First off, the Koch brothers, Roger Ailes, Ron Paul, and Michele Bachman aren't establishment as too many powerful 'Republicans' (The blue blood crowd that have way too much in common with the left and think we can all get along with the Progressive idea of 'elections shouldn't matter so much.') don't like them, Dick Armey's sort of a grey area, and they didn't invent anything. Unlike the left, the Tea Party is a true grassroots uprising of people (from the right, left, and center) who have never done this sort of thing before (but have homemade signs and the American flag) and don't like the sorry state of our country that is the fault of politicians on the left and the right alike. And like I said, if the Tea Party is under the control of establishment Republicans, why are we trying to throw so many of them out and so many of them getting opposition in primaries they never used to get? Bad leadership, or insubordinate followers? Or, option three, the Tea Party is independent and the view from the left is wrong.
Second, if we're gonna talk bait and switch or using techniques to obfuscate the reality of the situation, let's talk about the left. They accuse us of the very things they actually do. They claim grassroots support of things, call us 'astroturf,' and what do they do? They bus people in and pay them, and have all kinds of people and organizations organizing people. People whose whole lives seem to be protesting one thing or another, and have professionally made signs, wave any flag but the American, and burn ours. If it was so 'grassroots,' why do they need to bus them in and pay them, or have people and organizations organize them? Not to mention they'll blame everyone and anything for anything wrong, when it's usually their fault, and accuse people of racism, bigotry, violence, and other things to distract from the real point of the debate, because they can't have it known they screwed things up and what they really believe. And as for 'bait and switch,' guess how Dems get elected? They run to the right because no one in their right mind would vote for anyone who really believes and wants what they really want, and then when they get in, they move to the left and get money for their district to keep them in.