I manage to see your photos, Harley, but I sorta have to help the situation out by Right Clicking on them and getting them to independently load on another Tab. Then they'll be in my browser's cache and display here. I believe if I just try to get them to load by letting this thread's page load by itself, they don't load or take a long time.
I've had problems with other OCSM's Imgur pics as well. I'm not sure I recall correctly as to who uses Imgur, but I believe ... for example, I have problems with Jeny Smith's and Shaye Rivers' pics.
As to Pimp & Host being a pain in the butt? What browser do you use and is it the latest and greatest version? Cuz I remember way back when I barely switched over to Pimp & Host, I too was having a lot of problems including extreme slowness to do anything in there. At the time I was using some very outdated old version of Opera browser. When I then switched to the latest version of Opera, suddenly Pimp & Host was working great ... no more slowness or any other BS.
Now I use the latest version of Maxthon Cloud browser and there too Pimp & Host works great ... and that's saying a lot considering that I use Dial Up Internet. :eek: :rofl: Of course, I cannot vouche for how Pimp & Host may or may not work on MOBILE IF that's what you happen to use.
I'm not 100% sure, but my slightly vague recollection is leaning towards that it was Imgur from which I switched over to Pimp & Host because similar to your case ... I could see my Siggy back then, but various people started informing that there was just some little block or something where my Siggy should be.