
Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
Where are the Occupy Wall Street protests heading?
By Laura Trevelyan BBC News, New York

As a man known as Mercury puts the finishing touches to his corporate zombie make up, he explains why he's joined the anti-capitalist protests here in the shadow of Wall Street.

"We are inspired by the Arab Spring. Americans have rights but they're too often apathetic."
The participants of the event are mainly protesting against social and economic inequality, corporate greed, and the influence of corporate money and lobbyists on government, among other concerns.


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"And now there is merely silence, silence, silence, saying all we did not know." - William R. Benet

"Against the State, against the Church, against the silence of the medical profession, against the whole machinery of dead institutions of the past, the woman of today arises." - Margaret Sanger

"Because in the school of the Spirit man learns wisdom through humility, knowledge by forgetting, how to speak by silence, how to live by dying." - Johannes Tauler

"Ever since I came to Congress in 1992, there are those who have been trying to silence my voice. I've been told to "sit down and shut up" over and over again. Well, I won't sit down and I won't shut up until the full and unvarnished truth is placed before the American people." - Cynthia McKinney

"Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations." - Aldous Huxley


Closed Account
Greed? Inequality? Fuck those fucking fuckers! If they want something, go earn it. Why begrudge someone who has worked for everything they have.

It's no different than the kid at school who has very little, and owns a hand-me-down bicycle, yet he hates the kid that has a nice bike.

Those protesting need to grow the fuck up. For example... walk up to any one of those punks and ask them to give you their ipod, money, or whatever, and watch them tell you no.

See what I'm saying here? They want something for nothing, but when it comes to something they own, they will be selling it on ebay or craigslist... and more than likely for a profit. So again, I say.....

"Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools." - Albert Einstein

"Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him." - Louis L'Amour

"Anger is a short madness." - Horace

"Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind." - Robert Green Ingersoll

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." - Mark Twain
Greed? Inequality? Fuck those fucking fuckers! If they want something, go earn it. Why begrudge someone who has worked for everything they have.

It's no different than the kid at school who has very little, and owns a hand-me-down bicycle, yet he hates the kid that has a nice bike.

Those protesting need to grow the fuck up. For example... walk up to any one of those punks and ask them to give you their ipod, money, or whatever, and watch them tell you no.

See what I'm saying here? They want something for nothing, but when it comes to something they own, they will be selling it on ebay or craigslist... and more than likely for a profit. So again, I say.....


Because 90% of those with the money didnt really earn it they were born into money. They have just used thier money to gain more money by using special lobbyists and taxloop holes that only the wealthy can afford to use. This whole notion that the rich work real hard is a falsehood. Yes there are a few unique people who have done that, but when even one of the super rich says that the rich have too much sway over taxation and politics, you know the system is broke.


Closed Account
Because 90% of those with the money didnt really earn it they were born into money. They have just used thier money to gain more money by using special lobbyists and taxloop holes that only the wealthy can afford to use. This whole notion that the rich work real hard is a falsehood. Yes there are a few unique people who have done that, but when even one of the super rich says that the rich have too much sway over taxation and politics, you know the system is broke.
You probably have more money, furnishings, etc., than I do. So, since you are wealthier than I am, I think it's only fair that you give me some of what you have, that I don't have. Okay? Regardless whether you earned it or inherited it.
Ok, but be prepared. She is going to want something in return when she fucks you. Like money, a place to crash when not protesting something, or a shopping spree at YOUR expense, etc.

Hypocrites the lot of them! ;)

Being a cynic may be a virtue to some. And some times they get high accolade for that. But disrespect and that too being off-topic is something that indicates not cynicism but something else.

See people suffering for no fault of theirs, see a country suffer because they are robbed daily of their natural resources and then being doled out a miniscule fraction of the loot in the name of help and humanity, then, only then, the cynics come in hordes to justify the loot. And to talk about generosity.
Because 90% of those with the money didnt really earn it they were born into money.



Just have a look please.
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█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
You probably have more money, furnishings, etc., than I do. So, since you are wealthier than I am, I think it's only fair that you give me some of what you have, that I don't have. Okay? Regardless whether you earned it or inherited it.
It's not about the rich giving their possessions to the poor, as you simply and inaccurately make it out to be. It's about the corrupt system favoring the wealthy at every turn. The people are paying taxes out the ass to cover their bailout, if anything they're taking from the lower and middle class with the help of our trusted "democratic" government.


Closed Account
It's not about the rich giving their possessions to the poor, as you simply and inaccurately make it out to be. It's about the corrupt system favoring the wealthy at every turn.
You and the others who support these idiots protesting, more than likely voted for Obama. "Share the Wealth", remember???


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
You and the others who support these idiots protesting, more than likely voted for Obama. "Share the Wealth", remember???
Derpy derp Obama herpy derp share the wealth derpy derp socialism.

Feels like you're missing the entire point of why they are protesting.


Closed Account
Because 90% of those with the money didnt really earn it they were born into money.
So what! Who are you to decide who and how much money someone should have?

Are you going to leave anything to your children or siblings when you die?

