This could be straight out of The Communist Manifesto
Marx and Engels would be proud.
What someone believes and what they do are often very different things. I think that religious people's views are fucking insane and the idea that people who believe in myths could be president is frightening, but I have to have faith that they won't allow what they believe for themselves to be forced upon everyone else. I own guns but I am in bigtime favor of rewritten gun laws. they are outdated to say the least. no one needs a 30 round magazine in their gun. no one needs to own an assault rifle. but the law written in the time of muskets is still in tact right? And how could anyone oppose background checks for EVERYONE buying a gun? how can you possibly make that argument? and to say that being required to have your gun registered is unconstitutional yet have no issue with your car being registered? lol that's fucking RETARDED.
My mother totally believes in wealth distribution but I don't and I've associated with her my entire life. So am I a socialist? NO. Please tell me what he has DONE to redistribute wealth. Not what he's said, but what he has DONE. NOTHING! he wants to raise taxes a whopping 3% on the wealthiest people which is where it was under Clinton. I would be ok with raising it all the way to 45% and cutting out all write offs for people who are billionaires. Many of them pay so little in taxes its bullshit. So you think it's fair that Mitt Romney pays 12% of his income in taxes but the guy who cuts his lawn pays 30%? how do you justify that?
Obama has signed more pro gun legislation in 5 years than Bush did in 8.
You have NOT made a single example of what he has DONE to steer this country towards socialism. And yes, the policies of the white house have a lot to do with the market.
I agree that vets should get health care. but what about the fact that wages are behind inflation and people aren't able to live while working full time, many 2 full time jobs?
I am 100% in favor of socialized medical care. We have polie, fire, schools, roads, social security, medicare, and post office - all socialist programs.
call it socialist speak all you want, america needs transforming and if you deny that you are crazy and naive which I don't think you are...yet
I agree that people should pay their fair share. No one making millions should be paying less than those making thousands. you don't agree with that??????????
and the right wants to get rid of the EPA which polices companies from dumping toxic waste in water. and let's face it, if no one was watching EVERY chemical company in the US would be dumping in rivers, landfills and the ocean.
Everyone keeps saying that Obama is a socialist, yet Wall Street is at an all-time high, corporate profits are at an all-time high. If he's a socialist, then he's horrible at it. Where does this belief come from? Because he wants to give Americans health care? Gee, we're the ONLY developed country in the WORLD without it and the richest nation so why wouldn't we have it? We cater to the wealthiest people so why not offer the people at the bottom of the scale some relief? Again, we were a much more socialist country in the 1950s than we are today. No one bitches about their social security or their medicare, or their unemployment or health care for veterans and those are as socialist as it gets. So please, share with me where the socialist moniker comes from?
Let's leave the Marxist label aside for a moment since it gets xfire's panties in a wad.
And we will just stick to the label of garden variety socialist for the time being.
This is the Declaration of Principles of the Party of European Socialists. It is a summary of the European socialist agenda. Compare them to Obama's legislative agenda.:
Party Of European Socialists: The welfare state and state-provided universal access to education and health care are society’s great achievements.
Obama: Wants universal health care and the expansion of the government state.
Party Of European Socialists:A strong state must preserve the public good, guarantee the common interest, promote justice and solidarity and allow people to lead lives rich beyond material wealth, so that each individual’s fulfillment is also part of a collective endeavor.
Obama: Advocates the nanny state and social, economic and political justice to the citizen. He even said that the Constitution is a "charter of negative liberties" . He complains that the Constitution dictates what it can't do for you and says nothing about what it can do for you on your behalf. He may as said he wanted to fundamentally transform the Constitution while he was at it.
Party Of European Socialists:Ensuring long lasting prosperity, stability and above all, peace requires effective coordination in the international realm based on democracy, mutual respect, and human rights.
Obama: Places reliance on international institutions, international consensus, and mutual respect in the conduct of foreign policy. The United States must coordinate its foreign policy with international organizations and treat even rogue nations with respect in the hope that they will voluntarily improve their behavior. Rogue nations! How's that working out for ya?
Of course (and I knew it would happen BTW) that the same old bullshit that conservatives accept Social Security and a progressive income tax and that Obama is misunderstood and taken out of context is brought up here. The fact is that conservatives have been fighting against the increase in government and entitlements (I said conservatives not republicans ok?)
The genie is out of the bottle and there is no way to put it back . Conservatives knew this would happen and is why we fight tooth and nail for it not to be increased even more. Socialists understand that once the people get used to government caring for their every need it becomes ingrained into their lifestyle and psyche as is with Medicare and Social Security. Jagger is wrong that police and fire departments are part of a socialist society. For the most part, these are services offered by local municipalities not the FEDERAL government. And is why socialists are opposed to state's rights. I sit in utter amazement of otherwise intelligent people that constantly buy in to the socialist agenda and drivel.
One point I will agree with Jagger on. No matter how she has voted in the past, Ms. Milano is not a Republican nor a Libertarian for that matter. Her postings here on this thread are chock full of conspiracy theory and her sentiments are in line with everything proposed by the liberal/socialist agenda.
What? So you vote for people and then don't listen to what they say or pay attention to what they do? These are all policies that Obama has stated that he supports and wants to see implemented. Right in line with European socialists. They are all on public record, be it campaign promises or speeches or outright policy. I guess if I have the time I can furnish it for you. Do you have your mom to cut your steak up for you too?