Ok peoples, I grievance with some of you


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Shit Piss Fuck Cunt Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits Cock Asshole Retard Bitch Bastard Slut Smegma Meecrob... Am I allowed to directly post racial/sexual orientation/religious slurs or is that against the rules?

Just in case I'll just put these links instead of the actual vid/words


If you're cocksucking offended by any of this smegma, I fucking hate you (for reals) for being such a shitty cunt-faced child that gets the meecrobby piss taken out of them by asshole words alone, without any bitching context to them.

I assume you visited the principal's office quite often in school?

Danny likes Cap'n Crunch too.

Do you have any friends? This is key. It will let me know if I should be offended or if I should have sympathy for you.:)
I have been here for almost 3 years. Left for a few months and came back.

I'm sorry if I startled you