Congratulations go to Lolita for winning the competition
(Bravvvooo Lolita bravo)
But I want to say well done to Niki Lucy and Callista for making it such a tiiighhttt competition
Well done babes
You certainly have coloured things up more than a bit Mandy -hhhhmmm
May I say , you are loooking very saucy in your NFL jersey Tigress -wwoooffff with winks ...
Oooo yes , exttreemmeelyy sexy
Wow! Spank you ladies & gentlemen for the nom & votes - woo hoo! Thanks for the winnings too Mandy, I will be expecting my 'bonus' soon *hehe* xXx :wallet::bounce:
Just pondering how I will spend my winnings... with my legs apart ready for action!!! :orangecat::glugglug:
Wow! Spank you ladies & gentlemen for the nom & votes - woo hoo! Thanks for the winnings too Mandy, I will be expecting my 'bonus' soon *hehe* xXx :wallet::bounce:
Just pondering how I will spend my winnings... with my legs apart ready for action!!! :orangecat::glugglug:
Yo! Thank you your Hybridness! I guess I better get on the .stiff train!
This one is in honor of Breaking Bad! Someone needs to give Heisenberg a blow job, cause Skyler is way to high strung for that shit. Makes me wonder how she got pregnant in the first place!