This entire premise of "the rich are evil" is sickening to say the least. Do you think the actors in Hollywood are too rich? Some get 20 million per movie right off the top before they even start to play their role. If you don't like rich people, stop watching movies, stop paying for gasoline, stop watching television, stop buying clothes and make your own. EVERYTHING you purchase is there because someone took a risk and started a business that offers a product to the masses.

Oh and by the way... shitcan your PC or Mac, your Smart Phone, your cable access, your credit cards, etc. We wouldn't want you to have things that you like to purchase while at the same time giving more money to those who went out on a limb, investing their money to make a product that YOU own and purchase regularly, now would we????
This entire premise of "the rich are evil" is sickening to say the least. Do you think the actors in Hollywood are too rich? Some get 20 million per movie right off the top before they even start to play their role. If you don't like rich people, stop watching movies, stop paying for gasoline, stop watching television, stop buying clothes and make your own. EVERYTHING you purchase is there because someone took a risk and started a business that offers a product to the masses.

This thread didn't start with a premise in mind. And definitely not the premise of "the rich are evil" as you said. It was a statement of an event provided through relevant and trustworthy News Item.

You brought in the premise.

Having money is not a fault. Hording money, is.

Using that excess money to get more money is evil as it shows that the person is not providing a social necessity by providing employment to general populace. He is now have become a psychopath whose only need is to get more money at which ever way possible.

Why US economy went for a nose dive? Why France is reported to have a zero rate of increase in GDP? Why unemployment has risen all over the world?

Don't blame the young. They will work their butt-off if they get a chance to work. But do they have that? They have education as required but their is no position available to use that education. Everyone can never be a businessman. They may not have that instinct or the opportunity.
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Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
So, luvsemlarge, please stop using any products, if you don't like the "not rich", because they are the ones who produce it all with their hands, with their work and even with their minds. (This is sarcastic. Your posts read as if this is the way one should talk to you.)

To say, "the rich" should pay the same duties as everyone else, doesn't imply I hate them. They profit the most of being part of a complex modern social system. They should be able to carry their part.

I am not talking about income, rich, poor, middle or anything. This is about disproportion. About amounts one can't spend in a lifetime, but you say one can earn and accumulate in a decade, or two or three, without the help of others. Without exploitation of any kind, without benefit from the fact other countries and other people have less money and are poor. Without profiting from living in a rich country and being rich.
If you don't like people fighting for their rights.. if a wealthy person don't want to live in a free country, where everyone has the right to protest and demand justice and fairness, then you are free to leave and go to another country. Maybe you find one where rich people don't need to act responsible and to justify their actions to the public, but still benefit from infrastructure and social peace.

So what! Who are you to decide who and how much money someone should have?
This decision is made in this very moment, this decision is made all the time. Who decides how much money you get for your work? Why not take part in this decision? The state decides how much money I have to pay for taxes. I am part of the state, I am part of this decision.

Labour disputes, strikes, protests are no communism or what you might think.
It's market economy, it's supply and demand, pluralism, advocasy.
Lobbyists got money and promissory notes. The "not rich" people got their manpower, their solidarity and their quantity.

Alright, I get it. I am sure you and the other complainers here support the idea to privatize the gain and to socialize the risks,
and calling it freedom.


Closed Account
The point is...everyone who is bitching about the wealthy being greedy, comes off as a bunch of whining children who don't accept the theory of working to get ahead in life. Was Henry Ford wealthy as a youngster? Was Bill Gates? Was Steve Jobs, Augustus Busch? Was Walt Disney wealthy when he took a chance and started Disney Land? What about Bill Hewlett and David Packard? The answer is NO. Yet they invested their lives and their savings in order to build a company. Have you ever stopped to consider how many people make a living because they work for those mentioned above? Including all the subsidiary companies who supply goods to those companies I mentioned above.

Has a poor person ever given you a job and paid you a decent living every two weeks, while offering you vacation time, sick leave, paid holidays, health insurance, stock options, etc.?

I'll say it again... if your savings amounts to let's say $5000. And your friend or even a total stranger has a savings account with $307. He would consider you better off than he is and, would you be willing to give him half of your money because you have more than he does? And what if he and others like him were camped outside your home complaining that you have a nice car, a nice house, etc., and they were calling you greedy because you have SO MUCH more than they do.

If you truly believe what the protestors are bitching about, then you should have no problem opening up your home to those who don't have a home, feed them, clothe them, and pay for their "wants", so that everyone is happy. Oh, and by the way, let's say they aren't working either. Still going to share what you and your family have to those you don't know who are out of work? Where is their incentive to work for a living when they know you will feed and house them? Are you going to take that dude with the beard and scraggly hair into your house so he can eat your food while you are at work trying to make ends meet?

I fucking doubt it!


My Penis Is Dancing!
The point is...everyone who is bitching about the wealthy being greedy, comes off as a bunch of whining children who don't accept the theory of working to get ahead in life. Was Henry Ford wealthy as a youngster? Was Bill Gates? Was Steve Jobs, Augustus Busch? Was Walt Disney wealthy when he took a chance and started Disney Land? What about Bill Hewlett and David Packard? The answer is NO. Yet they invested their lives and their savings in order to build a company. Have you ever stopped to consider how many people make a living because they work for those mentioned above? Including all the subsidiary companies who supply goods to those companies I mentioned above.

