Christ, what a bunch of blubbering crybaby spazzes. Y'all were always the kids who got the shit kicked out of them by the jocks in high school, right? Trust me, you deserved it then and you should get the shit kicked out of you now for this whine and blubber fest.
Seriously, you cannot possibly claim that whatever Lucas is doing with the Star Wars movies has "ruined" your pathetic loser childhoods in any possible way.
And there's a really easy solution to this:
DON'T GO SEE THE FUCKING MOVIES WHEN THEY ARE RELEASED. If there is an ad on tv, for them then change the fucking channel or turn away. If there is an ad for them on the Interwebs then click a link that takes you away. if your "friends"

won;t stop talking about the movies, then get new friends.
You pussies are blubbering and screeching and shrieking as if this were the end of the fucking world, when at the end of the day, it's just a fucking movie, it's just entertainment.
So fucking what if the movies make another $400,000,000 at the box office and give Lucas even more millions of dollars??!! That shouldn;t affect your lives in the least, unless you are athetic blubbering crybaby spazzes like y'all.
You losers are beyond pathetic.