OCSM of the Week 2018!

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An amazing start to the week!!! ;)

Current Noms
Masuimi Max
Briana Lee
Jeny Smith

Who will be next???
We still have time for more Noms ;)

Current Noms
Masuimi Max
Briana Lee
Jeny Smith
Maggie Green
Mandy Flores

Who is the next Nom???

Masuimi Max

Official Checked Star Member

Thanks for the nomination! Can we start posting boobs yet? ;)
If we are voting now then I of course vote for Briana Lee.
Traditionally we wait until Friday afternoon(ish) before voting starts. But until Jitna returns, I'll make the call. I like your idea and say.... Let's get things started early ;)
Voting is Now Open!!! ;)
Current Standings
Masuimi Max
Briana Lee 1
Jeny Smith 1
Maggie Green
Mandy Flores 1
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