Gates was upper middle class.
Which August Busch are you referring to? Sr.? Jr.? III? IV? All were born into their positions. Maybe you are referring to the original founder? Adolphus Busch? He started his business thanks to an inheritance from the death of his father. If you are able to start an business thanks to an inheritance, you are not born middle class.
Walt Disney was filthy rich when he started Disney Land in 1955. Maybe you meant when he started as a cartoonist (if you want to be taken seriously, please begin researching your facts).
Hewlett would not have been able to attend Stanford (nor met Packard) had he not been accepted literally as a favor to his father, a Stanford medical faculty member.
Of course, you did fail to mention some kid from Chicago who grew up in a broken home to a mother who was constantly on the move - and actually raised by his grandparents. I mean, I thought you rags-to-riches guys would LOVE someone like that, but it would seem not so much.
And for every one of those success stories, you have 10 who were born into money, such as the Hiltons, Kardashians, the Bush family, the Kennedies, the McCains. And for every success story, there are literally millions who have worked hard for naught. There are also several millions who have lost their jobs and/or earnings because of the poor decisions or dishonesty by one of the financial elite.

Has a poor person ever given you a job and paid you a decent living every two weeks, while offering you vacation time, sick leave, paid holidays, health insurance, stock options, etc.?

Yes. I call them mom and dad. Millions like me have them.

I'll say it again... if your savings amounts to let's say $5000. And your friend or even a total stranger has a savings account with $307. He would consider you better off than he is and, would you be willing to give him half of your money because you have more than he does? And what if he and others like him were camped outside your home complaining that you have a nice car, a nice house, etc., and they were calling you greedy because you have SO MUCH more than they do.

What is cool about my money is that I have it in a foreign bank, where it virtually does not exist. I get to keep all of it! So, I used about a quarter of that money to pay the block president to not only decrease my property taxes, but to realign my property lines so that - on paper - my property is much, much smaller. On paper, I own an acre. In reality - about 5,000.
My friend was left with 100 bucks, after taxes, levies, health insurance and a whole butt load that he invested into a retirement plan. Don't tell him, but that 100 bucks he just invested into the retirement plan? It's mine! Shhhh.
Technically, I with my 5000 and my friend with the 300 have the same police, fire and emergency coverage. But, seriously, who are they going to help, me or some poor schmuck? And we technically have the same number of votes (1) when it comes to votes in the neighborhood...but I was able to pay off enough of the other neighbors to override his 10 to 1. What is really funny about this is that I am actually fucking over his other neighbors, too - but they are so dumb and blind when it comes to money, they cannot see I am fucking them over!
My friend works 3 jobs to get that 300 bucks, working 15 hours a day. What a dipshit! I work 7ish hours a day, but a lot of that time involves golf, travelling (some would call them vacations, but if I spend three seconds talking about my write off!), Skyping my buds, and going to five or six business meetings a day. What is great is that I have one hell of a buzz going on from those meetings, too. Some of that wine has a kick. Oh, and my friend just got fired from one of his jobs because he got drunk last night. What an idiot.
Now that he only has two jobs, I thought I would help him out. After all, I am his friend. So, I am going to loan him some money. Thirty six percent interest rate, and he doesn't have to pay for the first six months! What a deal!
Unfortunately, he was unable to make those payments. Kind of got behind. So, I game him another loan. Then a third to pay off that loan. And I just foreclosed on his house...the house I sold him!
Time to find another friend!

If you truly believe what the protestors are bitching about, then you should have no problem opening up your home to those who don't have a home, feed them, clothe them, and pay for their "wants", so that everyone is happy. Oh, and by the way, let's say they aren't working either. Still going to share what you and your family have to those you don't know who are out of work? Where is their incentive to work for a living when they know you will feed and house them? Are you going to take that dude with the beard and scraggly hair into your house so he can eat your food while you are at work trying to make ends meet?

I fucking doubt it!

If you think the above is true, then you have absolutely no concept as to what an Occupy Wall Street encampment actually is. HINT: The key word is "encampment".
Greed? Inequality? Fuck those fucking fuckers! If they want something, go earn it. Why begrudge someone who has worked for everything they have.

It's no different than the kid at school who has very little, and owns a hand-me-down bicycle, yet he hates the kid that has a nice bike.

Those protesting need to grow the fuck up. For example... walk up to any one of those punks and ask them to give you their ipod, money, or whatever, and watch them tell you no.

See what I'm saying here? They want something for nothing, but when it comes to something they own, they will be selling it on ebay or craigslist... and more than likely for a profit. So again, I say.....


How fucking blind can you be :facepalm:

They are protesting against a system that's rotten to the core. Most of the USA is owned by big corporations and politicians are bought and paid for by them. There's only one thing that rules the USA, the almighty dollar. That's what they're protesting against. Apparently you think there's nothing wrong with living in a supposedly civilized country where people die on a daily basis because they can't afford health care.

At least try to think about what your saying before just spewing anything that pops up in your obviously ignorant brain.