Ok peoples, I grievance with some of you

Will E Worm

So when did this become a comparison between fictional works?

Just sayin'. *

*Yes, I went there.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Found his weakness.


For the EMPEROR!!
I take it your not a buddhist then.

You don't believe in Anatta or Anicca or Dhamma, Samsira or the eighfold path.

Doing Higher buddhism at school ftw
Good for you. Stay in school, little dude.
.. Err, sorry .. Big dude.
The Silmarillion > The KJV Bible.
Yes. I agree. :D
No. Buddism. :facepalm:


I disagree, Will. Some of the Eastern philosophies are fascinating and "enlightening".

On a side note, I've been reading/re-reading some of the Teachings of Confucious. That guy was centuries ahead of his time.

Will E Worm

Holy shit you just shut him down brah.

Found his weakness.


This thread has turned out poorly for Will E.

It's fine. Just more boo-hoos from others. ;)

I disagree, Will. Some of the Eastern philosophies are fascinating and "enlightening".

On a side note, I've been reading/re-reading some of the Teachings of Confucious. That guy was centuries ahead of his time.


cindy CD/TV

I have noticed that a lot of you have potty mouths. I know that most of you were raised better than that. I think we can all express our displeasure in things or even our approval of other things without swearing so much.

I think it would add to the general decorum of this board if we toned down the filthy language and started to clean up the lingo around here.

This reminds me of Kyle's mom in "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut."

Sheila Broflovski: Remember what the MPAA says: Horrific, deplorable violence is OK, as long as people don't say any naughty woids! That's what this war is all about!

And this, just for laughs ...

The boys go to the movies to watch Terrence and Phillip's new movie: "Asses of Fire"

Terrence: You're such a pig fucker, Phillip!
[boys gasp]
Kyle: What did he say?
Phillip: Terrence, why would you call me a pig fucker?
Terrence: Well, let's see. First of all, you fuck pigs!
Phillip: Oh, yeah.
[both laugh]
Terrence: Fuck my ass and call me a bitch!
[both laugh again]
Phillip: Oh, you shit-faced cock master!
[boys say wow]
Eric Cartman: Shit-faced cock master.
Terrence: Listen you donkey rapping shit-eater!
Kyle: Donkey rapping shit eater.
Ike: [baby talk] Donkey rapping shit-eater!
Terrence: You'd fuck your uncle!
Terrence: You'd fuck your uncle!
Terrence: [singing] Shut your funking face Uncle Fucker! Your cock-ass licking Uncle Fucker! You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true nobody fucks uncle quite like you!
Phillip: Shut your fucking face Uncle Fucker! You're the one that fucks your uncle, Uncle Fucker! You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you fuck your uncle all day long.
[both fart rhythmically]
Canadian guard: What's going on here?
everyone: Fuck your uncle, fuck your uncle, fuck your uncle, fuck your uncle, fuck your uncle! Shut your fucking face Uncle Fucker, you're a boner dieing Uncle Fucker!
Terrence: You're an uncle fucker I must say.
Phillip: You'd fucked your uncle yesterday!
everyone: Uncle Fucker that's you, U-N-C-L-E, fuck you! Uncle Fucker!
[after a couple seconds of silence]
Terrence: Suck my balls.

Meh, I'm not offended by scatological humor, but I don't find it funny either. I'm not 6 and I don't get the giggles because someone said a no-no word.

"Motherfucker" gets tossed around so much that it has lost all meaning. How about instead we remind people what it means? Engaging in incestuous sexual intercourse with your mom.

I mean, your penis has been inside your mom's cunt before, and it probably rubbed against her clit on its way out when you were born. Makes you think, doesn't it?