OCSM of the Week 2018!

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One Vote 4 The Lovely Patty ! :heart::heart::heart:


Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Mandy has weird teeth, you lose. Neeener Neeener Neeener :D
I have to say, this is the first time I've ever heard (seen) anyone say something negative about my smile! LOL To each his own right?
So I'm late but I'm going to drop a couple beach pics of me from Laguna Beach just for fun :)



Patty is nice Mandy is special

Thank you very much, I'm sure Patty is special too, but thank you again :)

One vote for Mandy.
Thank you :)

Of course a vote for Mandy
Thank you and thanks for the nom :)

my vote this week is for Mandy
Thanks Dazza :)

I'll stick mine in for Mandy
Though it sounds completely appropriate for a porn board, I see what you did there!! Thank you :)

does anyone want to make a third nomination?

and here's another question, should this contest even keep going? or should we just let it die?
Oh boy, things have been slow huh? Ya know, I think if you don't mind dropping in for a minute or two every couple of days it should go on. Honestly I just haven't been as active anywhere lately, just sporadic posts :)
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