Well their sure as shit not getting out of the wagon and pulling like everyone else.
Give them an incentive to get off their collective asses.
I am for that, but no one has come up with a brillant plan to do that, so pull out the net? There are a ton of lazy people, I agree! For every lazy person sucking off the dole there are a ton of people just trying to get by in a post-recession that wont end.
PS The very rich are still doing very well, I know you are all sick of hearing it, but the truth they are. I am not for taxing the crap out of them either, but a 2% increase, not talking 250K income would not kill them.
Jobs increased the slowest in 25 years under the Bush tax cuts and we still have them now, where are the jobs? I understand Obama has been lax in giving business in this country some faith, but what is needed? Another tax cut? I am all for rewriting tax regulations in this country, too complex! But I dont think there is a magic elixir or a tax cut that is going to make this country active again in 4-5% GDP. We will find out soon! If Obama loses and the Dems lose the house, I am all ears! Every economist or pundit has a solution, but I want to see results like every other American!