percentage to Biden or Obama. The difference is laughable. During the campaign a woman that worked in one of his local campaign headquarters was about to have her lights cut out for non payment. Romney quietly went up to her and put the money in her hand. he didn't mention it, he just did it. it was later told by the lady that was extremely grateful.
If you taxed the top 1 percent of wage earners at 100 percent you still wouldn't put a dent in the national debt or be able to pay for Obamacare. The problem is spending. Yeah it would be nice to furnish healthcare for everyone and it looks like we are on a fast track to having a national debt upwards of 25 trillion within the next 15 years. Future generations are going to hate us and curse us for the reckless spending we put in their lap.