Bodie's right. Try Andrew Blake. If watching porn didn't turn you on or enhance your experience with your wife at that moment, than you either don't need it to be included or you picked the wrong porn. I have no idea why you went with Lezbo porn. Your wife didn't say let's fuck to lezbo porn. I'm sure she assumed you'd find M/F sex. It's nice that the Lezbo porn turned her on. It distracted you.
The point is, find a porn film with a storyline...not just the typical gonzo or POV stuff today. Storyline porn might even have longer sex scenes with a bit more foreplay (tit sucking and pussy licking) than today's porn. Porn from the late 80s-early 00s also filmed blowjobs better. :thumbsup:
My standard rec is "Sex Commandos"