Once again, Big Brother fucks things up!

I tried to Google a topic earlier this morning and this came up:




I generally hate protests...then again, I generally hate protesters too.

A Hate-Hate, HATER today, I am, I am, I am! :D


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I read both bills. While all intentions are good, the methods of enforcement would produce chaos. We now have laws protecting copyright, intellectual property, and patent. Not perfect but are usable. To have government regulate something else that it doesn't understand? Par for the course. I would rather see the INTERNET shut down that to let some bureaucrats create an industry of fucking it up.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
What I love about these bills is how the US gov things THEY are the stewards of the internet. I also love how they talk about China, Iran, and other governments that censor their citizens internet then want to turn around and do it themselves.

IF this ever passes, I think hosts and businesses will pick up and set up shop outside of the US's jurisdiction. Great for the economy of other countries and maybe when people lose access to their favorite sites, shops, or can't host their business anymore, they'll realize what their government has done and do something about it.

Well, I can dream anyways.


Go to these websites and sign their petitions. Seriously. Stop what you're doing and get your name and your vote involved in this.
The fucking politicians have already drawn up legislation that will TAX every company that sells something on the internet. Is there ANYTHING those greedy cocksuckers won't tax? Fuck those fucking fuckers!

And heed Mayhem's advice.. sign those petitions!
Internet protests against freedom.

With a Web-wide protest on Wednesday that includes a 24-hour shutdown of the English-language Wikipedia, the legislative battle over two Internet piracy bills has reached an extraordinary moment — a political coming of age for a relatively young and disorganized industry that has largely steered clear of lobbying and other political games in Washington.

The bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House and the Protect IP Act in the Senate, are backed by major media companies and are mostly intended to curtail the illegal downloading and streaming of TV shows and movies online. But the tech industry fears that, among other things, they will give media companies too much power to shut down sites that they say are abusing copyrights.



New York Times
Business Day

Are we being thrown back to the dark ages? And by none other but Uncle Sam, the proprietor of world's freedom, by their word of mouth?
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Re: Internet protests against freedom.

There is a thread about this already...

EDIT: Circular link deleted. Relevant words did not through this post out in advance search.

But thanks Fisher (for obvious reason, I could not call you Sam, :D)
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Will E Worm

Unless the net is free and open it will not be any good.

Wikipedia Blackout: 11 Huge Sites Protest SOPA, PIPA On January 18
On January 18, over 7,000 websites -- including Wikipedia and Google -- will protest anti-piracy legislation currently making its way through Congress.

And it continues in other ways....

NYC’s New Police State Technology
Alarming new technology will make New York City all the more hazardous for visitors who mistake Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg’s authoritarian fiefdom for a part of America, where our constitutional liberties would apply.

The NYPD is developing a new way to seek people toting guns on the street by using radiation scanners that can detect those packing heat, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announced Tuesday.

The technology — which works similar to infrared imaging — includes a mechanism that can detect a natural energy, known as terahertz radiation, that emits from a person’s body, Kelly said during his State of the NYPD address.

Because the radiation waves cannot travel through metal, a concealed gun can be detected from the image captured by the lense of the detector, Kelly said.

Apparently the technology produces only blurry images, so anyone who dares venture into this surreal liberal dystopia should be careful about carrying mp3 players, cameras, or any other objects that could lead to unwanted encounters with the authorities.

If the 2nd Amendment doesn’t apply in New York, why should the 4th, which protects us from unwarranted searches? The 14th Amendment ensures that no American can be deprived of his constitutional liberties; but it doesn’t apply in NYC either.



You can still use Wikipedia. All you have to do it hit the escape button before the black page loads.

I've been using it all day.

i think its a useless thing to do. no one whos up there gives a shit. theyre making money, and the entertainment industry (which includes porn) keeps theirs.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
johnnystyro, your message is poignant. Folks, take the time out to contact your legislator and pass that message onto them.